While I was reflecting on Massey SOS for Ara "fly like a bird" Barnes ( 167 ) I saw that Kim has her beat. (321) I don't know if Kim would schedule the Little Sisters of the Poor unless they agreed to come down to Baton Rouge. Barnes might just plead and plead for the sisters to come to the dirty t.Maybe schedule someone other than the Little Sisters of the Poor, Downtrodden and Verklempt and she might get buzz..
Next up for these two master schedulers.
LSU at SOS 145 Tulane
kitties at SOS 203 New Mexico
We know Barnes is thoughtfully bringing her team along and so when you go on the road you want to make certain that you're facing the appropriate level team. The Duff twins are certainly in for a treat as the wandering Lobos host Reese and gang down in the Pit.
And Kim who obviously has mentored Barnes in the art and science of non-conference scheduling travels a little bit down or is it up the road to face the green wave.