Official Start Boyle Based on Overinterpreting Garbage Time Thread | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Official Start Boyle Based on Overinterpreting Garbage Time Thread

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Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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It blows my mind how they don't block up front but catch the ball for Whitmer and do the total opposite for Boyle.
Oct 20, 2013
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Ok guys I'm new here. So be gentile. I'm gonna give you one reason why he shouldn't get a lot of reps this year. It has been mentioned a few times in different threads. The O line. He is our quarterback of the future. Of the 3 quarterbacks he has the most raw talent. You don't want to get him killed or a string of concussions before the oline and the rest of the team has a chance to mature and get better. Let him watch and learn and get the occasional snap.


Loving life & enjoying the ride, despite the bumps
Aug 26, 2011
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Whitmer gave it his best shot. But that pick when we were coming off the stop killed us. It was everything bad about Whitmer all balled together in one play. He has to be the #2 for the rest of the year.

this, every big spot, this

a turnover machine that doesn't make quick reads and gets sacked for too much because of such

he pulls down the ball and tries to run and he can't run, it's just a bad combination, it just doesn't work

I'm really surprised there are so many defenders still 30 or 40 games later, we saw what somebody else can do when he was benched last year

I'm resigned to giving Diaco time to build his program
Dec 28, 2011
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Ok guys I'm new here. So be gentile. I'm gonna give you one reason why he shouldn't get a lot of reps this year. It has been mentioned a few times in different threads. The O line. He is our quarterback of the future. Of the 3 quarterbacks he has the most raw talent. You don't want to get him killed or a string of concussions before the oline and the rest of the team has a chance to mature and get better. Let him watch and learn and get the occasional snap.

You really are new here, your post posted about 6 times.
Aug 26, 2011
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Whitmers problem is what they have always been. The slightest pressure or sign of the pocket being pushed back and he takes his eyes off the receivers down filed, looks down at the rush. He also locked in on receivers on both the Davis touchdown and int to foxx. He does have a ton of heart. Gets up after every hit and doesn't appear to point fingers at the ol.
Aug 26, 2011
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We've seen Whitmer play about as good as he can play. He's not terrible but when it comes down to it he can't make the throws. When they get there, if they get there it takes too long. The arm strength isn't there. He made a few good decisions, and the blocking was inconsistent again, but in all honesty we're not going bowling if this continues. Boyle has the better arm, is stronger and faster. What he needs is experience and now is the time to do it. I don't expect it next week even though the sooner the better IMO, but sooner rather than later. We need to begin the future because it's coming whether we like it or not.
Nov 25, 2012
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This is how 90% of plays with Whitmer transpire: Me saying "He's got enough time to make a throw there" thennnnn he runs into a sack.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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Whitmer's a quarterback who lacks arm strength, accuracy and mobility. And he's also incredibly prone to game-changing mistakes - he's the same player he was in 2012. If the game is close and he's under pressure, he will throw the game away.

Big heart, bad instincts.

Play Boyle.
Sep 11, 2011
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Ok guys I'm new here. So be gentile. I'm gonna give you one reason why he shouldn't get a lot of reps this year. It has been mentioned a few times in different threads. The O line. He is our quarterback of the future. Of the 3 quarterbacks he has the most raw talent. You don't want to get him killed or a string of concussions before the oline and the rest of the team has a chance to mature and get better. Let him watch and learn and get the occasional snap.

Will the o line be better next year?


Aussie Aussie Aussie!
Aug 26, 2011
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Ok guys I'm new here. So be gentile. I'm gonna give you one reason why he shouldn't get a lot of reps this year. It has been mentioned a few times in different threads. The O line. He is our quarterback of the future. Of the 3 quarterbacks he has the most raw talent. You don't want to get him killed or a string of concussions before the oline and the rest of the team has a chance to mature and get better. Let him watch and learn and get the occasional snap.

Sorry, I can't - I'm Jewish.


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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And what does that do for the program?

The most important outcome for this program this season is to make a bowl game. As long as that remains in play, the QB that gives us the best chance at winning should start. And right now that's Chandler. Garbage time is garbage time for a reason. His one series during the run of play was among the worst of the day.

Today I'm looking for a new Free Safety, a Linebacker, and a few Offensive Linemen before I'm looking for a new QB.
Aug 30, 2011
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I'm officially in the play Boyle camp. He's got the footwork down now (big improvement from last year).

