John Wall the Worst Shooter in the NBA | Page 3 | The Boneyard

John Wall the Worst Shooter in the NBA

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Aug 28, 2011
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First of all palatine you were the one prancing around calling him a "bad player" Check, he is a poor NBA point guard.and almost not deserving of a starting job in the league. Never said that, given what the Bullets, eer, Wizards put on the floor, he deserves to start for them"The NBA is not Rucker Park". What does that even mean? It means the NBA is much more about discipline and teamwork that hops or speed, players need to know their roles and limitations Oh and he's on Kwame Brown's level now Given Washington's draft disfunction, Wall seems to fit ?!?! Wall's numbers don't matter or count because they are attributed to his athleticism!? Once again, that's NOT what I said, they are attributable to the fact the Wiz have to give the minutes to someone.

To reinforce how terrible the Wizards are... Wall and Andre Blatche are co-captains!!!!!


#1 Casual Fan™
Aug 27, 2011
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To mention Wall in the same sentence as Michael Jordan is simply ridiculous. It makes me wonder if you know anything at all about basketball.

Is this a joke?
Aug 27, 2011
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why compare him to nash when you can just make the natural comparison to drose rookie year? they are extremely similar

rose: 37mpg, 16.8ppg, 6.3apg, 3.9rpg, .516 TS%, 16.0 PER
wall: 37.8mpg, 16.4ppg, 8.3apg, 4.6rpg, .494 TS%, 15.8 PER

msgordon... you and i are usually on the same page with all our analysis. i'm shocked you like Wall or are giving him the benefit of the doubt.

a TS% of .494 is poor. as a matter of fact it was 51st of 64 pg's last season. This year (albeit in a small sample) he's around .413, which is unfathomable. comparing him to Rose, while not crazy, isn't really fair either because the public perception of Rose is also way overblown. His actual production and efficiency was not MVP worthy.

Wall's turnover ratio was 52nd out of 64 pg's last year as well.

as is always the case, most of the subjective adjectives being thrown around (mine included) are probably both too critical and also filled with too much praise.

i just have never seen him be the player he's made out to be by the media and obviously not worthy of the #1 pick.
Nov 9, 2011
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i dont necessarily like or dislike wall, and i agree with most of your post. .494 is an awful TS%. drose is not the MVP, hes probably the 6th-9th best player in the L. i was just giving what i felt was a fairer comparison(age, college experience, playing style) to a guy who is currently a top 10 player in the league..that being said, rose made some big jumps in both his 2nd and 3rd year and right now i dont see wall reaching that level...if i had to guess i think his peak will be somewhat similar to a current westbrook(top 15ish type player, but not the guy you want as a no.1 option on a top team because of the high volume and relatively low efficiency).

Mr. Wonderful

Aug 26, 2011
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I'm flummoxed.

Why has this thread lasted this long?

Are all of your egos really this sensitive?

Or is it that your lives are so worthless and boring that arguing minutia is the light of your day?

Aug 26, 2011
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I think this thread has been bad mojo for Kemba - it's painful watching him play right now.


For Your Health
Aug 24, 2011
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I think this thread has been bad mojo for Kemba - it's painful watching him play right now.

Sigh ... you're kind of right. His shot is just so far off right now. You want to talk about shooting percentages.

Hopefully this is just the learning curve. Kind of a bad year to start in the league.
Apr 26, 2012
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I noticed this thread some long time ago when the Boneyards were busy self- themselves into their usual daily oblivion. It's wonderful, I task you, is it not? when the ignorant voluntarily out themselves, unabashed, like the Chimp with the paint mark on his nose laughing at the one in the mirror, because the mirror Chimp knows not what marks him.

These are the darkened ones - the ones whose heads see not the light of day, as they are tightly wrapped in absorptive epithelial cells. I hereby call them out.


Last 4 games - 21/7/13 (7 steals, 32 minutes) - 16/5/14 - 13/6/13 - 14/3/10.

Those numbers are heinous. In the last game, he was 3 boards and 3 steals away from a quadruple double. He only played 32 minutes. There have only been 4 recorded quadruple doubles in the history of the NBA - none in the last 18 years.

