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Non-Key Tweets


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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Show some respect for the MTSU Blue Raiders... after all they do lead the all-time series vs football powerhouse Memphis (17-9)

They clubbed us once at Memorial - it was like 52-3 at the half.


King Shizzle DCCLXXXVII of the Cesspool
Oct 19, 2015
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Please provide the quote from Blauds saying they came to us first.
The first line, plus Benedict mentioned that we would wait for Big 12 contact. Obviously, we don't know if Benedict was fibbing.
Nov 19, 2014
Reaction Score
Cincinnati's "insider" on 247 confirming Cincinnati is invited. I can't tell if he thinks the Big 12 is going to 12 or 14 from his post though. He implies that all the additions will be eastern. Not sure what that means for BYU.

I've heard the same thing this evening from my connection who told me Sunday that Cincy and Byu were already invited. He had said then that Cincy would join in 2017 and Byu in 2018 so i would say if this is true it would at least seem they plan on going to 14. The question would be whom the 14th would be. Clearly though if Memphis is in the mix they are back filling with teams closer to Wv.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
We're in. If the Big 12 came to us first (as according to Blauds), we are in a position of strength and leverage. They want us because of TV. This is probably a negotiation of how much they can milk us for.
Please provide the quote from Blauds saying they came to us first.
The first line, plus Benedict mentioned that we would wait for Big 12 contact. Obviously, we don't know if Benedict was fibbing.

First two sentences from MB's article:r
?? NEWPORT, R.I.–According to sources familiar to the situation, the Big 12 Conference has contacted the University of Connecticut to discuss setting up a meeting to gauge the school’s interest in joining the Big 12.

Big 12 officials have reportedly sent similar messages to several other schools.??
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
First two sentences from MB's article:
?? NEWPORT, R.I.–According to sources familiar to the situation, the Big 12 Conference has contacted the University of Connecticut to discuss setting up a meeting to gauge the school’s interest in joining the Big 12.

Big 12 officials have reportedly sent similar messages to several other schools.??
yeah Blauds never said "first"


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Why would he say that if we are gonna be in? And if we are gonna be in, why did no one tell him?
Things that make you go Hmmmn:

Diaco said. “There’s not a person on the planet who would say, yeah I’m dying to fly 2,000 miles.”

Provo to Storrs
2323.1 mi (36 hrs 9 mins)
Aug 29, 2015
Reaction Score
Things that make you go Hmmmn:

Diaco said. “There’s not a person on the planet who would say, yeah I’m dying to fly 2,000 miles.”

Provo to Storrs
2323.1 mi (36 hrs 9 mins)

I want to believe


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction Score
We think Diaco consulted google maps before he spoke?
Bah. Diaco doesn't need Google maps. He knows the distance to every P5 and G5 school. The man does his prep work!
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Diaco said. “There’s not a person on the planet who would say, yeah I’m dying to fly 2,000 miles.”
... unless you've grown a bit too accustomed to flying 4X the distance ... Emirates or Cathay help, but they're not flying for our Big 12 games. ;)
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
So how exactly won't the human reaction on the other side not color their decisions. Are they going to want to be partners again on anything but their own terms?

I got what you are saying. What you are missing is the Big XII's contract runs through 2025. There isn't another negotiation to be had near term. If you think decade old hurt feelings are worth taking less than you can, when the principles involved are just as likely to be in different roles, I would argue that you are mistaken.

It's one thing to be worried about hurting feelings for a negotiation due in a few months or even a few years, but worrying in 2016, about hurt feelings in 2025, is foolish. Particularly if as most analysis predict we continue to see a shift away from traditional cable based media, towards other outlets.

For your concerns to be relevant you have to assume that the same people remain in the same roles, remember 9 years of disappointment about a contract they willingly signed, and that the market still only has the same two players, 9 years from now. I'm fairly comfortable that at least one if not more of those variables will have changed in the intervening timeframe.
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
To put it another way. If you were under contract with your employer for 9 more years and contractually entitled to a 40% raise now, how anxious would you be to forgo all or part of that raise under the assumption that your company will remember your kindness 9 years earlier and make it worth your while on your next deal?

Perhaps you would.. I love my job, but I don't trust my or any company to make up the difference or even for the folks to whom I made the commitment to still be around or in a position to take care of me, as a result I wouldn't be quite so altruistic.


