Multi-year Extension for Ollie | Page 6 | The Boneyard

Multi-year Extension for Ollie

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Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Just so it's on the record again, I do agree that firing PP and promoting Brown would have been a worthwhile plan for the FB side of things, and now that Brown is gone we're worse off.
Aug 27, 2011
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I know everyone wants to destroy Manual for the delay, but I'm actually fine with it. If Warde had immediately given KO an extension after the Mich St. game and we had gone on to be 5-5 and looked tty, Warde would have looked like a fool. Had KO done the job on the court but the players didn't do their part in the classroom, Warde would have looked like a fool. Instead, he waited till all the i's were dotted and t's crossed and gave him the extension. Warde still looks like a fool to many of us, but to the general public he's a fool who made sure that KO was the right guy both on and off the court and it shows that he did his due diligence. It may have caused us to lose a recruit or two (although none were truly impact guys --> we were never getting Parker), but he (and the general public) knows that KO can run a program on and off the court. Now, lets see if recruits like KO as much as we all surmised and see if he can build us into a championship contender wherever we end up in the future.
Aug 24, 2011
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Don't understand this thread. We've had thread after thread pleading for WM to step up and give KO his deal, now he's got a very lucrative 5 year deal that should give the program stability and some of ya'll are still going nuts. I wanted KO signed long term from jump but I understood WM's position on holding out. I don't think the affect on recruiting was that substantial, we were not in great position for any bigs and that is where the team needs the most help anyway. Guys like XRM(who i don't think was coming anyway) and Austin play the same position as guys we have now who are expected to be back, they are not make or break recruits and we are in position to get elite guys at those positions in '14. The program is in good hands with KO in charge, no use in arguing about the events of the past few months, lets move forward.

It's easy to understand this thread. Once someone on this board becomes disliked, everything they do has to be evil with no exceptions. At times the Boneyard has the depth of a two page fairy tale.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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all of his excuses for waiting were exactly all the bs we have talked about. guys not a ****ing rock star, hes a chump. at one point he said something like he wasn't over ko's shoulder all the time he had other stuff to do. if we had a actual horde i would have jumped all over that. like what else were u doing warde? certainly not anything in marketing, football, puck or anything that ****ing matters these days. ahhhhh!!!

to his credit he didn't come out and say we waited for grades this semester becuase as i said and others have also, is a freaking asinine idea to claim that some posters here like to do. he said they were important but ot the reason or w/e. still to much for me but...he did stress academics and the arp overall which is fine considering where we are right now. i have no probelm with the apr contract langauge either, i think that was actualy the first positive idea i have sene from him media wise. but the whole thing still in the end stinks of his ego vs jc/thefamily and every other fan/alum who saw this for what it was. and for that alone i want him away from this school. when u pile on all the other things, i don't understand how ppl here are so ok with things. its disgusting.

Dan, I have no idea what you do for a living, but I hope to God it doesn't involve managing people or a department or being responsible for an organization. Because you have absolutely no clue how that works in the real world. People don't get jobs that are vital to a department of a large university, and honestly to the image of the entire university, as well as to the ongoing lives of many young men in their care until they can demonstrate a level of competence necessary for the role. Warde handled this the way any professional manager would. If anything he was perhaps overly deferential to Calhoun, but I suspect that's because he and his boss saw the right potential qualities in Ollie.

There are huge benefits to this approach. KO earned it and wasn't a nepotistic hire. His credibility is now higher as a result. He's here for five years not 2 or 3. Even with a 2-3 year initial deal, you know the coaches recruiting against him would say he was Calhoun's pick and doesn't have AD support and would be bought out or not renewed. Now there is no doubt.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2


Aug 24, 2011
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Dan, I have no idea what you do for a living, but I hope to God it doesn't involve managing people or a department or being responsible for an organization. Because you have absolutely no clue how that works in the real world. People don't get jobs that are vital to a department of a large university, and honestly to the image of the entire university, as well as to the ongoing lives of many young men in their care until they can demonstrate a level of competence necessary for the role. Warde handled this the way any professional manager would. If anything he was perhaps overly deferential to Calhoun, but I suspect that's because he and his boss saw the right potential qualities in Ollie.

There are huge benefits to this approach. KO earned it and wasn't a nepotistic hire. His credibility is now higher as a result. He's here for five years not 2 or 3. Even with a 2-3 year initial deal, you know the coaches recruiting against him would say he was Calhoun's pick and doesn't have AD support and would be bought out or not renewed. Now there is no doubt.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

i'm glad all is well in your uconn fairy land hawk. my job? im the president of the united states of america. i hoped on this bandwagon when kemba came down to visit and shabazz told me about the girls at uconn. i was a fan ever since. don't tell me i dont know how to manage ppl or situations, don't u just love the job i'm doing with the country the past 5 years?

The Funster

Aug 27, 2011
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I didn't think KO would get the extension until late January but I think he has earned it. Obviously, grades are an issue as is compliance and other issues as it should be. If grades weren't important we wouldn't suffering under a PS ban (irregardless of how abysmally retroactively applied it was).

I think given our CR position winning under KO with a squeaky clean rep will help position for the next round of movement. Perception does play a big role as we have seen.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm trying to decide if this thread should make me hate UConn fans, o r just those on the boneyard. Except Fishy, he dope.
Aug 26, 2011
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Just saw on ESPN news. 'bout time.

Now if there only was a BY pin to locate where previous players are now.