The shame, to have greatness pass in front of you, Palantine, HM, 21, UCH08, and mistake it for common.
Aug 27, 2011
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i envy your ability to play monday morning qb after a 4 game stretch playing against teams that have nothing to play for and are playing the bottom 5 players on their bench extensive minutes.

instead i'd prefer to use his 66 game sample of this season or his 134 game sample thru the last 2 seasons in which he's been right about a replacement level player.
Oct 4, 2011
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Lol...this guys been waiting since January for a John Wall 4 -game run and he finally got his shot
Aug 26, 2011
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I noticed this thread some long time ago when the Boneyards were busy self- themselves into their usual daily oblivion. It's wonderful, I task you, is it not? when the ignorant voluntarily out themselves, unabashed, like the Chimp with the paint mark on his nose laughing at the one in the mirror, because the mirror Chimp knows not what marks him.

These are the darkened ones - the ones whose heads see not the light of day, as they are tightly wrapped in absorptive epithelial cells. I hereby call them out.


Last 4 games - 21/7/13 (7 steals, 32 minutes) - 16/5/14 - 13/6/13 - 14/3/10.

Those numbers are heinous. In the last game, he was 3 boards and 3 steals away from a quadruple double. He only played 32 minutes. There have only been 4 recorded quadruple doubles in the history of the NBA - none in the last 18 years.

The shame, to have greatness pass in front of you, Palantine, HM, 21, UCH08, and mistake it for common.
FrankyIvy / Prezidint - stfu. I hope I'm not breaking any news to you now when I tell you pretty much no one here respects your opinions, going all the way back to the Dyson days. What's with the FrankIvy account? Did you get banned for your Trayvon Martin diatribe or something? Pretty funny if so, gotta love how people come crawling back after being banned from message boards with alt accounts.

I said he isn't a star player. I stand by that. I guess because he had 4 decent games, and you wrote up a long-winded post where you almost pull a muscle patting yourself on the back, he now is. Okay, buddy. Whatever you want to think.

But ROFL @ HE ALMOST HAD A QUADRUPLE DOUBLE ............. If he had three more assists and three more boards. QUADRUPLE SEVEN YO!
Nov 9, 2011
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would've made a lot more sense just to bump this after his really strong february


Aug 26, 2011
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Having seen John Wall play in person, it is amazing how much more athletic he is than any other player on his team. At the same time, he still can't shoot outside the lane. The Wizards are really interesting because they have two near all-star players in Wall and Nene, but the supporting cast is just horrid. The Wizards have 19 wins, but only 15 against teams not named the Bobcats.

They should be a much easier fix than the Bobcats. If I were the Wizards I would seriously consider doing what Charlotte should do if they end up without the top pick: trade down for two lottery picks, or a lottery and another first rounder. The Wizards need multiple pieces. They need a starter at the PF, SG and SF positions. Jordan Crawford is a backup, Trevor Booker is a backup and Chris Singleton is a third PF.

If Andre Blatche could live up to his hype, he would be an ideal 4, but he doesn't look like he will.
Aug 25, 2011
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If John Wall were a UConn alum would the comments remain the same?
Aug 28, 2011
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Wall is a gifted athlete. He runs like a rocket. Jumps like a kangaroo.

He can't shoot.
He doesn't lead.
He plays small in the big moments.
He has no concept of how to run a team.

In today's "look at me" NBA some may consider him a star. But he is a poor basketball player. He has had a few nice games in what amounts to this season's garbage time. Andre Blatche had a few for the Wizards last year at this time.


Aug 26, 2011
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Wall is a gifted athlete. He runs like a rocket. Jumps like a kangaroo.

He can't shoot.
He doesn't lead.
He plays small in the big moments.
He has no concept of how to run a team.

In today's "look at me" NBA some may consider him a star. But he is a poor basketball player. He has had a few nice games in what amounts to this season's garbage time. Andre Blatche had a few for the Wizards last year at this time.

I don't disagree with a lot of what you say.

He can't shoot. Very true
He doesn't lead. Lead who? His team is a joke.
He plays small in the big moments. What big moments, his team is a joke.
He has no concept of how to run a team. Or his team is a joke.

You can't really judge how good a PG is until he has decent players around him. PG's are usually judged on TO's, Assists or some combination of those. The fact Wall averages 8 assists with the crap around him, is amazing.

