Girlfriend help from the boneyard | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Girlfriend help from the boneyard

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Edward Sargent

Aug 28, 2011
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We all know SMU is a huge game tomorrow. It also happens to be played at 8:00 p.m. on Valentine's Day. Any ideas on how I can convince my Venezuelan girlfriend, who knows nothing about college basketball, to stay in and watch the game on Valentine's day?
Now I'm probably a lot older than you so my techniques might not translate to modern day but I remember a big UCONN game on a Valentines Day I think it might have been Illinois for some reason. I got a night in a nice B&B in a small town on the Jersey/Pennsy border that had a fireplace in the room. We went to dinner, came home in time for the game (which like SMU was a late game) lit the fireplace opend a bottle of wine and voila the stars aligned. They won, we won and I won


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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Don't listen to any of these other fools.

I don't care what you say to her, your girlfriend hears: "a basketball game is more important than me on my big special day." BLAH BLAH BLAH.

Keep your mouth shut and DVR the game. Then SUNDAY mention to her that you have a game to watch, you DVR'd it saturday because being with her on valentines day was much more important. Then you get "isn't that thoughtful" points.

Says the guy motivated by a 25 year old. Give me a 25 year old and I will DVR the game too. :)


The triumphant return of the Blues Brothers.
Sep 12, 2011
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I guess I am lucky. My wife hates valentines day and shares my view that it is a Hallmark Holiday scam for suckers. Valentines and New Years Eve are the two days of the year we are least likely to go out to dinner. She doesn't want me to overpay for flowers for some fake holiday either, although she likes them at random times.


Storrs, CT The Mecca
Aug 26, 2011
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We all know SMU is a huge game tomorrow. It also happens to be played at 8:00 p.m. on Valentine's Day. Any ideas on how I can convince my Venezuelan girlfriend, who knows nothing about college basketball, to stay in and watch the game on Valentine's day?
9 pm


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Bring her to the 50 Shades of Gray matinee then let her go Venezuelan crazy on you while you're on the couch watching the game.:oops:
Yeah, I can't beat that advice. Perhaps just to provide a connection between the two events, you can use "Larry Brown" as your safety phrase.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Promise her a Terrific Lady Day or two sometime in the near future.
So they'd go to see the girls play?


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I am so lucky. My gf who just gave birth to our first about 3 weeks ago reminded me that the game was on at 9 and asked if we could go out to dinner early so i can be home in plenty of time to catch the game. :D
Congratulations. Boy or girl?


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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You probably shouldn't even try.

And the fact that you thought this place could help you is troubling.
...but potentially entertaining. You are becoming a killjoy in your old age. ;)


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Can't possibly give advice without knowing her better, but I met my wife on Valentine's day in 1986 and we fell in love pretty much right then and there. We've been together since, and some of you remember the story I posted a bit back.

One of the reasons we made it 30 years and counting is because we mutually recognize that some things are very important to the other person. We don't judge whether the importance is justified or profound or silly. We simply recognize that, for whatever reason by our creation and life, these few things here ------> XXXXXX <--------- are very important to the other person.

And so we defer, virtually always, on those things.

Example. My wife is a dog lover. So we have dogs. About 5 more than I'd have if it was just me. They wreck crap, pee on crap, puke on crap, crap on crap, wake us up, get old and put us through hell as they die, and otherwise bring a lot of negative crap along with the positive soul massage that they offer when they aren't doing the crappy crap.

But I endure, because that's part of the deal.

My wife recognized a long time ago the UConn BBall was a passion of mine. It is my dogs. And it's going to crap on the carpet tomorrow night when I sit and watch the game tomorrow and don't go out on what is our 30th anniversary, really, and you know what she'll do? She'll watch my dog crap on the carpet, she'll help me clean it up, and she won't say one negative thing to me about it.

If a woman ever tries to get you to temper what you're passionate about so that she can have more for herself, I'd say keep looking, and provide the same respect in return.

If she supports your Husky addiction and loves making crappy looking pots and spending too much money on glycerine to make soap that smell like old lady no-shower cover perfume, my God man, buy that woman all the clay she can mold and all the glycerine she can soap, and you'll be watching UConn play Duke in 2047 on your 25th wedding anniversary with a good woman on your arm and rolling rock in your hand.
Quite possibly your best post.
Oct 31, 2014
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...but potentially entertaining. You are becoming a killjoy in your old age. ;)
Didn't you see Fishy's "hard questions" thread?
Fishy's at the point where the hardest question he's got to answer is what dose of Stool Softener he should go with.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I think you'll need to post some pics of your gf before we can make a proper evaluation of your situation.

