She did overhear him and varys muttering things down in the dungeons right before/as everything started popping off in King's Landing
Did I see Randall Tarly roasting at the end of the episode?
Well there was one. Now we don't know if there are more. It didn't exactly prove effective, even when it was a surprise.
I think it was a message to the viewers (us) that Arya is a skilled fighter. I suspect that she will engage in one on one combat with another skilled foe and win. They glossed over her training when she was in Essos, heck she was consistently getting her rear end kicked by the waif. I think the show runners wanted to make it clear that Arya is extremely dangerous in combat, that way when she kicks butt later on we're not surprised.
Yesterday I speculated on Arya killing the Mountain, having thought about it some more I now think she's going to kill a White Walker; her dagger is made of Valerian steel, so that should be an effective weapon. Maybe she takes out the Night King.
1. Littlefinger gives the dagger to Bran
3. Bran gives Arya the dagger. Bran lets Arya and Sansa know that he knows what Arya has done, can do, and plans to do.
4. Arya shows everyone, but in particular Littlefinger, just what she can do by sparring with Brienne.
5. Littlefinger nods in acknowledgement. His underwear may be soiled.
iirc she got a significant amount of her sword training from Syrio Forel in Kings Landing as well.
Syrio, Jaqen H'gha, The Hound...not a bad set of mentors.
Not only that, but specifically, Littlefinger sees that Arya is now in possession of said dagger, which implies a couple of different things.
She did overhear him and varys muttering things down in the dungeons right before/as everything started popping off in King's Landing
If you buy into the Fire and Ice dichotomy...he's making a play for the Ice side of the equation while Vary's is on the Fire side.I would like to know why the Knights of the Vale are sticking around too, but to answer that you need to know what Littlefinger is plotting. His behavior is odd. The last time civil war broke out, he was beaming from camp to camp, meeting with all the players and brokering deals to his advantage. Now he is just . . . giving advice to Sansa.
No siree. Makes no sense.
Back in character...For those scoring at home, the Targaryan/Stark side has Dothraki, a half man/half magic tree mystic that can see everything at once, the best assassin in the 7 kingdoms, and THREE SCALITOING DRAGONS, and they are still losing. They are the WORST.
I am off the fence. I want Cersei to win.
Surprised no one has rushed to occupy the Twins given their previous strategic importance...less so with Euron's fleet , of course...but I'd love to catch the Lannister army sailing north with a few dragon's on hand...It was important because the Iron Bank was about to shut Cersei down, and now she should be able to pay them off.
But strategically, look at the map. Highgarden is pretty useless down in the south-west. It was never fortified, because nobody wanted it. Danny is perched just off-shore of King's Landing. Dorne is to its south. Littlefinger (for now) is on board and holds The Vale. RiverRun should revert back to the Tullys. The Twins are up for grab. Winterfell is back with the Starks.
The Lannisters just retreated entirely out of any position north of Kings Landing. They've got the Iron Islands with Euron I suppose, but it's useless. They are bottled in.
How is it that DT was flying on a dragon hundreds of feet in the air yet her hair was not blowing in the wind? Good hairspray in those days
Looks like there is no block and tackle to magnify the forces, so this looks like a straight lever arm mechanical advantage of maybe 4 or 5 to 1. The setup may be for two men to draw the bow, and Bron was just running a little high on adrenaline. A block and tackle would slow it down in proportion to how much it multiplied the that's the tradeoff...faster draw, but less tension.Here's a q for the engineers (geeks) - are the spokes on the wheel used to draw back the bowstring on the scorpion long enough to develop the right amount of tension needed? I would have thought that wheel would need to be a bit larger in diameter, unless there's some gearing we can't see. I vaguely recall something about lever arm length vs force from HS physics.
Dany has walked through fire that burned all her clothes but did nothing to her hair. That's some magic hair right there.A woman flying on a fire breathing dragon....and the stillness of her hair is hard to believe
My wife asked the same question after the episode.
A woman flying on a fire breathing dragon....and the stillness of her hair is hard to believe
My wife asked the same question after the episode.
He kinda disappeared. I think a guy like him will die on screen.
I would tend to agree, but there was a guy cooking as Tyrion was viewing the battle, at about 47:45 on the HboGo replay, that looked a lot like Tarly.
I would tend to agree, but there was a guy cooking as Tyrion was viewing the battle, at about 47:45 on the HboGo replay, that looked a lot like Tarly.