It's just so very sad | Page 3 | The Boneyard

It's just so very sad

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Aug 26, 2011
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This shooter, Ryan Lanza killed his father, this morning, in Hoboken NJ. He then drove up to Newtown killed his mother, a kindergarten teacher, and most of the kids in his mothers class.

You're just not dealing with rational people in regards to this. Any stringent law/mechanism you would put into place would only be adhered to by rational people. Ugh I'm fuggin livid. There are no easy answers to this...........


Who wouldn't want to be me?
Aug 26, 2011
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This shooter, Ryan Lanza killed his father, this morning, in Hoboken NJ. He then drove up to Newtown killed his mother, a kindergarten teacher, and most of the kids in his mothers class.


There is a place in the Hall of Infamy for this devil.


20" Neck
Aug 26, 2011
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The strictest gun control laws are in Chicago and yet is the murder capitol of the US. Splain that one to me Lucy.

I had a neighbor in Atlanta who thought all guns should be abolished and I told him "great you can be the first in the neighborhood to put a sign out that says this home is a gun free home" He shut up immediately.

By the way all you gun control freaks; in Nazi Germany they took all the guns away from the civilians, so only the military and the police had weapons.
That worked out real well.


Aug 26, 2011
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There are definitely no easy answers. There are undoubtedly more obstacles to accessibility that are easy enough and would unquestionably limit the harm (e.g., the China knife assault today wounded, not killed, 22; sign me up for that trade), but in this political environment where some people are more willing to place blame on Roe v. Wade, it ain't gonna happen.

Pray for the victims, hug your kids, forget the political bs, and hope that the odds are in your favor. Fighting these fights just invariably devolves into more negative energy, which took all of a few moments to happen here. Seriously, there's a reason it's called the cesspool here: it was earned.
Aug 27, 2011
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It's enough - something has to change. I no longer care that a bunch of folks 250 years ago thought that they might have needed guns...I suspect they'd change their minds if they'd ever thought of what we'd start doing with those guns.

Guns are here to stay and unfortunately your going to have idiots that will get a hold of them by any means to do harm to others. Stripping law abiding gun owners will do absolutely nothing to prevent this type of thing from happening. If someone has it in their mind to do harm to others there isnt much anyone can do to stop it.
Aug 27, 2011
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Do you honestly think that it would be just as easy to get a semi-automatic if they were illegal? Really? All it might take is delaying a guy a day to throw his plans off or make him reconsider.

Or we can just throw our hands in the air and say, "Hey, these things happen."

It starts with 'Community'. Our society needs to a better job at finding the "outliers" in society and helping them to discover self worth and purpose. Most of the time teachers turn their back on those who are having trouble fitting in with society and we all know it. "Community" is fading in the world we live in today. More government control will create more backlash and rebellion.


$3M a Year With March Off
Aug 26, 2011
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The strictest gun control laws are in Chicago and yet is the murder capitol of the US. Splain that one to me Lucy.

I had a neighbor in Atlanta who thought all guns should be abolished and I told him "great you can be the first in the neighborhood to put a sign out that says this home is a gun free home" He shut up immediately.

By the way all you gun control freaks; in Nazi Germany they took all the guns away from the civilians, so only the military and the police had weapons.
That worked out real well.

What is the conservative obsession with Nazi's and Hitler? Is it aspirational?


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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The shooter used three legally purchased guns.

So, there's that.

If a turban and a bomb walked in the front door of that school, s*** would get done. But three legal guns walked in there instead, so let's shrug and wait for the next time.
Aug 26, 2011
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This shooter, Ryan Lanza killed his father, this morning, in Hoboken NJ. He then drove up to Newtown killed his mother, a kindergarten teacher, and most of the kids in his mothers class.

THe report I heard is that he killed his brother in Hoboken and not his father.He also killed his mother , a kindergarten teacher at the school.Such a sweet kid.
Aug 26, 2011
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Were they his? Did he legally purchase them or did they belong to the person he killed in NJ? In this state or NJ or somewhere else? Does it matter? Not at the moment. Going forward all those things have to be looked at.