Throw in the fact PG's take time to develop and Wall is the same age as Kemba, he'll be fine.

Nash didn't average over 8 assists until he was nearly 30.
Billups only once in his career.
Rondo was in his 3rd year and 23.

The Wizards have no shooters and can't spread the floor at all. Put Pierce and Allen with Wall and he would look a lot better (similar to Rondo).
Aug 25, 2011
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I'm flummoxed.

Why has this thread lasted this long?

Are all of your egos really this sensitive?

Or is it that your lives are so worthless and boring that arguing minutia is the light of your day?


It's the cal connection.


I noticed this thread some long time ago when the Boneyards were busy self- themselves into their usual daily oblivion. It's wonderful, I task you, is it not? when the ignorant voluntarily out themselves, unabashed, like the Chimp with the paint mark on his nose laughing at the one in the mirror, because the mirror Chimp knows not what marks him.

These are the darkened ones - the ones whose heads see not the light of day, as they are tightly wrapped in absorptive epithelial cells. I hereby call them out.


Last 4 games - 21/7/13 (7 steals, 32 minutes) - 16/5/14 - 13/6/13 - 14/3/10.

Those numbers are heinous. In the last game, he was 3 boards and 3 steals away from a quadruple double. He only played 32 minutes. There have only been 4 recorded quadruple doubles in the history of the NBA - none in the last 18 years.

The shame, to have greatness pass in front of you, Palantine, HM, 21, UCH08, and mistake it for common.[/quote/]

You know you should read carefully and come up with some better information when confronting the guru himself. Nobody said John Wall cant play or that he is not a solid player. Palatine, myself and a couple of others are saying that he is way overhyped and is not a star. He is a good player but that its I dont see him becoming a star in Washington or anywhere else for that matter.

UCONN fans analyze their own players just as critically as they would any other team's players so even if he was a UCONN alum he would still have been criticized. I have criticized for example Daniels from Day 1, and on the other hand I have praised Rudy Gay as being overall the most gifted player in the NBA.
Aug 28, 2011
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I live in DC. Sometimes I go a game if I get great seats free. The games are on TV as I surf around. I watch a few minutes here and their or longer if they play a team with a UConn alum. I can't avoid the Wiz. As for Wall.

He can't shoot. Very true We agree.
He doesn't lead. Lead who? His team is a joke. He is a me first player. He needs to fix that first.
He plays small in the big moments. What big moments, his team is a joke. For example, his TOs often come at the end of a game when his team has a chance.
He has no concept of how to run a team. Or his team is a joke. He doesn't control tempo. He can't settle them down when they are out of control. He has only one speed, 11. According to Randy Wittman (Wiz HC) "He can only play one way. He's got to be an aggressive player. When he tries to play any way other than, he's apt to turn the ball over. You have to keep him pushing the envelope." That is sugar coating it to say the least.


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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He doesn't lead. Lead who? His team is a joke.
He plays small in the big moments. What big moments, his team is a joke.
He has no concept of how to run a team. Or his team is a joke.

And he's the punchline.


Aug 26, 2011
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I live in DC. Sometimes I go a game if I get great seats free. The games are on TV as I surf around. I watch a few minutes here and their or longer if they play a team with a UConn alum. I can't avoid the Wiz. As for Wall.

He can't shoot. Very true We agree.
He doesn't lead. Lead who? His team is a joke. He is a me first player. He needs to fix that first.
He plays small in the big moments. What big moments, his team is a joke. For example, his TOs often come at the end of a game when his team has a chance.
He has no concept of how to run a team. Or his team is a joke. He doesn't control tempo. He can't settle them down when they are out of control. He has only one speed, 11. According to Randy Wittman (Wiz HC) "He can only play one way. He's got to be an aggressive player. When he tries to play any way other than, he's apt to turn the ball over. You have to keep him pushing the envelope." That is sugar coating it to say the least.

I do agree he isn't a star by any means.

I just feel that judging him based on the past two years is very difficult. Watching him live, his athleticism is quite apparent.

I do agree he isn't the best PG and he still needs to grow into his role, your expansion on what you see as his flaws, I do agree with.

At the same time, he is the same age as Kemba and putting up much better numbers. I see Wall and see the need for a veteran to help lead that team, in addition to about 3 real NBA starters.
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