Anyone else feel like what happened to the fleet is a really bad look for Varys?
Does Dorne pull out with the cute Sand chick and whatsherface hostage? Army is still out there regardless. But I wonder if Cersei can resist killing them, which will of course destroy leverage against Dorne they have and should value.
They really turned Euron's character around correctly quickly. From the end of S6 to that raving, murderous, Joker-laughing warlord in two episodes.
I first thought for a second Arya would encounter some snuck-far-South White Walkers when I saw her breath, but it was too bright out (Walkers don't just bring cold; they bring stormy night) and figured it was her wolf instead. That can't be the last time we see her and her pack; seemed like a pretty clear Chekhov's Gun to me.