Come up with a federal process on obtaining firearms. Don't leave it up to individual states to set the bar.

You can't discount that these incidents are not carried out by rational, law abiding citizens. These are ticking time bombs walking amongst us.


#1 Casual Fan™
Aug 27, 2011
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It starts with 'Community'. Our society needs to a better job at finding the "outliers" in society and helping them to discover self worth and purpose. Most of the time teachers turn their back on those who are having trouble fitting in with society and we all know it. "Community" is fading in the world we live in today. More government control will create more backlash and rebellion.

How about an actual idea? Have you got any of those?


Your #icebus Tour Director
Aug 24, 2011
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You can't discount that these incidents are not carried out by rational, law abiding citizens. These are ticking time bombs walking amongst us.

You're right. You're absolutely right.

So let's make it harder for them to explode.
Sep 1, 2011
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I worked at Hartford Distributors when the murders there occurred, some of the best men and biggest UConn fans were among the victims. Doug Scruton, Craig Pepin, Bill Ackerman were all huge Husky fans and the best guys you would ever meet. Omar Thornton the murderer legally had an arsenal, how do you figure.His claims of racism were the biggest bunch of crap. I have shot one bullet in my life. Make the guns illegal and eventually the idiots would not have them.
Aug 27, 2011
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Gun control, police and metal detectors is a band aid on top of much larger issue and pattern going on in society. 22 school children were stabbed by a lunatic in China today also. They also want to “beef up” security. But how much will that really solve? Would it save lives to take away freedoms and be constantly watched or would it make more people angry at society that they are constantly being controlled? Tough questions to answer, but in my opinion there needs to be awareness and effort from the public education system to identify and help those who are bullied and mistreated by society. When young kids are born different and shunned by the very society they so desperately trying to please and fit themselves into, the pain and suffering must be unimaginable. In their twisted minds it must be reasonable to cause harm to the same society that caused them torment. Otherwise it wouldn’t happen. It is impossible to place yourself into the shoes of a person who commits such evil and monstrous actions but what we can do is try and identify the “outliers” at a very young age. We have to come up with a way to involve those who are having trouble fitting in with the community. We need to find a place for them. Educators need to identify, report and speak up for those who are having trouble instead of turning their back. When I was a child I lived in the same area as the tragedy that took place today, and I can tell you I saw kids who had a lot of trouble fitting in and suffered because of it (me being one of them at one point but I lucky enough that I was helped by my wonderful family and I adapted). Teachers were of no help and many times made things much worse. It also doesn’t help that with television, internet, video games etc the word “community” does not hold as much meaning anymore and those who are separated from it are becoming further separated than ever before in history. Instead of putting up more controls and more band aids that will in the long run only make things worse and create more backlash in my opinion we have to put forth a greater attempt at tackling the source of the problem. Gun control is not going to help the agony and suffering in these peoples “minds”. That will still be there and they will find another way to either end the pain or inflict it onto others. A more controlled society will in turn create more rebellion. Though it is much easier said than done the true answer is to try and do all we can to create a sense of worth and purpose to those who feel no worth and teach them the significance of the world we live in and let them know they are loved. It won’t solve everything but I honestly believe it is a better solution than more government control. My heart goes out to the families who are suffering from this terrible tragedy today, God Bless their souls….We can all do better in the eyes of God.
Aug 26, 2011
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You're right. You're absolutely right.

So let's make it harder for them to explode.
I'm for anything that makes sense in regards to this. Much of what I read just doesn't make sense.

One thing I think might help is coming up with a federal process making it a uniform policy across the country on how you can obtain firearms. Have it include a psychological exam. That's all I got. I wish I had more.
Aug 26, 2011
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The strictest gun control laws are in Chicago and yet is the murder capitol of the US. Splain that one to me Lucy.

I had a neighbor in Atlanta who thought all guns should be abolished and I told him "great you can be the first in the neighborhood to put a sign out that says this home is a gun free home" He shut up immediately.

