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And the State of CT is sitting on budget surpluses.Chump change. They’ll make it back in three years.
And the State of CT is sitting on budget surpluses.Chump change. They’ll make it back in three years.
This would probably drive Big Ten support for playoff expansion out to 8-12-16, as many of the "old-money" schools would be left ineligible for whatever rump-bowl system remained.Would this represent the in conference records for the bottom tier teams in the B1G? Some teams will need to get used to losing, not everyone is going 9-1.
Not a great time for UConn with all this going on having an interim President not that there is anything actionable until we see the ACC break GOR and lose at least 2 but probably need 4 members leaving before UConn comes into play.
Not a great time for UConn with all this going on having an interim President not that there is anything actionable until we see the ACC break GOR and lose at least 2 but probably need 4 members leaving before UConn comes into play.
WVU and Cincy. UCF if Miami/FSU both bolt the ACC.Who do you have ahead of us?
… and the actual real world value of schools outside what their fans think they are.All of these fantasy realignment scenarios forget the bottom line
college football fan@Genetics56 · 1h
It's going to be a wild week. A lot of schools have emergency board meetings.
Greg Flugaur@flugempire · 47m
Excerpts @Minnesota247
“…there is one ACC school, per BTM, who has made some serious internal inquiries on creating process to negotiate buyout with Athletic Coast Conference using yearly installments spread out over ____ amount of years. The school is University of Miami.” 1/4
Greg Flugaur@flugempire · 46m
“The payout would be in hundreds of millions. How much could Miami Fl negotiate the price downward? What leverage would Miami Fl use to negotiate price downward? We don’t know.
Why is Miami Fl the ACC school who is perceived to be taking the lead on this costly endeavor?” 2/4
Greg Flugaur@flugempire · 45m
“…number on the total payout would be enormous. Much greater number than Notre Dame’s cost to get out of their ACC GOR which is tied to only the ACC Network payouts and not to entire yearly ACC Conference payouts” 3/4
Greg Flugaur@flugempire · 43m
“It may turn out this story grows no legs because Miami Fl decides not to proceed…but there was enough here at this time to go forward with heads up.
Where did the story originate?
You guessed it correctly. Once again boosters talk to boosters.” 4/4
MH ver3@MH ver3 · 1h
Morning tidbits: Fox is done with Pac12 as an entity and has no plans to even bid on a new tv contract. Boise State is making a lot of noise wanting B12 to reopen their application. CBS and NBC expected to be huge players for the next B12 contract in addition to ESPN and Fox
MH ver3@MH ver3 · 1h
ACC source telling me this morning that the school they work for has exhaustively ran the numbers and when compared to the windfall of SEC or B1G tv money the financial risk is outweighed by the future reward. And that’s before a likely settlement to reduce the impact.
MH ver3@MH ver3 · 1h
The plan to fight the GOR in court is to claim it was signed under duress and that the contract is unconscionable
MH ver3@MH ver3 · 1h
They feel a strong enough case can be made to net a much reduced penalty for breaking the contract.
MH ver3@MH ver3 · 47m
Also learning there is a possible scenario where Oregon gets a B10 invite and Washington does not. And it could be why no announcement on either has happened yet.
MH ver3@MH ver3 · 46m
There is a possibility that B1G lands ND without the Stanford carrot and could possibly only add ND and Oregon and stop at 18 for now.
MH ver3@MH ver3 · 45m
That scenario was floated by Fox. The desire of B10 is to bring both Washington and Oregon into the fold but Fox is balking at overpaying for both west coast schools considering the actual value they bring.
Historically, the ACC has had less interest in West Virginia than they have had in us. We’ve been the runner-up on two occasions. They’ve never seriously considered WVU. There’s reasons for that. Their population numbers are miserable. Granted, West Virginia is a much better football team than we are, but if FSU leaves, maybe that’s not the overriding concern. There’s been a lot of rumors that there is considerable buyers remorse on taking Louisville. That would seem to make them far more cautious about taking West Virginia. Cincinnati? They’ve been good lately, but how sexy of a pick is that to other ACC schools? Also, does the big 12 have a grant of rights? UCF I can actually see if they lost both Miami and FSU.WVU and Cincy. UCF if Miami/FSU both bolt the ACC.
