GoT Season Seven | Page 7 | The Boneyard

GoT Season Seven


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Tyrion might know as well, IRCC he was still Hand of the King when Joffrey started having all of Robert's bastards killed. Varys might know too.

That's a certainty. Dude pretty much knows all. And if he doesn't....he will.
Jun 10, 2012
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I Think the Targaryens (and I dont remember the workings of all that) have the rightful claim to the throne. I think the Baratheon (and now by proxy Lannister) claim is only in absence of any Targaryen being around to lay claim. Remember that is why Robert in season 1 got so worked up about hearing news of Dany that he and Ned fought over how to resolve. (Robert wanted to kill her)
He tried in the book...poisoned wine, I think...
Aug 27, 2011
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Well, this might be a spoiler, but it's in the books. Don't read if you don't want to know what I'm referring to. I'm not saying this is it, but this is it:

Euron reportedly had possession of a famous horn which allowed the user to take control of Dragons.

fwiw I had Euron looking like this in my head while reading the books. For those who like Black Sails:


Yeah, that's what I was thinking of. In the books, I don't think there was a lot of fanfare before it was revealed in the book, but we did hear a lot about Euron had been exploring all of the world, including old Valyria. I don't think they've driven that home as much on the show.

One thing I remember from the book was that the horn was fatal to the user. I think the guy who blew it had his lungs turn to ash. Someone like Dany could probably use it repeatedly without difficulty, but Euron has to find a suicide trumpeter if he's going use it against Dany's dragons.

If that's Euron's "gift," it makes sense for the reveal to be a surprise to everyone. Him bringing it to King's Landing would only make him appear more unstable - "I can't demonstrate it because it would kill me. Also, there are no dragons here. Trust me, though, it totally works."

Like the wildfire ships, taking the dragons out of the picture, even temporarily, would throw Dany's forces off balance and give Cersei the advantage.
Sep 2, 2011
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Jon Snow deserved it. He is an idiot. These two are the worst, and the other two options are only mildly better. Bran is becoming some kind of mystical semi-diety and Arya is officially a mass murderer. Arya can't argue she is doing it for the family, because they have no idea she is doing it. Might as well give Bran a shot at running the family at this point.

Arya was training to be a mass murderer in Season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Now she is a mass murderer, and it is glorious.
Sep 2, 2011
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Snow almost got his army destroyed by Ramsay because he is an idiot, and now he is engaging in more idiocy. The point of those meetings of the Lords is to flesh out problems, and I think Sansa was correct in pointing out that the Umbers and Karstarks deserved to be punished. The Karstarks in particular have been -holes from the start.

Snow is just a scalitoing idiot and will get everyone killed unless Bran, Sansa, Davos or someone else stops him.

Sansa > Jon Snow at this point.

Sansa was right on. Snow will survive the bad decision this time because the Umbers and Karstarks are being led by children for the show's duration, but he's died before by rejecting such advice. Stannis warned him when he became Commander of the Night's Watch to send Alliser Thorne away by giving Alliser command of East Watch Tower or something. Snow rejected the suggestion, saying he was always taught to keep his enemies close. And then Alliser killed him.
Sep 2, 2011
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Ned was very, very good at bumblingly starting conflicts. Dude should have just stayed in his keep, and left the Game to men more suited than he.

Ned did tell someone, but I can't remember who. Someone who helped get the kid North I think?

Ned knew enough to stay out of the South. It took the combined efforts of the greatest man in Westeros and the dumbest Stark of them all to get him to accept Robert's offer (Littlefinger had Lysa send a letter informing Catelyn that John Aryn was murdered and Catelyn told Ned that the only way he could both get to the bottom of it and protect the family was by becoming Hand).

Really, if not for Adub's impotent rage at a a nine-year old girl, Caetlyn would be recognized as the Stark's Bane. Dummie sent Ned south, then she starts a war by kidnapping Tyrion, and then she sowed discord in Rob's army and brought about the Red Wedding by letting the Kingslayer go (Robb married his Uncle off to the Frey's because he needed Frey forces to replace Karstark forces). Woman just sucked. The best thing Ned ever did was remove Sansa and Arya from her care
Sep 2, 2011
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Lol of course you are.

I am really apprehensive about his inevitable demise. The man deserves to be King . . . but GRRM just isn't the type of author who breaks the mold like some imagine. Dany-John have been the obvious GoT winners from day one in the classic dispossed-child-grows-into-hero-after-learning-true-identity-or-discovering-magic-powers storyline.


Aug 26, 2011
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I am really apprehensive about his inevitable demise. The man deserves to be King . . . but GRRM just isn't the type of author who breaks the mold like some imagine. Dany-John have been the obvious GoT winners from day one in the classic dispossed-child-grows-into-hero-after-learning-true-identity-or-discovering-magic-powers storyline.
Why exactly does he deserve to be king?
Sep 2, 2011
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Question for Book Readers (and this is casting not story related, not a spoiler)

Is the guy the got to play Euron the worst casing of the series. He is NOTHING like the book. They hit it out of the park with much of their casting. A couple fails; Dario #1 comes to mind, but they fixed that.

Euron is NOTHING like this guy they cast or are writing.

This show still really grabs me for the tables they have set but the dialogue and some character choices since they went ahead of the books seem more like B movie material.

I agree that Euron is poorly cast, but I also don't care because he sucks in the series too. Just a waste of page and screen time. GRRM needed another unimportant person to kill, so he could maintain the illusion that he broke tbe fantasy genre mold because important characters die.
Aug 26, 2011
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Arya was training to be a mass murderer in Season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Now she is a mass murderer, and it is glorious.

In that world it's not considered mass murder. Her actions are perfectly justified.


Aug 26, 2011
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I believe in meritocracy and Littlefinger is simply the best. No one can rival his singleminded focus, ability and skill. But for the bed he was born in, he would already be King.
Ehhh. Kings aren't decided on merit, and while I can appreciate that he's ridden every coattail to improve his lot in life, he'd make for a terrible leader. He should just be happy that he's made it this far and enjoy a cushy lordship somewhere.

He's so smitten for Sansa he won't see it coming when she offs him.

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