I don't think it's a switch at all. It's something going on inside of people all the time. But we learn to hide it. We learn not to talk about it, because you're not supposed to talk about it. Because people tell you to cheer up, to be happy for yourself, to count your blessings.
So quietly, you suffer, and you go on, every day, because you're supposed to be happy, and you're supposed to feel satisfied, and all this success is supposed to mean something, but you just feel empty and worthless inside, and you know you don't deserve it.
Depression doesn't care if you're rich or handsome or powerful or popular or surrounded by people who worship you. Why would you think it does? Does diabetes care if you're rich? Does cancer care if you have a TV show or a bestselling book?
We still don't take it seriously as a disease. We say, "How can someone with such a life be depressed," because we still think, well, they should just *choose* to be happy. As if people wouldn't choose that option if they could.
All you can do is just try to manage it. And sometimes, you lose that battle. Sometimes, the depression just wears you down, and you're so tired of feeling so sh!tty, of feeling like nothing matters, of feeling like you're worthless and unworthy of love, that you'd rather just not be alive anymore.
But please don't view it as a reflection of who these people are. It's not. It's the disease.
Get help if you can. Go to therapy. Get treatment. It can help. It's helped me.
But it doesn't help everyone. And we need to look at it honestly as a disease.
Well put. Some people just struggle with feeling depressed and just can't shake it. Many who struggle with substance abuse try to do anything so that they don't feel this horrible feeling that they just can't seem to shake. For some their depression doesn't seem to align with their life's circumstances. I have a friend who seems to have everything a guy would want, but he just struggles all the time with this.
I'm actually going through a really difficult time right now, I don't want to get into it, but it is a very real situation I'm in, and I'm often struggling where there just isn't an immediate option that will make me happy and take away some of the deep dark feelings that I'm wrestling with at the moment. I've never had a problem with substance abuse or drinking, but I completely understand now why some people go down that route, and even suicide, because they'll do anything that will take away the deep feelings of desperation.
Now I happen to be a person who has strong faith in God who believes that He works all things out for his glory and our good even though I don't always feel that way or understand why things happen the way they do. Frankly, I don't know how people get through really difficult situations without faith, since so much in life is out of our control. You can have all the money in the world but it can't take away a deadly disease, bring back the death of a loved one, make someone love you, rid oneself of clinical depression, etc.
It's extremely sad and heartbreaking when someone gets to the point where they feel the only way out is to take their own life. It is a very selfish and desperate act that leaves those around them in a lot of pain. It's very sad when those who take their own life failed seek out help, which is often readily available. Though there are some that have explored many options for their depression and nothing seem to work.
For me, and again I know not everyone believes how I do, there is something very powerful about having a God that loves us just as we are, even with all our flaws and brokenness. That there's no circumstance or bad decision that can ever separate us from his love. I think everyone wants to feel valued and loved. Those who take their lives, feel they are worthless. Many, not saying all, have had some significant abuse in their life at some point in time that they've never been able to come to grips with. They often believe the lies that were forced on them by those who abused them or wounded them deeply.
Fortunately, I've met many who have overcome a lot of darkness in their life by embracing the faith that I'm talking about, and are living amazing lives now.
I'm sure there are many who are reading this thread and feel a lot of desperation about their lives. I encourage anyone who feels that way, go and talk to someone that they know who has a lot of faith in God and has overcome some big challenges in their lives. You might just find the freedom from what you've been wrestling with for a very long time.
Anyhow, I completely empathize with those who are struggling with depression, may it be the result of some really difficult circumstances, or just something they struggle with. I just hope that those who do, seek out some sort of help. If anyone is interested in a faith-based program, there's one call Celebrate Recovery. You can look it up on the internet and probably find some locations that have the program, but you're welcome to send me a private IM and I'd be glad to tell you about the program and point you in the right direction.