It's what I do. I drink and I know things.
Aug 16, 2013
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The feces is hitting the fan. There was a post on Oklahoma's 24/7 site claiming that Colorado was coming back to the Big12. Basically said that CU was approached and is onboard. Also claimed that Mizzou and Nebraska was approached as well. One was interested while the other basically said off. They wouldn't say which is which.

An extension of the GoR and a big fat raise are included in this.

Oct 11, 2011
Reaction Score
  • Here are his posts:
  • Jul 31, 9:51 PMFor months now, many of you have come onto the board and beat the same drum about how we need to leave the Big Twelve, this is a dead conference, we need to leave, Texas sucks (okay, that one is true), no more Texas teams or the GOR will be our downfall.

    There have been a handful of folks who have posted accurate information that has been downvoted into oblivion simply because some of you mugs don't understand how this works. To date, everything I have posted (and a few other choice posters) has been 100% accurate - even to the disgust and dismay of some of the armchair quarterbacks on the board. Well, your downvotes ready cause here comes another serving of "this is going to happen whether you like it or not."

    The Big Twelve is going to expand to 14 teams and the lucky four winners of the expansion lottery will be announced soon. Although the presidents have yet to make their final decisions, there is a strong possibility that Colorado is coming back. They are very interested and a group of CU alumni are working to pool the amount of money together to pay the buyout and lost television dollars in order to make it happen. They have been given a deadline to raise the money and sign on the dotted line. More on that one soon.

    Nebraska and Missouri have both listened to conversations about coming back. The only information I have on this is that one of them is somewhat interested and the other said "f..k off." I will leave it up to you which one said which.

    The Big Twelve stands to receive an additional billion dollars if the conference expands to 14 teams - and the teams we add are absolutely irrelevant to the discussion. (We could add North Texas or Notre Dame and it wouldn't mean a damn thing to the expansion dollar deal.) This amount, coupled with the television deal as it stands, would make the Big Twelve the second highest lucrative deal (and put us behind the first place conference by a mere $800 thousand per team over the life of the contract. That being said, that ain't much behind first....but... (now, read this carefully....) The conference gets the additional billion dollars for adding four teams regardless of whom they are.

    Now....hold on to your g-strings....

    If the Big Twelve extends the GOR, the additional Billion dollars could nearly DOUBLE over the course of the next five years.

    Get your down votes ready....

    Expect that one week prior to the season onset, the four teams will be publicly announced and a conference game will be slated for 2017 with divisions set up. In addition, expect the announcement that the GOR has been extended an additional decade and, due to the increase to 14 teams (and the extension), the Big Twelve will officially have the most lucrative television deal (beating the SEC) in place.

    Have a nice day, folks and BOOMER!
  • Aug 1, 12:26 AM22022.....

    The billion dollars comes from the original television contract we signed back when. I don't have the specifics other than it doesn't matter who we add. (My sources gave me the 'we could add Sam Houston or Notre Dame and there wouldn't be any difference in terms of the current contractual television revenues' remark.)

    Now this whole thing could blow up but my contacts have said its all pretty much a done deal except finalizing who the four teams would be that are getting the invitations.
Here is the most recent info I have confirmed through folks that are directly involved... PLEASE don't shoot the messenger with downvotes as I am just providing the info, NOT saying this is what I want to have happen.