Aug 24, 2011
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I'm trying to decide if this thread should make me hate UConn fans, o r just those on the boneyard. Except Fishy, he dope.

just hate me. everyone else here is a nice guy/gal.

i come here to vent and spread anger becuase fairy land is much nicer then the real world in storrs. dumpster fire continue....

heres a recap of wardes presser and why he decided now is the time to extend kos contract
Aug 27, 2011
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Husky Hawk, I admire your ability to hang in there against the lunacy.You are absolutely right. Anyone who would hand the keys to their Lamberghini to a guy who has never driven in the fast lane before would be insane. They let him road test it to see how he handled the tight turns. He passed the test.
Aug 26, 2011
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Husky Hawk, I admire your ability to hang in there against the lunacy.You are absolutely right. Anyone who would hand the keys to their Lamberghini to a guy who has never driven in the fast lane before would be insane. They let him road test it to see how he handled the tight turns. He passed the test.

Here here. I wrote months ago that I expected the contract to come over Christmas if things went well and that us exactly what happened. In this case, what WM did makes complete sense to me. As for PP, well, I have no clue what is up.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Husky Hawk, I admire your ability to hang in there against the lunacy.You are absolutely right. Anyone who would hand the keys to their Lamberghini to a guy who has never driven in the fast lane before would be insane. They let him road test it to see how he handled the tight turns. He passed the test.

I told myself I would stop commenting on it, but since you brought up my favorite dream car... could argue that Warde Manual has never driven the Lamborghini and was given the keys right away, since comparing Buffalo's athletic department to UConn's is like comparing a Toyota Camry to the Lamborghini. Yet, he still got the keys right away. But man, I really love Lamborghinis! ;)
Sep 4, 2011
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Without reading this entire thread, do you feel that chubbsy ubys had some outside pressure to offer the extension?

I always thought that Ollie is stand up guy and fatso was on some sort of power trip.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Without reading this entire thread, do you feel that chubbsy ubys had some outside pressure to offer the extension?

I always thought that Ollie is stand up guy and fatso was on some sort of power trip.

Let me guess. You're a troll?



Aug 24, 2011
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Husky Hawk, I admire your ability to hang in there against the lunacy.You are absolutely right. Anyone who would hand the keys to their Lamberghini to a guy who has never driven in the fast lane before would be insane. They let him road test it to see how he handled the tight turns. He passed the test.

ok being the ast coach at a big boy school or playing 15 years in the nba isn't the fastlane? jc was out health wise over half of jc's time he was under him. who do u think killed it on the trail all that time? blaney? you are all unreal. ko was the man of the program back then. several here inclding me wrote about it seeing hin in gyms and it was obvious. before jc even fell of that dam bike several here including me were 100% ko and we wanted things to go smooth. there was thread after thread abotu him being the right guy and so much more. wtf is the fast lane? if its not playing 15 years in the nba and then coaching under a legend but also for a legend while hes hurt/sick then i'm not sure wtf the fast lane is?

i love the brad stevens crowd here for example. do u clowns know anything about him? he playing college ball at some school that up the name deapul took years ago. he then spent like 5 years working his way thru the buytler staff. back then, butler was not todays butler. he then got the hc job and sice he has turned that school into a very nice mid major program. a ton of respect for the guy and i am a fan. but where is his expierence or qualifications? you want to talk fast lane? the siena coach years ago spent years working his way up the ladder and finally got a call to like iowa or something was what he could get. fastlane my ass.

I told myself I would stop commenting on it, but since you brought up my favorite dream car... could argue that Warde Manual has never driven the Lamborghini and was given the keys right away, since comparing Buffalo's athletic department to UConn's is like comparing a Toyota Camry to the Lamborghini. Yet, he still got the keys right away. But man, I really love Lamborghinis! ;)

its fun when every single argument the 75% here makes gets torn apart right away isn't it? i don't know wtf happened in buffalo, but a lot of uconn fans sure love it i guess.

Let me guess. You're a troll?

umass fan
Aug 31, 2011
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Some of you guys are driving yourselves crazy and myself also. Let it all go , who , what , when, fault and reasons and why. It's over time to move forward starting now.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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umass fan

Is Clothy really a UMass fan? He has a heck of a lot of posts to just be a new troll, but his response was well over the top. I'll reserve judgment...


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Just asking, mushroom cap. It's a fair question. The 7 month contract never made sense to me. Maybe some boosters were holding out?

I just typed that I was going to reserve judgment. You have removed my reservations...
Aug 26, 2011
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Just asking, mushroom cap. It's a fair question. The 7 month contract never made sense to me. Maybe some boosters were holding out?

Just ask then and leave out the "fat" and "chubby busy" we care what your Howdy Doody looking AD looks like? ;)


Aug 24, 2011
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hahahah yes hes a umass fan. hes been a BYer for a long time and drops in to spread cheer everyonce in a while. i have no prob with clothy. hes either full umass troll or completely fair to uconn. thats fine.


Aug 24, 2011
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Just ask then and leave out the "fat" and "chubby busy" **** we care what your Howdy Doody looking AD looks like? ;)

see uconn fans can't handle the truth...
Sep 4, 2011
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Just ask then and leave out the "fat" and "chubby busy" **** we care what your Howdy Doody looking AD looks like? ;)

You guys never made any negative reference to his appearance here? And I said chubbsy ubsy and fatso.


Aug 26, 2011
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Is Clothy really a UMass fan? He has a heck of a lot of posts to just be a new troll, but his response was well over the top. I'll reserve judgment...

He's a UMass fan, he comes over and goes back and forth various posters all the time. I have him blocked. It's fantastic.
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