By the way all you gun control freaks; in Nazi Germany they took all the guns away from the civilians, so only the military and the police had weapons.
That worked out real well.
So what what do you suggest? Maybe we should arm everybody.
Aug 26, 2011
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Gun control, police and metal detectors is a band aid on top of much larger issue and pattern going on in society. 22 school children were stabbed by a lunatic in China today also. They also want to “beef up” security. But how much will that really solve? Would it save lives to take away freedoms and be constantly watched or would it make more people angry at society that they are constantly being controlled? Tough questions to answer, but in my opinion there needs to be awareness and effort from the public education system to identify and help those who are bullied and mistreated by society. When young kids are born different and shunned by the very society they so desperately trying to please and fit themselves into, the pain and suffering must be unimaginable. In their twisted minds it must be reasonable to cause harm to the same society that caused them torment. Otherwise it wouldn’t happen. It is impossible to place yourself into the shoes of a person who commits such evil and monstrous actions but what we can do is try and identify the “outliers” at a very young age. We have to come up with a way to involve those who are having trouble fitting in with the community. We need to find a place for them. Educators need to identify, report and speak up for those who are having trouble instead of turning their back. When I was a child I lived in the same area as the tragedy that took place today, and I can tell you I saw kids who had a lot of trouble fitting in and suffered because of it (me being one of them at one point but I lucky enough that I was helped by my wonderful family and I adapted). Teachers were of no help and many times made things much worse. It also doesn’t help that with television, internet, video games etc the word “community” does not hold as much meaning anymore and those who are separated from it are becoming further separated than ever before in history. Instead of putting up more controls and more band aids that will in the long run only make things worse and create more backlash in my opinion we have to put forth a greater attempt at tackling the source of the problem. Gun control is not going to help the agony and suffering in these peoples “minds”. That will still be there and they will find another way to either end the pain or inflict it onto others. A more controlled society will in turn create more rebellion. Though it is much easier said than done the true answer is to try and do all we can to create a sense of worth and purpose to those who feel no worth and teach them the significance of the world we live in and let them know they are loved. It won’t solve everything but I honestly believe it is a better solution than more government control. My heart goes out to the families who are suffering from this terrible tragedy today, God Bless their souls….We can all do better in the eyes of God.

There is certainly a place in all this, for this viewpoint. Don't expect it to be received well hours after the tragedy happened.
Aug 26, 2011
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"How many people who scream for gun control even understand why the right to bear arms was put into the bill of rights? How many understand whether the need for that right is more or less than it was 50 years ago or 100 years ago or 200 years ago?"

Wrong. The right to bear arms for malitia purposes no longer applies. It never was an absolute right to bear arms, and there certainly needs to be some serious limitations on it now.
Aug 27, 2011
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How about an actual idea? Have you got any of those?

Sure more effort and focus needs to be put forth from the educators on 1)helping the "isolated" 2)more awareness needs to go out to those who are not "troubled" to help those who are 3) We need to better identify them and try and create a place for them. Gun control is one solution but I am willing to bet it will not help that much and actually create more problems. It is the "minds" that are troubled and guns don't have minds. What happens when they get their hands on chemical weapons? Will metal detectors help? Again the issue is much much deeper than guns. And I truly think controlling guns will create more angry people.
Aug 30, 2011
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The strictest gun control laws are in Chicago and yet is the murder capitol of the US. Splain that one to me Lucy.

I had a neighbor in Atlanta who thought all guns should be abolished and I told him "great you can be the first in the neighborhood to put a sign out that says this home is a gun free home" He shut up immediately.

By the way all you gun control freaks; in Nazi Germany they took all the guns away from the civilians, so only the military and the police had weapons.
That worked out real well.
Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
Aug 27, 2011
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I am not expecting it to be well received but it needs to be said because I think people are focused on the wrong solutions. I also would like to point out that I am not being insensitive I am just trying to analyze and comprehend what happened instead of speak from raw emotion


$3M a Year With March Off
Aug 26, 2011
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Drugs don't kill people either, people kill people. See how I did that? It's really fun and it doesn't take any thought at all.
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