1. The networks kicking back over not wanting expansion is completely accurate. They don't want to have the pay the additional billion dollars so they have ponied up additional monies to give each team provided the conference stays at 10 teams.
2. The networks are offering said money because the lawyers on the side of the networks have all agreed they (the networks) don't have a leg to stand on should it go to court (regarding paying the Big Twelve the additional monies upon our expansion).
3. Regarding the above, the legal team that wrote the GOR television deal is the same team that wrote the conference contracts for the GOR as well. It was once again reiterated to me by one of our own athletic directors that the GOR was essentially constructed to "sign away the constitutional rights of each school to guarantee compliance and faith toward the agreement" and he went on to state that the document "ensures that it is so financially risky for any team to attempt to move out of the GOR agreement that the fines alone would ensure that no campus would even attempt it." It's akin to a single human being denouncing their constitutional right to go to court to decide something. I know it's odd - and stupid (for lack of a better term), but every university president signed the thing.
4. Today a movement was begun that was aimed at our expansion and a potential television network. The TV guys are seemingly "willing" to back off the "we don't want the Big Twelve to expand" talk if - I said IF - the conference was unilaterally willing to extend the GOR an additional decade (thereby ensuring the teams are guaranteed to stay put and the conference dissolution talk would cease.)
5. Examples of the above (#4) were given that adding teams today that may not pack a punch (with their names or their past history), by those teams being in the Big Twelve they will grow into national brands. Those examples included TCU and Baylor. When they entered the conference, people thought TCU was a joke and Baylor was a mess. The Big Twelve allowed those two brands to grow (athletically) and each of them were a microcosm from playing for a national championship two years ago.
6. Regarding the "why the hell would Colorado want to go back to the Big Twelve" talk as well as the "I'm a CU alumnus and I haven't heard nothin about this," my response is 'you don't need to hear about it.' Keep in mind that nobody - and I mean NOBODY saw Missouri leaving for the SEC when they did. People keep their cards to their vests over this kind of stuff. Does that mean that CU will come back? No. But I assure you the information provided in the post a few days ago was, and is, accurate. Things are still progressing on their end.
7. The potential expansion movement, regardless of what talk radio chirps about, is absolutely not a money grab. The presidents do NOT want the Big Twelve to fold. Nobody wants to leave (including Boren) the conference. Why? Get ready for this....again - don't shoot the messenger....
8. The powers that be (whomever they are in the athletic department) as well as President Boren, do not believe we can "consistently be in the running for national championships if we are members of another conference, regardless of the conference we go to." (And yes, guys, that is a direct quote.)

At this point, that is all the insight I have at the moment. If I was a betting man, as of today, I still expect the expansion to happen and I do believe the GOR will be extended.

As long as you mugs want more inside info, I will continue to post what I am told.

Oct 11, 2011
Reaction Score
And: musn't be paying attention to what I have written over the past few months. The Big Twelve GOR is iron-clad and unescapable. The other conferences don't have near the buyout nor the legal language we have in ours. Remember, our GOR was designed to make it excape-proof. Now, I know we have lawyers on here that would say "there is no such thing as an escape proof contract" but I am telling you this contract basically says each member school is waiving their right to use the justice system to get out of the contract. Does that make sense to you? At the time our GOR was written, the member institutions needed stability, which is why the document was written the way it was.

Lastly, I could not care less if this passes your smell test or not. My sources are in Castiglione's office and were in the meetings today. I stand by my sources 100% - (and yes, I mean sources pleural).


from Vince Lombardi's home town
Sep 17, 2011
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So is this Fox green lighting the PAC 12 to take Houston and School X? Houston on an island is tough for Houston. But good for Fox.

UH fans think every P5 conference in the country wants them. They've taken all leave of their senses.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
To put it another way. If you were under contract with your employer for 9 more years and contractually entitled to a 40% raise now, how anxious would you be to forgo all or part of that raise under the assumption that your company will remember your kindness 9 years earlier and make it worth your while on your next deal?

Perhaps you would.. I love my job, but I don't trust my or any company to make up the difference or even for the folks to whom I made the commitment to still be around or in a position to take care of me, as a result I wouldn't be quite so altruistic.

It's not even close to the same thing.

For one - I have many different potential employers. Two - a 40% raise for me isn't $800 million dollars.

You can act like time will heal the wounds. Except they will be making the addional $80 million dollars payments in each year until 2025. At ESPN specifically the cost-cutting it generates will create institutional memory no matter who is at the table for them in 2025.

I'm not saying they should or shouldn't do it. I'm saying there is a risk that they could really hurt themselves in the long term by making the short term cash grab.

Of course I want them to do it - that doesn't mean there isn't a risk on their part.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
To put it another way. If you were under contract with your employer for 9 more years and contractually entitled to a 40% raise now, how anxious would you be to forgo all or part of that raise under the assumption that your company will remember your kindness 9 years earlier and make it worth your while on your next deal?

Perhaps you would.. I love my job, but I don't trust my or any company to make up the difference or even for the folks to whom I made the commitment to still be around or in a position to take care of me, as a result I wouldn't be quite so altruistic.

One other thing: TV stood behind them and didn't reduce the payment when Missouri and A&M left. That is only going to make the situation even more bitter.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
  • Here are his posts:
  • Jul 31, 9:51 PMFor months now, many of you have come onto the board and beat the same drum about how we need to leave the Big Twelve, this is a dead conference, we need to leave, Texas sucks (okay, that one is true), no more Texas teams or the GOR will be our downfall.

