GoT Season Seven | Page 54 | The Boneyard

GoT Season Seven

Sep 2, 2011
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I love that he begged like a bitch. 's here smh

Drogo takes a crying Danny from behind in Season One. Snow sees a woman naked for the first time in his life in Season Two and goes down on her. What did you expect from a Millenial?



i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Yes, but there would have never been enough support for a rebellion based just on Robert's embarrassment.

Which why he could have kept that part under wraps, and promoted the kidnap/rape story, to gather men to his side and foment the rebellion.

A lot of this is unknown by the way. I should have been more clear before this.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Jon, as rightful heir to the thrown, will either sit the iron throne, or choose it's successor (please please please be Tyrion haha), before possibly dying.
Sep 2, 2011
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Their marriage for sure. But not their love affair. It's their love affair that angered and embarrassed Robert iirc.

Robert was but a third of the rebellion. If Rhygaer or Lyanna had bothered informing anyone of the marriage, John Arryn and Ned Stark don't recruit Robert to lead the rebellion. Robert's name gets affixed to the rebellion because the other two houses made him king, but Ned marched for revenge for his father and brother and John Arryn marched for Ned because Ned was raised as his ward.
Sep 2, 2011
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Thought the episode was good. Probably the best one of the season. Felt more like GOT with lots of dialogue and planning/dealing that actually has ramifications rather than nonsense action that makes no sense.

The ice dragon scene was cool. Aejon Starkgaryan (stealing this from August) reveal was pretty cool. Cersei deciding on the truce (or fake truce) was a reasonable action for her to take.

Thought Tyrion's "kill me now" scene was....awful. they are really ruining his character.

Didn't really understand what the big deal was that Jon ruined the deal between Cersei and Dany. Cersei agreed to be ally's and not attack them. If i remember correctly, she never agreed to actually help them fight. So Tyrions "life or death" mission to get Cersei to....agree to be allies seemed forced. Didn't really see why that was such high stakes.

Enjoyed seeing Littlefinger go and I thought they did it well with the "how do you respond to these charges.....Peter Baelysh?" Knew he was screwed all season, but it was believable that Arya was being charged there.

But it seems like his death would have way more of a shock and impact death had it happened two seasons ago. They waited too long to kill him; he made all his noise in the first few seasons and hasn't really done a whole lot since. They haven't known what to do with him for a while.

Last night it was just, "meh" Littlefinger is gone thank god. It doesn't really change anything. Same thing is going to happen when/if Varys dies. He has sort of just been floating around for the last 3 seasons.

Overall, good episode. Felt more like GOT than the Michael Bay nonesense we have been getting.

Littlefinger and Varys were great players of the Game. It is hard to make them as loveabley effective when the plot turns to Zombie Fighting. There isn't as much call for intrigue and backstabbing.

Tyrion's character poses much the same problem. He is a thinker like Littlefinger and Varys, but now the story is turning to Hero Stuff and there are only so many brilliant maneuvers to assign. John and Danny and the rest get most of those plotlines.
Sep 2, 2011
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So what happens to Pipsqueak Arryn now that Littlefinger is dead? I hope they don't redeem his character. I would like to see Sansa manipulate her way onto that throne.

Just to rub it in August's face. She is officially the head of House Stark. Everyone knows that right? John is the Targaryean heir once his parentage comes out and Sansa the True Lady of Winterfell.
Mar 21, 2013
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Littlefinger and Varys were great players of the Game. It is hard to make them as loveabley effective when the plot turns to Zombie Fighting. There isn't as much call for intrigue and backstabbing.

Tyrion's character poses much the same problem. He is a thinker like Littlefinger and Varys, but now the story is turning to Hero Stuff and there are only so many brilliant maneuvers to assign. John and Danny and the rest get most of those plotlines.

I agree. You re making my point for me.

Waiting 2 or 3 seasons too long to kill them waters down their deaths a lot. The audience forgets some of the power moves they have pulled and their accomplishments don't seem as meaningful since they happened 4,5,6 seasons ago.

Since they haven't had any use for them, why drag them along for so long? Their deaths would be so much more shocking/impactful if they happened when they were actually doing stuff.


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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So what happens to Pipsqueak Arryn now that Littlefinger is dead? I hope they don't redeem his character. I would like to see Sansa manipulate her way onto that throne.

Just to rub it in August's face. She is officially the head of House Stark. Everyone knows that right? John is the Targaryean heir once his parentage comes out and Sansa the True Lady of Winterfell.

A true stark would execute the sentence they passed. The show went out of their way to make her look as Impotent as she is. She even admitted to being slow. And then she didn't swing the sword on her own sentence.

Ned turning over in the crypt.
Aug 24, 2011
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Littlefinger and Varys were great players of the Game. It is hard to make them as loveabley effective when the plot turns to Zombie Fighting. There isn't as much call for intrigue and backstabbing.

Tyrion's character poses much the same problem. He is a thinker like Littlefinger and Varys, but now the story is turning to Hero Stuff and there are only so many brilliant maneuvers to assign. John and Danny and the rest get most of those plotlines.

