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Nice breakdown on hand held weapons Charlie.
I have a simple point to make, that I can't hold in any longer.
An unloaded firearm, isn't much more dangerous than a baseball bat or golf club, or brass knuckles.
This horror, was closer to home to me, than, well too close. The details will be out from the professionals as soon as everything is complete. Right now, over the next few days, the focus is on burying the remains of TWENTY six year olds, and six adults charged with their care, that stepped in harms way for those children.
What the information will show, is that this maniac was armed with enough high velocity ammunition,on his person, unused at the time his body was identified, to do a hell of a lot more killing, than what was actually done. What was discharged, is slightly over 30 full magazines of that american made copy of an AK-47, were emptied at close range, most at point blank, in approximately 12-15 minutes, before the psychopath went to a handgun for his own head. Forensics people have been tracing every single round. Bullets fired from inside that school, for example, that went through, wood, glass, metal and have been pulled out of the cars in the parking lots, trees surrounding the school. Thankfully, none of those babies suffered. It was over fast.
Better mental health diagnosis and treatment will not prevent the existence of psychopaths, who choose to do murder. Stricter gun control laws, will not prevent people who want guns, from getting them. I believe in a person's right to arm themselves, for defensive purposes. Small calibre, single shot weapons. Hunting weapons. I do not believe that a civilian has the right to own weapons, like a Bushmaster, which are clearly for military and enforcment purposes. There is no need for a civilian to own weapons that are designed by military for efficient, large scale killing.
Ammunition though. Tracking, controlling ammunition is the key. Laws governing discharge of firearms, and tracking ammunition is the key. There needs to be a system in place, to prevent people from stockpiling what this maniac was able to stockpile, for his mother's weapons. Laws to govern tracking of all discharges of weapons, from licensed weapons owners, and purchases of ammunition, tracked to all licensed weapons owners. Starting with the ammunition manufactures, and ammunition importers.
I agree with you on just about every point.
Although, I believe stricter gun control laws can still help. We have to at least make it a bit more difficult for people to get them. You say that it won't prevent people who want them from getting them, but we need to at least try. A black market is still a limited market.
It's CRAZY to me that people can, for example, go to a gun show and show a driver's license and walk out with whatever they wanted, provided they have enough cash. No background checks or waiting necessary. I'm also sure that loose gun control laws and gun shows are where a lot of today's illegal guns come from, via straw purchases. The only way we can do this is probably to make private/person-to-person sales of firearms illegal. If a person wants to sell a gun, they can only do so at licensed and registered dealers and the sale must be reported.