st. Joseph’s was ridiculously hot in the first half and some of their players made some shots throughout the game that they may never make again in their life. That happens with underdogs sometimes.
But the amount of stupid plays we made is just unacceptable. We had Gilbert, Vital, Polley taking contested long two’s without any ball movement. Josh airballed his first shot and the airballed a free throw later. He didn’t come ready to play.. Then we come back Vital and Gilbert decide to just dribble into the other team and give them the ball.
However, we should ban the “ollie’s Guys” argument. These kids have been Hurley guys for 2 years now and have all bought in to his program. A good coach can get the best out of players even if he didn’t sit on the mother’s couch when the kid was 17.
This is the best takeaway I've seen on the yard so far.
St. Joe's shot incredibly well...yes some not contested enough, but others were and they were making almost all of them tonight! They deserve some credit for that. They were also well coached and IMO, will be much better than the predictions made pre-season.
That said, the shot selection from our guards was horrible tonight. Vital felt he had to jack up threes, when what we really needed was to find the open man with passing or a drive and dish. Moving the ball around was what got us back in the game, so why do the rewind of the quick long-range jacks with no one near the boards?? Seemed like an ego-driven, reactionary move to me.
AG played his worst game that I can remember in a Husky jersey. I don't know when he's going to learn that you don't drive into the lane one-on-four and expect to make a layup. His best drives are when he uses his floater...but don't recall any last night. He did hit some threes late, but it was his decision making earlier that was really awful and hurt us tonight. I'm not sure where he was at mentally tonight, but it wasn't here. That said, it was one game and I'm confident he'll bounce back and play smarter.
Dan Hurley didn't seem to manage the game well. Hope he learns from it, because with a chance to pull this game out, you don't take your foot off the gas when our press is working so well. If the reason was guys were getting tired, then you go to the next guy or two on the bench...take your chances with them...allow them to grow a little, but you keep it going!
I'd like to think this game showed the worst of what we can offer this season. I think we will learn some from it, hopefully a lot! Hurley doesn't give up and that's huge! He's not going to wait for next year's recruits to arrive. As a result, I think many of the ultra negative comments here from last night and today, will look ridiculous several weeks from now.