I think it is very interesting to compare this discussion with the one on the VolNation board. The discussion here has been frank and open, with many different opinions expressed, along with the reasons for those opinions being held, but has been conducted in a very reasonable and dignified manner with mutual respect and consideration. I did read a considerable portion of the VN thread on the topic, and it was quite different, to say the least. I have not read the Baylor board nor the (gasp) Summitt, but I am willing to bet that I have not missed much that I would care to read. That is what raises the Boneyard high above the competition, and the mods are greatly to be praised for creating the atmosphere in which this can take place. My 0wn feeling is that it is always right to choose the term which is least likely to be offensive. While it seems to be changing, gay and lesbian seem still to be those terms among people of my acqaintance.
Incidentally, as almost everybody is already aware, we have, over the past fifty or sixty years, been through a number of changes in acceptable terms for people of color. Negro, colored, black, Afro-American, African-American. I was re-reading last night some of the great Mr. Dooley columns of Finley Peter Dunne, written around 1900, and was amazed to see him using the term Afro-Americans. The more things change, the more they remain the same.