Yeah there were injuries, still are. But we also had AG for a lot of healthy games, a better grad transfer in Smith than Antoine Anderson and Carlton/Polley are better, even Cobb in a couple games. So while I have no doubt he's doing it right and will bring the program back, if you're happy having the same year as last you're lying a little. You have to be a little disappointed there weren't a few wins closed that came down to the wire, we're Husky fans. I agree with Fishy but understand Travelman also.
Dan Hurley has appreciably more to work with this year than KO had last season. I am not saying that KO was an effective coach the past 2 seasons and there are justifiable reasons for him to go. But at the same time, if Dan Hurley was the absolute "have to get", I find it very hard to understand why the results are the same or worse in some areas.
There is a letter to the editor in the Courant today that echoes the sentiments I have heard from many longtime fans who have had season tickets for over 30 years and have deep pockets. I don't agree with some of what the author penned but the overall sentiment have been sung by many that I know and have known for decades.
I think Hurley seems capable to turn the program around. He needs to be able to recruit the right kids, coach the techniques and tactics that most lack coming out of high/prep school because if you can't defend or rebound you are not going to win. I haven't seen any improvement in rebounding or defense in 27 odd games and to be frank that concerns me. However the question I have is who is the right kid? Will the elite want to play in a non P5 conference? Can he convince them that he can get them to the next level? Or does he go for the better 3* and keep them for 3-4 years and recruit for roles vs the athleticism and if he does will that give him enough to compete in the AAC and an aggressive non conference schedule? I don't know, is this the dilemma most coaches in the P6 group are struggling with now? What makes it harder for Dan Hurley is that UConn has won 4 NCs and that should place them in the blueblood arena - how can he get it there again. He has a tough job and I don't envy him but I did expect improvement and an increase in performance levels this year.
I agree with Fish that the season is a done deal and it has been for quite some time. I have hope for the program and will continue to renew my season tickets and give the money that I have budgeted to the program as well as the soccer and baseball programs. Hurley needs time and time will tell if he can do what he is adamant he can accomplish. I am going to be honest and say that I expected more than what I have seen this year and expect improvement in wins and performance every ensuing year. I think we all do.
On to next year and hopes of a winning record and some post season play.