    There have been a handful of folks who have posted accurate information that has been downvoted into oblivion simply because some of you mugs don't understand how this works. To date, everything I have posted (and a few other choice posters) has been 100% accurate - even to the disgust and dismay of some of the armchair quarterbacks on the board. Well, your downvotes ready cause here comes another serving of "this is going to happen whether you like it or not."

    The Big Twelve is going to expand to 14 teams and the lucky four winners of the expansion lottery will be announced soon. Although the presidents have yet to make their final decisions, there is a strong possibility that Colorado is coming back. They are very interested and a group of CU alumni are working to pool the amount of money together to pay the buyout and lost television dollars in order to make it happen. They have been given a deadline to raise the money and sign on the dotted line. More on that one soon.

    Nebraska and Missouri have both listened to conversations about coming back. The only information I have on this is that one of them is somewhat interested and the other said "f..k off." I will leave it up to you which one said which.

    The Big Twelve stands to receive an additional billion dollars if the conference expands to 14 teams - and the teams we add are absolutely irrelevant to the discussion. (We could add North Texas or Notre Dame and it wouldn't mean a damn thing to the expansion dollar deal.) This amount, coupled with the television deal as it stands, would make the Big Twelve the second highest lucrative deal (and put us behind the first place conference by a mere $800 thousand per team over the life of the contract. That being said, that ain't much behind first....but... (now, read this carefully....) The conference gets the additional billion dollars for adding four teams regardless of whom they are.

    Now....hold on to your g-strings....

    If the Big Twelve extends the GOR, the additional Billion dollars could nearly DOUBLE over the course of the next five years.

    Get your down votes ready....

    Expect that one week prior to the season onset, the four teams will be publicly announced and a conference game will be slated for 2017 with divisions set up. In addition, expect the announcement that the GOR has been extended an additional decade and, due to the increase to 14 teams (and the extension), the Big Twelve will officially have the most lucrative television deal (beating the SEC) in place.

    Have a nice day, folks and BOOMER!
  • Aug 1, 12:26 AM22022.....

    The billion dollars comes from the original television contract we signed back when. I don't have the specifics other than it doesn't matter who we add. (My sources gave me the 'we could add Sam Houston or Notre Dame and there wouldn't be any difference in terms of the current contractual television revenues' remark.)

    Now this whole thing could blow up but my contacts have said its all pretty much a done deal except finalizing who the four teams would be that are getting the invitations.
Here is the most recent info I have confirmed through folks that are directly involved... PLEASE don't shoot the messenger with downvotes as I am just providing the info, NOT saying this is what I want to have happen.

1. The networks kicking back over not wanting expansion is completely accurate. They don't want to have the pay the additional billion dollars so they have ponied up additional monies to give each team provided the conference stays at 10 teams.
2. The networks are offering said money because the lawyers on the side of the networks have all agreed they (the networks) don't have a leg to stand on should it go to court (regarding paying the Big Twelve the additional monies upon our expansion).
3. Regarding the above, the legal team that wrote the GOR television deal is the same team that wrote the conference contracts for the GOR as well. It was once again reiterated to me by one of our own athletic directors that the GOR was essentially constructed to "sign away the constitutional rights of each school to guarantee compliance and faith toward the agreement" and he went on to state that the document "ensures that it is so financially risky for any team to attempt to move out of the GOR agreement that the fines alone would ensure that no campus would even attempt it." It's akin to a single human being denouncing their constitutional right to go to court to decide something. I know it's odd - and stupid (for lack of a better term), but every university president signed the thing.
4. Today a movement was begun that was aimed at our expansion and a potential television network. The TV guys are seemingly "willing" to back off the "we don't want the Big Twelve to expand" talk if - I said IF - the conference was unilaterally willing to extend the GOR an additional decade (thereby ensuring the teams are guaranteed to stay put and the conference dissolution talk would cease.)
5. Examples of the above (#4) were given that adding teams today that may not pack a punch (with their names or their past history), by those teams being in the Big Twelve they will grow into national brands. Those examples included TCU and Baylor. When they entered the conference, people thought TCU was a joke and Baylor was a mess. The Big Twelve allowed those two brands to grow (athletically) and each of them were a microcosm from playing for a national championship two years ago.
6. Regarding the "why the hell would Colorado want to go back to the Big Twelve" talk as well as the "I'm a CU alumnus and I haven't heard nothin about this," my response is 'you don't need to hear about it.' Keep in mind that nobody - and I mean NOBODY saw Missouri leaving for the SEC when they did. People keep their cards to their vests over this kind of stuff. Does that mean that CU will come back? No. But I assure you the information provided in the post a few days ago was, and is, accurate. Things are still progressing on their end.
7. The potential expansion movement, regardless of what talk radio chirps about, is absolutely not a money grab. The presidents do NOT want the Big Twelve to fold. Nobody wants to leave (including Boren) the conference. Why? Get ready for this....again - don't shoot the messenger....
8. The powers that be (whomever they are in the athletic department) as well as President Boren, do not believe we can "consistently be in the running for national championships if we are members of another conference, regardless of the conference we go to." (And yes, guys, that is a direct quote.)