Beyond that, none of them are in the location where most of the Game takes place . . . Once they all left King's Landing it was hard to make them part of that portion of the story.
Feb 4, 2012
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Which why he could have kept that part under wraps, and promoted the kidnap/rape story, to gather men to his side and foment the rebellion.

A lot of this is unknown by the way. I should have been more clear before this.

"Don't matter who did what to who at this point. Fact is, we went to war, and now there ain't no going back. I mean, shytt, it's what war is, you know? Once you in it, you in it. If it's a lie, then we fight on that lie. But we gotta fight."

-Slim Charles
Sep 2, 2011
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I agree. You re making my point for me.

Waiting 2 or 3 seasons too long to kill them waters down their deaths a lot. The audience forgets some of the power moves they have pulled and their accomplishments don't seem as meaningful since they happened 4,5,6 seasons ago.

Since they haven't had any use for them, why drag them along for so long? Their deaths would be so much more shocking/impactful if they happened when they were actually doing stuff.

I agree with you, and will only add what I have said a million times before. This is all because GRRM deviated from his original plan and lengthened the series by keeping Danny away from Westeros for too long.

Everything seemingly forced is related to that decision. He paused the main storyline and therefore had to create subplots while the Dead walked on treadmills North of the wall and Danny went from meaningless city to meaningless city.
Feb 4, 2012
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I agree with you, and will only add what I have said a million times before. This is all because GRRM deviated from his original plan and lengthened the series by keeping Danny away from Westeros for too long.

Everything seemingly forced is related to that decision. He paused the main storyline and therefore had to create subplots while the Dead walked on treadmills North of the wall and Danny went from meaningless city to meaningless city.
Not a big fan of the author, but he had to put Dany in at least a few outpost cities to show her as a benevolent ruler and breaker of chains.
Sep 2, 2011
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A true stark would execute the sentence they passed. The show went out of their way to make her look as Impotent as she is. She even admitted to being slow. And then she didn't swing the sword on her own sentence.

Ned turning over in the crypt.

They went out of their way to make her look as competent as possible by withholding what she intuited and orchestrated on her own and what Bran revealed. No matter. She beat the best player in the Game by following Stark Wisdom---

In the Winter the lone wolf dies and the Pack survives. Sansa is the pack's lead b------ch.
Sep 2, 2011
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Arya is going to kill the mountain

Lol. Guy who condemned entire season because the Hound was gonna kill the Mountain changes prediction and expects us to listen.



Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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They went out of their way to make her look as competent as possible by withholding what she intuited and orchestrated on her own and what Bran revealed. No matter. She beat the best player in the Game by following Stark Wisdom---

In the Winter the lone wolf dies and the Pack survives. Sansa is the pack's lead b------ch.

As a Stark should she have sung the sword after passing sentence?

[ } yes
[ ] no
[ ] cant answer without being my normal disingenuous self.


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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Lol. Guy who condemned entire season because the Hound was gonna kill the Mountain changes prediction and expects us to listen.


I had more correct predictions this season than anyone. Go through thread.


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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Well lets look at that. I will grant she didnt get as played as usual, but how can you credit her alone when she had:

1) Bran who went back and pulled up every deceitful Littlefinger quote
2) Arya who became an expert at detecting Liars in her faceless men training

Bran and Arya walked her through Littlefingers deceptions. Without them she doesnt get there.

Her part to play as "lady of winterfell" was to pass AND execute the sentence.

She only succeeded on one of those two counts. Pathetic. Her father would be so ashamed.

You are missing the point of what was accomplished. the Starks presented a united front. As an all star team they have the king in the north, risen from the dead, who is also heir to the Iron throne. A superstar assassin. An all knowing and all seeing magical seer. And a hot redhead who is becoming a competent administrator.

The message with Bran there, and Arya carrying out the sentence wordlessly, is that they are one. It's team leadership, not Sansa in charge. They simply used the right tool for the job.


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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Not a Lady Stark. Now you say Arya and be disingenuous.

Why not a Lady Stark? Show me where the motto "One who passes the sentence shall swing the sword" has the caveat "except for women". You can't.

You think little lady Mormont wont swing the sword on her own? Everyone who watches the show knows she absolutely would. Why can she, but not Sansa?


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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So what happens to Pipsqueak Arryn now that Littlefinger is dead? I hope they don't redeem his character. I would like to see Sansa manipulate her way onto that throne.

Just to rub it in August's face. She is officially the head of House Stark. Everyone knows that right? John is the Targaryean heir once his parentage comes out and Sansa the True Lady of Winterfell.

Well, technically Brandon should be.


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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Relating sneak previews illegally purloined does not a prediction make.

I didnt see ep 7 early. No one did.

Lets take a looksie:

And littlefinger gets his throat cut. And Cleganebowl. And Dany and Jon schtupping. And Jamie and Brienne doing their dance and Cersi agreeing to fight walkers in the most transparent lie yet only to think privately that she will let the walkers take care of all her enemies for her. maybe she goes down on the night king.

There I wrote ep 7 for you. No need to watch.

If GOT is anything this year it is eminently predictable.

Littlefinger gets cut [x]
Cleganebowl [ ]
Danny and Jon doing it dragon style [ x]
Jamie and Brienne [ x]
Cersei lying about helping after agreeing [x]

4 out of 5 right there

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