Don't let facts get in the way of a stupid statement. UConn already receives more than twice the amount of State funding provided to the 4-campus Connecticut State University System (CSUS).
Combined, Central, Eastern, Southern, and Western already serves more students than the UConn system, on a budget half the size. And while the entire State Government could certainly be more efficient, CSUS spends a greater percent of their budget on academics compared to our wasteful flagship university. Face it, there is no more $$$ for UConn, the well is dry.
2014-15 Fall FTE Enrollment
UConn – 26,874
CSUS – 27,735
2014-15 Annual State Appropriations
UConn - $631,344,030
CSUS – $277,716,018
From 2005-06 to 2014-15, UConn appropriations have grown the at 121.0%, and State Universities at just 32.7%.
2014-15 Instructional Expenses
UConn – $622,737,909 (28.1%)
CSUS – $325,439,907 (43.2%)
Source: Connecticut Office of Higher Education
LOL - I thought we were talking about things that can be done legally.
Sure in MagicWandLand you can just walk away from 30 billion in unfunded pensions.
That was easy. Now Herbst can stay and spend away.
CTs unfunded pension liability is up there but not the leader of the pack. IL, NY, NJ, CA and MASS all ahead of CT so maybe their state schools are screwed worse than UCONN?
Page 25 says state appropriations were 275 million in 2017. I don’t know if that’s the only line that captures state funding.
CTs unfunded pension liability is up there but not the leader of the pack. IL, NY, NJ, CA and MASS all ahead of CT so maybe their state schools are screwed worse than UCONN?
Why do we need four mediocre universities? Combine them into one like Guapo said and just make it Connecticut State and then open a few community colleges if you want local commuter schoolsDon't let facts get in the way of a stupid statement. UConn already receives more than twice the amount of State funding provided to the 4-campus Connecticut State University System (CSUS).
Combined, Central, Eastern, Southern, and Western already serves more students than the UConn system, on a budget half the size. And while the entire State Government could certainly be more efficient, CSUS spends a greater percent of their budget on academics compared to our wasteful flagship university. Face it, there is no more $$$ for UConn, the well is dry.
2014-15 Fall FTE Enrollment
UConn – 26,874
CSUS – 27,735
2014-15 Annual State Appropriations
UConn - $631,344,030
CSUS – $277,716,018
From 2005-06 to 2014-15, UConn appropriations have grown the at 121.0%, and State Universities at just 32.7%.
2014-15 Instructional Expenses
UConn – $622,737,909 (28.1%)
CSUS – $325,439,907 (43.2%)
Source: Connecticut Office of Higher Education
Serious question which might be asked and answered by the time I get through this."None of us are indispensable."
Ouch. Not a grammar curmudeon by any means, but Sue should have somebody in the English department proofread for her.
This can be (and to some extent is being) done for everyone not yet drawing a pension. Those people aren't the problem.
Saw a black Lexus today with JSM license plate. I like to think it was him, looking for the next DOT worker to flip off.Miss u @JSM
I'm pretty sure it's spelled "rospensibility."I could however help them with some math and explain the concept of ‘fudiciary responsibility’, since I’m pretty sure there aren’t many people at the school or in the legislature that get it.
Why do we need four mediocre universities? Combine them into one like Guapo said and just make it Connecticut State and then open a few community colleges if you want local commuter schools
Serious question which might be asked and answered by the time I get through this.
Is "none" definitively to be read as "nobody" or "noone" when followed by "of us," or could it be read as "zero (of us)" and thereby not incorrect?
Why do we need four mediocre universities? Combine them into one like Guapo said and just make it Connecticut State and then open a few community colleges if you want local commuter schools
The state is so small though. It doesn't make sense to have four schools that are basically the same thing. It's not like we're Texas or California where it could be 8 hours to the closest universityLocation, location, location.
CTs unfunded pension liability is up there but not the leader of the pack. IL, NY, NJ, CA and MASS all ahead of CT so maybe their state schools are screwed worse than UCONN?
Why do we need four mediocre universities? Combine them into one like Guapo said and just make it Connecticut State and then open a few community colleges if you want local commuter schools
Why do we need four mediocre universities? Combine them into one like Guapo said and just make it Connecticut State and then open a few community colleges if you want local commuter schools
But you need four schools to do that? We're a small state.Because you need teachers. And accountants. And journalists. And computer programmers. And business managers.
The goal isn’t how high you can get your school in a gamed magazing ranking.
You need to educate your population so you can have a modern economy. It can’t just be screw everyone but the top 10% of students.
CTs unfunded pension liability is up there but not the leader of the pack. IL, NY, NJ, CA and MASS all ahead of CT so maybe their state schools are screwed worse than UCONN?
Well enjoy your glorified community college. You sure do care a lot about it.First, the four State Universities were basically operating as one system until Gov. Dan sent his hatchet man into consolidate the system with the Community Colleges. The savings of a few administrators at the Universities is miniscule in the big picture, especially when you consider real cost is the outdated facilities and infrastructure. If properly managed, the IT investments and capital improvements required for Connecticut State University campuses alone would eliminate any "net" saving to the State.
And if you have been hiding under a rock, you will see that the Board of Regents was unable to combine the 12 Community Colleges into a single, accredited institution. The financial waste and bloat is at UConn, not in the other sectors of higher education.
Leaders Pushing Community College Merger Plan Forward Despite Accreditor's Rejection
Regents determined to persist with 'Students First' consolidation - The CT Mirror
But again, why should we expect anyone on this board to have a logical and practical solution to the State's fiscal issues, when the #1 priority for most posters here is ensuring UConn doesn't share an athletic conference with East Carolina.
The state is so small though. It doesn't make sense to have four schools that are basically the same thing. It's not like we're Texas or California where it could be 8 hours to the closest university
But you need four schools to do that? We're a small state.
But you need four schools to do that? We're a small state.