At this point, that is all the insight I have at the moment. If I was a betting man, as of today, I still expect the expansion to happen and I do believe the GOR will be extended.

As long as you mugs want more inside info, I will continue to post what I am told.


Those are a lot of words for a silly, fantasy expansion scenario.
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
It's not even close to the same thing.

For one - I have many different potential employers. Two - a 40% raise for me isn't $800 million dollars.

You can act like time will heal the wounds. Except they will be making the addional $80 million dollars payments in each year until 2025. At ESPN specifically the cost-cutting it generates will create institutional memory no matter who is at the table for them in 2025.

I'm not saying they should or shouldn't do it. I'm saying there is a risk that they could really hurt themselves in the long term by making the short term cash grab.

Of course I want them to do it - that doesn't mean there isn't a risk on their part.
Here is my thing about ESPN and cost swore up and down here there would never be a ACC network because of cost cutting...well a $45 million payment seems to be a LOT cheaper for ESPN than a network like they are starting. But hey that clause was in the ACC's contract...ESPN should have known about it or the ACC shouldn't have invoked it. There is no difference with the B-12 and expansion. At the end of the day the reason ESPN is pissed about the expansion is that there are schools being considered that they pay less than market value for and now the time has come where they may have to pay the piper. You can't tell me using UConn and BC as the comparison that their tv income shouldn't be reversed.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
Here is my thing about ESPN and cost swore up and down here there would never be a ACC network because of cost cutting...well a $45 million payment seems to be a LOT cheaper for ESPN than a network like they are starting. But hey that clause was in the ACC's contract...ESPN should have known about it or the ACC shouldn't have invoked it. There is no difference with the B-12 and expansion. At the end of the day the reason ESPN is pissed about the expansion is that there are schools being considered that they pay less than market value for and now the time has come where they may have to pay the piper. You can't tell me using UConn and BC as the comparison that their tv income shouldn't be reversed.

Unlike so many here I will admit when I am wrong. I didn't think there would ever be an ACC cable network. Will be interesting to see how that turns out because the marketplace doesn't want it and I think you are right it could end up being an expensive outcome for them.

No kidding ESPN wrote terrible contracts for the ACC and Big 12. Of course they don't want to spend more for properties they already own. I think ESPN is insane for extending these deals like the ACC as far as they are into the future.

It doesn't matter why the networks are upset - it just matters that they might have all the leverage in the future and that could end up harming the Big 12 in the future. Remember when the Big 12 was losing larger programs and adding a TCU and WVU - the networks didn't cut their deals back. It was a windfall to divide by 10 instead of 12. So they do have some pretty strong evidence where they partnered with the Big 12 and not just the ACC.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
Unlike so many here I will admit when I am wrong. I didn't think there would ever be an ACC cable network. Will be interesting to see how that turns out because the marketplace doesn't want it and I think you are right it could end up being an expensive outcome for them.

No kidding ESPN wrote terrible contracts for the ACC and Big 12. Of course they don't want to spend more for properties they already own. I think ESPN is insane for extending these deals like the ACC as far as they are into the future.

It doesn't matter why the networks are upset - it just matters that they might have all the leverage in the future and that could end up harming the Big 12 in the future. Remember when the Big 12 was losing larger programs and adding a TCU and WVU - the networks didn't cut their deals back. It was a windfall to divide by 10 instead of 12. So they do have some pretty strong evidence where they partnered with the Big 12 and not just the ACC.

You have always had an obsession with numbers on a dial. I just dropped frontier and switched back to Cox and I have no idea what number any of the channels are. I just speak into my remote to find what I am looking for. What value does channel dial real estate have in a world where I find a basketball game by saying "college basketball" into my remote? And this 2 year contract with Cox may be my last before I cut the cord. ESPN is going to have a hard time justifying its existence in the future. I think the power lies in the content producers, not the aggregators.

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