I repeat it often because it bears repeating. The Big XII has zero chance of gaining mindshare to the north, in B1G country. It has zero chance of gaining mindshare to the east, in SEC country. If it had been smart enough to take Pitt, Cincy and Louisville with WVU long ago, it might have carved a little area of relevance in that geography. At present, it has zero chance of becoming relevant on the east coast. On the other hand, it can absolutely be relevant in the southwest and mountain states. It has to choose. UCF or USF would get it nothing. ECU nothing.
It has one chance, be first to go after the southwest and mountain states, before the Pac does. It already botched this by losing Colorado and not inviting Utah, but it isn't too late. Nevada, New Mexico, CSU, Boise, BYU...they can become the conference of that part of the country.