Thinking out loud. I'd never considered Boston U until I saw someone mention it and then I saw possibilities.
Let's say I'm B1G leadership. I have a goal to reach and in the process I have to satisfy academics, get research dollars, keep the alumni happy, keep athletics happy, and now basically program and run a TV network. My strategic objective is fairly clear (barring some major outside influence.)
Let's say, hypothetically, that I already know that I've got VTech and UConn in my pocket for 16 football (all sports) schools and I have a pretty solid TV block running through the Midwest to the east coast.
What I don't have is a solid grasp on New England televisions. The region is bb first and the football has suffered from benign for 100 years and nobody watches it anyway. They're aren't any schools that are worth trying to build up and besides, half the B1G presidents are convinced football has to change while the other half doesn't think it can be changed and will be relegated to the history books and the deep south within 50 years.
Someone mentions Boston U. Suddenly it looks like a B1G school from 50 years in the future: Deep academic and research powerhouse and athletics is a geographic area I want to exploit for cash. TV numbers for hockey in the region are better than expected and they have hockey. I have a stated goal to build lacrosse in the region, they have that, too. They might be a touch nut to crack--worse than Maryland. Doable? Worth it?
So, what are the possibilities? What if they were added? Would they even be interested? How deep would my television penetration be and how much could I get per subscriber? How much would it increase ad revenue? How deeply into New England could the entire package B1G package capture and command? Only the Boston DMA, the entirety, or something in between?
The package would then be 16 football, eight hockey, and 17 bb. Would it be best to 18 bb? Would still like to nail the NYC market. Anyone available as an 18 for bb? How much money would it take to get NYU up from DIII to D1? Would they be interested? Games in the city sandwiched between Rutgers and UConn. How much could I get per subscriber? How much exposure?
Q: How many people does it take to change a light bulb?
A: The same as last time.
No...Johns Hopkins changed the rules. It isn't about the same as last time, it's about the geography I want to exploit, the conference I want to brand, and how much money I can make doing it. I'm not ruling out anything that might fit the criteria I've established.