Between ages 9-12, I was a huge Presidents of the United States of America fan and listening to them 20+ years later, their stuff still holds up and I enjoy rocking out to them every once in a while.
Sounds funny to say, but they were very influential to me as a kid and their songs were some of the first songs I learned how to play on guitar. My friend Ian was a big fan of the band too, and we were in a band together in our teens and early 20s. In 4th grade, I have fond memories of going over to his house and, along with his older brother two years our senior, we'd pretend we were in this band, air-guitarring and singing along to their cd's.
I love their twangy, garage-y type sounds and they sound kinda like a sugar-coated Morphine in the sense that there are five strong in total between the two guitar players. Their level of imagination for a bunch of grown men is pretty impressive.
One of my favorite songs by them is "Bath of Fire".
presidents of the united statesalbum- II