The article gives it away. The corner schools are worth AT LEAST as much as the Big 12 schools. If that is the case, and UO/UW/Cal/Stanford are staying and worth even more, why would the corner schools leave? It makes no sense.
Say they pass on the big12 and those 4 schools go to the big ten. Then what?
They rebuild having already added the top of the Big XII. The rest of that league will still be available as the money would be less in the next Big XII deal without Tex. Tech, Ok. State, Kansas and Houston.Say they pass on the big12 and those 4 schools go to the big ten. Then what?
The only dead weight in the Pac-12 is OSU and WSU. Most of the Big 12 is dead weight.I think Colorado, Utah and the Arizona schools were flat out told no by the Big10 (same as Washington St and Oregon St) and are talking to the Big12 as a fall back if there are any more defections.
Who has the most dead weight compared to the other out of the Big 12 and PAC? That will determine who will be the winner will be.
I wasn't thinking in terms of who is ahead of us. That may play a factor, but more in terms of if they only lose FSU and Clemson, they probably wouldn't add anymore being already at 15, prob need to get down to 10 where it will be an absolute necessity.Who do you have ahead of us?
Difficult to answer when you don't know who is availableWho do you have ahead of us?
Brkaway goal = 2024college football fan@Genetics56 · 28m
Source: "the hold up with Oregon and Washington is disagreement with what they (FOX vs Big Ten) want to pay them per year. Fox does not feel those two schools are worth the full payout. We aren't talking reduced pay for a 6-year entry period."
Mickey McGuire@micmcgee · 8m
Replying to @Genetics56
This is confusing. Who isn’t talking reduced pay - because it sounds like Fox and B1G are? Is this from the point of view of both Oregon and UW? They would actually turn down B1G unless they got full share? That seems silly considering half share is still more than PAC deal
college football fan@Genetics56 · 6m
FOX feels their value is not worth the full payout after the buyin period.
college football fan@Genetics56 · 27m
Source: "Notre Dame's value is so large, which is north of $300M per year, that they (the Big Ten AND FOX) can eat up the losses. But the Big Ten and FOX will not take Stanford, California, Oregon and Washington. That is off the table."
college football fan@Genetics56 · 27m
Source: "Pete Thamel is correct with his information that Washington and Oregon to the Big Ten is not a slam dunk. They ARE dependent on Notre Dame. However, a certain billionaire could buy Oregon's way into the Big Ten by themselves alone."
college football fan@Genetics56 · 24m
Source: "the pecking order for the Big Ten for the ACC schools are Virginia and North Carolina. FOX wants North Carolina, Clemson, Florida State and Miami."
college football fan@Genetics56 · 26m
Source: "Notre Dame to the Big Ten - there is an agreement between the Big Ten and FOX for paying the normal entry payout to Oregon and/or Washington, and/or Stanford."
TMAC@Tmacreactz · 16m
What’s your source lol
college football fan@Genetics56 · 8m
inside the big ten at an ad office
college football fan@Genetics56 · 13m
7/5/2022. Big Ten/FOX want 24 to 28 schools. FOX is not keen on adding OR and WA due to pay value. OR + WA +Stanf. r dependt on ND. ND lds to OR/Stanfd. Big Ten for the ACC schols are VA and NC (GA Tech behind 2). FOX wants NC, Clemson, FSU, and Miami. Brkaway goal = 2024
Cincy might be happy staying in a "merged" Big 12/Pac 10.WVU and Cincy. UCF if Miami/FSU both bolt the ACC.
Need to show value. 4-8 then 6-6 with a bowl along with a final four appearance will do the trick, I think.Brkaway goal = 2024
Gives Mora two years to turn things around.