I don't know why UConn fans bother with this A-wipe. It's just a matter of time when ESPN realizes what a complete idiot this guy is and once he's fired from that gig he'll vanish into oblivion. All this crap is going to catch up with him sooner or later. I don't know what vendetta he has against UConn, but he's never going to stop. If KO winning the NC after all Goodman's comments this past season can't stop him from making a fool of himself, I don't know what will. After KO wins NC #2 at UConn, Goodman will still find something to criticize our program.
What just boggles my mind is how anyone could invalidate or depreciate what KO did this past season. No one in their right mind would look at last season's roster and say, "Yeah, that team is going to win it all!" What KO did with a roster that was hampered in recruiting the prior few years, is nothing short of remarkable. Now don't get me wrong! There were some talented players on the team, but KO coached every ounce of talent out of that group and beat team after team that the talking heads said would squash UConn like a bug. Many had them losing to SJs, but from that game on UConn was the underdog and kicked each fave to the curb, one after the other. How anyone could not give KO huge props for what he did is beyond me.
What a moron!