Is Hurley Really The Answer? | Page 12 | The Boneyard

Is Hurley Really The Answer?


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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@Stainmaster, I am not talking about wins or losses. I am sure you've never been divorced before. Hopefully that doesn't happen to you for to understand.

He wasn't moving in the right direction there either. The Grant's visits were still occurring. Weird locker room stuff was happening as late as the 2nd Cincy game. Nice try.
Mar 19, 2016
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They're just as delusional as Kevin is thinking he can get his job back. The company Ollie keeps is very telling of what kind of person he is
Thought you guys always kept it anoit basketball but there you go getting personal again.
Just because people dont agree with your little club doesnt make th hem delusional. I am a UConn fan 1st and always, even when we wete loding under Perno. A change is being made, I'm ok with that. Just dont try to convince me that 1 person is the answer. A national search should be done, just like when JC was hired and the best candidate chosen. If that's Hurley that's fine but you don't choose without exploring all options.
Aug 26, 2011
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He Gone. Basically he’s saying there is a ceiling right now at URI. And he’s hit it
You may be correct, but if Hurley and his wife truly prefer to stay in Kingston another subjective interpretation could potentially be "URI, you need to increase funding for us to succeed". No odds nor bets, just a possible different scenario.
Oct 14, 2013
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Maybe in make believe land there are people anointing Hurley as god but it hasn't been happening here. People are just making up fictional people to argue with

I didn't say they were "anointing him as God", just that they were anointing him as "the only choice". Many of you get so defensive of Hurley and he hasn't even been hired yet. This is the time to be questioning. Once someone is hired, we better all line up behind him and support him.
Aug 27, 2011
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To be fair it's happening on both sides, even Tenspro is starting to hedge his bets.

The "nobody will be happy unless the next coach is the second coming of a certain HOFer" thesis looks stronger by the day.

There is no hedge.

KO was an unmitigated disaster once he actually had to manage the whole program. Hurley would be a major upgrade and I would be excited to have him on our sideline. That doesn't mean there aren't aspects of his coaching that we should hope to see him improve upon.
Last edited:
Aug 29, 2015
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I didn't say they were "anointing him as God", just that they were anointing him as "the only choice". Many of you get so defensive of Hurley and he hasn't even been hired yet. This is the time to be questioning. Once someone is hired, we better all line up behind him and support him.
Who has said he's the only choice? Please, point me to the post.


I sport NewBalance sneakers to avoid a narrow path
Aug 27, 2011
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if you think the things one posts are stupid keep it to yourself. Just because you think something is stupid doesn't mean someone else thinks it's stupid.
I'm sorry to say... But your opinions/posts are the definition of stupid.
Only KO's mom (aka Kathy) thinks otherwise. Wake up and come back to reality.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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A national search should be done, just like when JC was hired and the best candidate chosen. If that's Hurley that's fine but you don't choose without exploring all options.

I think everyone's on board with that. We've all just been weighing the pros and cons of the guys out there, and coming up with our conclusions.

There's not all that many guys to pick from. Maybe a list of 7 or so.
Oct 14, 2013
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Who has said he's the only choice? Please, point me to the post.

It's the tone throughout the thread. I like Hurley. We could do much worse. I just think Oats might have a higher ceiling with the same downside. It's an opinion. Only time will tell.


I sport NewBalance sneakers to avoid a narrow path
Aug 27, 2011
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Thought you guys always kept it anoit basketball but there you go getting personal again.
Just because people dont agree with your little club doesnt make th hem delusional. I am a UConn fan 1st and always, even when we wete loding under Perno. A change is being made, I'm ok with that. Just dont try to convince me that 1 person is the answer. A national search should be done, just like when JC was hired and the best candidate chosen. If that's Hurley that's fine but you don't choose without exploring all options.
You have it all wrong kath... It's you who's in the "little club". Your precious Ollie is done, it's about time to get over it already and move on... For the sake of all of us

Your incessant ranting is mind numbing.
Aug 26, 2011
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It's the tone throughout the thread. I like Hurley. We could do much worse. I just think Oats might have a higher ceiling with the same downside. It's an opinion. Only time will tell.
But the problem is, at UConn's level, your opinion is pretty much a guess.

You may be right. He may be able to take over a program that is struggling and turn it around. But UConn's level is one where it can go with surer bets. And should.
May 2, 2015
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I have been watching URI pretty much all season. Most have watched 1-3 games. Here is reality. The grass is not greener.

Firing Ollie for a coach with a lesser winning percentage in 2 lesser conferences. Was really not what I thought was a great idea.

Spend the money. Go poach a proven coach from a big program who is a good X/O’s guy who has a name and can recruit. MAKE A SPLASH. Someone kids know and want to play for. Combine that with our 4 NC’s and kids will know we are serious about getting back to the top of the mountain.

We dont have time or the situation to try for lightning in a bottle. Hurley is a bigger gamble than most here who drank the Hurley cool aid think.

Hurley is not a upgrade from Ollie. He is about the same just a different face.. Ollie is better recruiting. JA, DH, AG.... And we were in the mix on several big time guys who went elsewhere that are now being chased after for paying recruits. Hurley never even got on any top 50 final lists.. And dont say its due to conference when everyone says the AAC is so bad.. Is it that better than the A10?

If we are a BIG school go get a big coach. If not we will be a middle of the conference team.. Bet on it.

I support KO’s firing. But I want a upgrade a real upgrade. This is not 1985.

It’s 2018 and we have 4 freakin NC’s and we are looking a a A10 coach with a record under .600

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