You realize that only a few thousand people on average post on these message boards ? Probably less than a third of them hold the opinion you state as being the prevalent one. Another third are equally opposed, while the rest (like myself) can see arguments for both. PSU has over a half a million living alumni, not to mention millions of non affiliated fans. Its fairly difficult to categorize anything you read on FOS, BWI, or 247 as being indicative of how this massive group of people think. I'm not sure what team you support,(Minnesota maybe?)but if your team wasn't a member of its current conference for close to 100 years, didn't have the majority of its alumni located within the conference's footprint, and had no competing conferences that could make a reasonable argument for your inclusion, It would stand to reason that you would be pretty satisfied with where you were positioned. PSU is different. It has options. Its unlikely that they will ever exercise them, but they are out there should they want or need to.
I don't know about that. Audibles and BWI have been overrun, esp the latter, by anti-BIG types. Bottom line: you now have Md and Rutgers, along with Ohio bordering PSU - that's plenty of cultural connection according to your alumni map. Heck, Md and NJ are two of your 5 largest chapters outside of Pa. In fact NJ is second after PA. Ohio is in the top 10. The BIG might as well claim NYC soon enough, though UConn would really help - a school I'd love to see in the BIG.
I have no doubt Rutgers was added to the BIG because of Paterno's wishes for more eastern members in the BIG - he was on record for pimping Rutgers, partly because he loved their hs football - can't blame him here. Md is a bonus. Yet these anti-BIG threads continue - the expulsion vote is the latest hot rumor & if it's true, I think some hell is coming loose for BIG brass, and the schools who voted against PSU. Minnesota doesn't see to be one of them, I can't imagine them voting against PSU. Most Minny fans I've ever spoken to enjoy PSU rivalries and the flavor they bring to the conference. Russ Rose and Cael Sanderson have my absolute respect & I've especially become a fan of Rose's coaching and successful culture - the best in all of college sports, even better than UConn Women's Basketball. I was a Jo Pa fan, but man he went way past his tenure & I sensed horrible things would come out of it - and boy oh boy it couldn't have gotten worse. May he rest in peace.
Do I think there was some level of appeasement directed at PSU when the conference added Rutgers and UMD? Possibly, but more likely it was done as a money grab to maximize revenues for The BTN.
IMO there are two primary issues at play constantly trumpeted by the relocate to The ACC Crowd:
1)The league's poor handling of PSU from its inclusion in 1989 all the way up to the present day.
The assimilation of PSU and its fans was handled so poorly from day one that the scars of resentment run deep even 20 years later. So bad that Delany felt compelled to offer a weak mea culpa to PSU Supporters when talking about integrating RU and UMD into the league. When these schools joined the conference there were week long celebrations. When PSU joined...
Do you recall that multiple public figures in both athletics and academics came out against our inclusion? I remember both Bobby Knight and old sainted Bo being incredibly critical of our joining, and not in a messageboard rumor fashion either. Openly trashing the school and decision to add it in the main stream media.
I also not so fondly recall one of the conference's presidents opining that he couldn't believe that the conference would lower themselves to add a "cow college" like PSU to its membership. This was said despite the fact that PSU was a long standing member of The AAU since 1989, and ranked ahead of several conference members at the time.
Since then the slights have been more on the athletic side. From the conference hanging PSU out to dry with scheduling of sports for 2 full years, 1993's excessive noise penalty against Michigan, 1994, a rash of questionable calls like Hartsock's catch, Tony Johnson's 2 feet in/incompletion, Avant's heel/toe, UM's Phantom 2 Seconds, Matt Lehman's TD/" fumble" against UNL, OSU's trapped INT complete w/"faulty" replay equipment + their 3 addl seconds on FG, and on and on.
Conspiracy? Nah. Questionable officiating by referees with personal biases? Possibly. After 20 years of experiencing some of the most gutwrenching types of losses, you start to wonder if you are better of taking your chances elsewhere.
2)The second element is geography. More PSU Alums live in The ACC Footprint than The B1G. Albeit that has been greatly decreased with the new membership.
For me The B1G is the better choice for a multitude of reasons, however the death by a thousand papercuts that we have experienced for 2 decades + is becoming hard to swallow regardless of dollars or exposure. If the conference would just call a fairer game, and admit when it is completely wrong like it was against OSU this year, and MD a few days ago. Also giving us back the bowl money they kept from us while OSU recieved theirs while also on probation would be a good olive branch.