This is sad. Kevin Ollie has not been implicated in anything. The program has not been implicated in anything. The report is that there has been an inquiry. The range of things that the NCAA could inquire about at any given time is endless. You don't know whether they're investigating a car payment or a coupon.
If we were 19-1 each and every one of you would be jumping to his defense. Incidentally, the people who are able to feign the most outrage over things that go on elsewhere will be the first to re-evaluate their opinions of KO based on a news anecdote that could have originated from any number of places. People are beyond two-faced on these things. The NCAA can't be this evil, corrupt organization that suddenly becomes credible when something mildly provocative that we want to confirm our narratives comes down the pipe. Look at the players on our roster. Look at the players on other rosters. You're all suckers. It doesn't matter how they get here and it never has. Any pretense otherwise is window dressing that a billion dollar industry uses to distract you from the emerging reality of what this really is.
Everybody cheats. Trying to extrapolate the extent to which we do from this is beyond illogical. The only justifiable reason for terminating his contract would be if he proved to be abnormally negligent in dotting the I's and crossing the T's. Otherwise, he is a basketball coach and you all should chill with this witch hunt. It's kind of pathetic at this point and I don't even feel particularly passionate that he be retained.
If they were 19-1... yes this would be a different story.
It got published after the biggest win of the year.
It got published late enough to set off the night owls but a lot of impact to the actual paper.
Dropped to a reporter covering the same beat but for a new outlet. One in heavy competition with the writer’s former employer.
I play Clue 2-3 times a week with my 8 yo daughter. If I’ve beaten her 3-4 times in a row , even after I’ve solved the ‘crime’ in the next game - I pretend I haven’t.
Does anyone need the quid pro quo spelled out for them?