If AG undergoes surgery again, then he MUST recover and MUST be our starting PG next year, because there is no alternative that leaves us a viable basketball team. If Jalen leaves, we have only Akinjo at point and whatever freshman or grad-level point that KO can dig up next spring. I say, "next spring" because KO has no scholarship available until Jalen announces. Even if he knows a 5-star PG dying to commit to UConn right now, how can he make the offer? And the worse of it is that without AG, and without AG's scholarship, we will have exactly three true guards next year no matter what happens. Wilson and Matthews are not true guards, even if you make the large assumption that they are prime-time ready. A recovered AG is absolutely our only hope for next year short of Jalen returning, and even with Jalen returning, a recovered AG is our only hope to have four guards..