I don't understand this at all. Could you please ellaborate. KFree and Taliek are both two of the most likeable guys. In fact, KFree's affiliation with the programs is probably the main reason he is being considered.
I think the issue (if it is one) is that it's kind of a cemented position of sorts. There's no easy way to fire staff if things go wrong, but alumni make it a much more difficult and messy situation. Issues can be overlooked or glossed over due to familiarity, loyalty, etc, as well......recent events give me a little heartburn about the possibility of sour grapes with the alumni associated with the program. I love Taliek on the staff, but he is not an assistant coach directly involved in recruiting players.
I'm not saying this is the case here, Dan Hurley has done an amazing job integrating the former players with the current and doesn't strike me as a guy that lets things slide. KFree was a hard worker, great player, and has the potential to be a great coach...but we're UConn and should demand the best we can possibly get, and KFree isn't there yet IMO