I was reluctant to comment on this but decided to anyway.
Tony, I'm with you 100%!! I know it's not a popular position to take here in the yard, but I must be true to my feelings. I've read every comment in this thread and respect every poster and their opinion/take. I'm not going to belabor my take on this. It's not new. I've felt this way since 2008 when I first came to the yard.
I did enjoy reading the thoughts, opinions, and concerns of other Boneyarders though. I'll take what comes. If the series continues, so be it. I'm just a fan on the other side of the country that likes UConn WBB. I admit to not being overly concerned whether WCBB grows if UConn has to continue to play Tennessee. IMHO, the women's game has grown and will continue to grow whether UConn plays UT or not. It use to be UConn, and big gap, then everybody else. That gap has closed. Now there are a lot of other teams that are just as talented as UConn and can win the national championship and beat UConn if they have to. The fact that UConn has not won a national championship since 2016 proves that point. We're not favored to win it this year either.
The resumption of this series was done at the behest of ESPN (and its president at the time I believe), and no one else. Certainly not Geno. He had to be "politically correct" when addressing this topic in pressers and interviews. His bosses were on board with the resumption of the series, so he did not have any choice. I remember
very clearly his take years ago when asked his thoughts on the series resuming the series. He was not in favor of it.
I guess it's as one poster said.......Pat agreed to play UConn when it was an unknown up-and-coming young program that helped put it on the map and gain national attention. Perhaps now is the time for a little payback. I'm not going to stop following UConn if this series continues, but like you, I could live without it.
I'm still basking in the afterglow of Thursday's win in a "less than welcoming" environment. What a remarkable achievement using only 7 players (Amari played for 1 minute). You know as I do there are still a lot of "old guard" LV fans that still hate Geno and anything UConn. I'm proud to be a UConn fan (win or lose) even though I'm 3,000 miles away.

Keep your goggles on. Go Huskies.