Boyle is the future, so lets get the future started.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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I've said my piece about where I think Whitmer's talent level is and where I think he should be on our QB depth chart in the past. But to be fair to Chandler, we did not lose today because of Whitmer. I thought he played fairly well actually. At this point, he's never going to lose the happy feet so sacks/negative plays are all but a guarantee when opposing defenses decide to blitz. But he had 2 INTs today and neither were horrible. The first was the right read, just under thrown by a foot (plus the defender made a heckuva diving play for the INT). The second was a completion to Davis and the ball was ripped out of his hands.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Today I'm looking for a new Free Safety, a Linebacker, and a few Offensive Linemen before I'm looking for a new QB.

Obi was horrendous today. The first Boise TD was 150% on him. #2 was jogging open from the 20 yard on in. The pass interference call on him in the 2nd half was equally bad. His pursuit angles have gotten worse, not better. I like what I see from Summers (good in run support too). Need to make a change back there I think.
Sep 23, 2011
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Whitmer actually looked fine today. Boyle was okay in that last series but we did not lose this game because of Whitmer.

Our line did not protect the qb. Whitmer had some nice TD's BUT he didn't close the deal. The 1st interception in the 4th quarter was a telegraphed throw and the second although Geremy got stripped, the ball was put in a vulnerable position to be picked. Also a couple of passes were under thrown in the flat. Sorry but that should not be the performance of a 5th year senior when the game is in the balance.

I personally want to see Boyle as the starter and Chandler as back up. I think Boyle will get progressively better and we will have an experienced QB for 2015. I have seen enough! Boyle has a rifle - lets use it now!


Your stupidity is ruining my country.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm officially in the play Boyle camp. He's got the footwork down now (big improvement from last year).

Boyle is the future, so lets get the future started.

I've yet to see Boyle do anything except make two passes against a prevent defense. I'm not bailing on the season (again) so we can play musical QB's and end up right back where we started. With a below average QB playing behind a horrible Oline with no running game. WTF are you backup groupies expecting to happen? Boyle has a stronger arm and MAY be more accurate but there is more to it than that.
Sep 23, 2011
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Obi was horrendous today. The first Boise TD was 150% on him. #2 was jogging open from the 20 yard on in. The pass interference call on him in the 2nd half was equally bad. His pursuit angles have gotten worse, not better. I like what I see from Summers (good in run support too). Need to make a change back there I think.
I agree, too much confusion. Obi looked better last year! Could it be the new system?


Aussie Aussie Aussie!
Aug 26, 2011
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ESPN showed highlights of the game and mentioned that the team played well other than the TO's.

They then made a reference to the dropped TD at the end of the 4th quarter which they thought might be of interest to certain people.

Whaler, I think they were talking to you...


Whitmer's a quarterback who lacks arm strength, accuracy and mobility. And he's also incredibly prone to game-changing mistakes - he's the same player he was in 2012. If the game is close and he's under pressure, he will throw the game away.

Big heart, bad instincts.

Play Boyle.

Quite frankly, I agree. Boyle played two lousy series today and the few people that remained in the stadium saw the best throws of the day. It's really a no brainer.
Sep 23, 2011
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Not by a long stretch. Whitmer is not responsible for more than 1 sack. Can't replace the OLine though. Whitmer has yet to prove that he can get through a game without a couple TOs though, so from that standpoint, there's not much upside unless Boyle just isn't going to ever start here. I don't think that's the case though. He did, at least, look a little composed today. Let's see if he's made a leap from last year.

We've lost enough good qb prospects because of average senior qbs. We lost Michael Nebrick to Fordham because of Johnny Macatee and Lagow and Kivon Taylor left. Put Tim Boyle in as the starter now. Whitmer is useable good qb but he is by no means great. I want UCONN to be great. We will be better in 2015 if Boyle is named the starter. Not throwing in the towel. I just think we will do as good, if not better with Boyle!


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Quite frankly, I agree. Boyle played two lousy series today and the few people that remained in the stadium saw the best throws of the day. It's really a no brainer.

Noel Thomas' drop on the slant was worse than Bradley's in the end zone but, yeah, both were VERY catchable balls. Boyle his Thomas in the chest on a slant and Bradley had a perfectly thrown fade route that hit him in the hands. Granted, the last drive was only of interest to the degenerates out there (like me!) but UCONN should have had a garbage time TD.
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