That might be what it says when pen met paper all those years ago, but that is not how it is acting. The actions of the few are self serving, when if it were a true member organization, it would put the greater good ahead of the individual.
Exactly my point. If this new division is to happen, the Power 5 conferences as we know them need to blow themselves up. Duke does not belong with FSU or Virginia Tech, let alone the upper echelon of the elites. I don't mind that there are only a few teams that have a rightful shot at winning the national championship, but at least the second and third levels should be given a fair shot to eventually improve over time. That would make the overall product better. Instead these few institutions are promoting this selfish model that I believe is unsustainable.
Look at the NCAA Basketball tourney. Do you really believe that there are more than 10 (15 in a good year) teams with a shot to win 6 games over 3 weeks? Of course not. But Gonzaga makes the tournament as a 13 seed. They improve. They get to the Sweet 16 a few years later, they improve, get to the Elite 8 a few years after that. Their program is thought highly enough that coaches are tabbed for other jobs. Yet they improve some more to eventually become the best team in the country for a short time. They are now in the discussion (Conversely Arizona is a "have" program. They won the Dance in the late 90's. They had a decent football program. Now they are a footnote)...That is exciting...And would never happen in a D4 world.
As it is being portrayed, the possibility of a 4th division probably removes the last distinction between the innocence of amateur college sports and an NFDL (National Football Developmental League). You know how they say if you have two starting quarterbacks, then you don't have any starting quarterbacks? I think we are about at that point. If you have two feeder systems to the NFL, then you really don't have any, and the popularity of college football in the major markets will plummet. Why pay attention to those getting paid on Saturday, when the guys on Sunday offer a better product? Say hello to the world of Triple A baseball, because that's what it'll end up being.