So, this morning, I just learned that Gostkowski was also investigated. Apparently there were complaints about deflated kicking balls both in the Ravens game and in the Colts game. Colts also claimed there were deflated balls in the season game at Indy. The ghost of Jim McNally must have done that. When Wells investigated, it found the kicking balls are treated differently, unpacked by the refs, new balls, and held by an NFL employee the whole time. So Gostkowski wasn't dinged.
But, here's the kicker. Gostkowski refused to give over his cell phone as well. And he received no punishment.
This puts the lie to the idea that Brady's punishment has something to do with compliance. It's all about the deflation of the balls at the AFCCG. The Wells people absolute lied that the balls were tampered with. Out and out lies. Only Peter King and Mike Florio have picked up on this so far.