I don't know much about either hockey or New England sports and schools. To the extent I do anything, it's because I'm a football junkie. DI, DII, DIII, NAIA--football's pretty much the only sport that exists in my world. And, for the record, it's not like I was doing anything more than thinking out loud--what if you added a non-football school. (The bigger problem--at least as I see it--is I forgot UConn doesn't play on campus.)
I've noticed a lot of what I've reported hearing as suddenly my thought when it's not. For example, I said that some people in the B1G wouldn't take Nebraska in a do over--and I stand by that statement. But that's not me--I nearly pooped with glee because I knew the MN/Nebraska series left off at 67 games played and I was happy to get back at it. If anything, I was and am a little po'd that everybody says Nebraska has to develop rivalries and the logical candidates are Iowa and Wisconsin. BS--Minnesota's played them the most, and I hope losing a couple irritates NE to the core cause that'll get the rivalry going again. (For those interested, MN quit playing NE in the Osborne period cause the Minnesota score looked like, well, a hockey score and Nebraska's score looked liked, well, a UConn basketball score.)
And, as an added bonus, when my euro-trash family arrived in America, half settled in Nebraska and half in Minnesota. I have a cousin that was a Nebraska All-American lineman back in the 60's. For me personally, Nebraska was the best possible addition the B1G could make and truth be told, I hear more stuff out of Nebraska than MN these days.
And, as long as I'm pretty much in full rant mode: It's not fair to me or to Greg Fluguar to insist I am him when I am not. That isn't fair to him and is basically saying I'm a liar.
When I registered here, I said it was because I figure UConn was coming to the B1G and I wanted to get to know y'all. Still holds, but I consider myself a guest and try to act accordingly. If I've overstayed my welcome, I'll be happy to move on...