Can't believe it took to post #58 to get there.
Aug 27, 2011
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Tomorrow night is a big snowstorm so how about this: "since it's going to be dangerous to drive tonight, I ordered a catered dinner for us from your favorite restaurant". Then later after dinner you flip the TV on and say " holy smoke, it's the UCONN game, had no idea, maybe I'll watch just a few minutes OK?" Make sure you have an amazing gift in hand for after the game.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Don't listen to any of these other fools.

I don't care what you say to her, your girlfriend hears: "a basketball game is more important than me on my big special day." BLAH BLAH BLAH.

Keep your mouth shut and DVR the game. Then SUNDAY mention to her that you have a game to watch, you DVR'd it saturday because being with her on valentines day was much more important. Then you get "isn't that thoughtful" points.
Bah, it's a "Hallmark holiday." Tell her she can cut the crusts of the sandwiches she'll need to make for the game to make them heart shaped, if she wants...oh and that you need another beer.

Compromise - it's the key to a successful marriage.
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Jan 10, 2014
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Tomorrow night is a big snowstorm so how about this: "since it's going to be dangerous to drive tonight, I ordered a catered dinner for us from your favorite restaurant". Then later after dinner you flip the TV on and say " holy smoke, it's the UCONN game, had no idea, maybe I'll watch just a few minutes OK?" Make sure you have an amazing gift in hand for after the game.

It's 85 and sunny where I live. I don't think the snowstorm excuse will work :)


UConn Class of 2013
Aug 26, 2011
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It seems like some guys here are flirting with huskyhaven, and this brings about a very important question. Has anyone on the Boneyard ever hooked up? Now that's a thread I'd really enjoy LOL

OT: Boneyard Hookups

While this isn't exactly what you were asking ................My best buddy and I actually met on the Boneyard many moons ago. I can't remember which iteration of the Yard it was but I jokingly posted i was hosting a NCAA tourney game watch party in Incline Village, NV and some random dude posted saying he lived here and was going to show up. While he didn't show up that night he did respond to a later post offering great seats at the regionals in PHX in 2004 for anyone who wanted them. He met up with me and a few buddies there and has been like a brother for the past decade. I call him my online romance.
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Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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It is absolutely a Hallmark Holiday, but as long as you aren't forced to go out for dinner over this weekend, who cares?

My niece's birthday is on Valentines Day and we going down to Jersey for the weekend. That pretty much takes care of tomorrow night. Even if I can't figure out my brother in law's entertainment system, I still have my tablet.

If we go out for Valentine's day it will be next weekend, with the other veterans. Tonight, I'm making chocolate covered strawberries (You see the prices at Edible Arrangements this week? No thanks.) and we are probably eating leftovers (I think) between my son's bath and bed time.

By and large, I am able to do whatever I choose in terms of entertainment (i.e. live sporting events with my friends and taking at least 6 full fall Saturdays for a 3 hour football game). Two days out of the year is not a steep trade off.
Aug 24, 2011
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Oh goodness. Just maybe you haven't been around real women. :) Hans Sprungfeld even knows me from church. :). Bye

You clearly didn't pay attention to the part where I warned you that the more you protested, the crazier you would sound.
Jul 31, 2014
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We all know SMU is a huge game tomorrow. It also happens to be played at 8:00 p.m. on Valentine's Day. Any ideas on how I can convince my Venezuelan girlfriend, who knows nothing about college basketball, to stay in and watch the game on Valentine's day?

Here's a novel idea... make big plans for Sunday.... and just ask to watch it on Saturday.
You can always tape it. You watching it.... will not influence the outcome - no matter what you think. (Just wear the red, white and blue underwear with the little Huskies on it - that'll be good enough.)
Aug 27, 2011
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You lost me at "church."
I attend a church my friend belongs to now and then. She introduced me to someone who is also a Husky fan and found out he posts on this god forsaken place. :)
Sep 12, 2011
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No problem. I say if a guy I'm dating can't watch the game I'll dump him. Dated a guy during the champ run and drank up a storm. Wouldn't you think that would be great? No, he dumped me.
I buy tickets at the last minute for games at the XL which are singles in the season ticket holders section. Great seats. I sat next to a guy and chatted all game about sports etc... He said I'm a guys dream. Oh well....

Im with you can't believe how many guys I dated who hated sports and had problems with me watching them all the time. What is wrong with them?! Lol... Finally met my now husband who wasn't into them but knew how important they were to me so he gave them all a try and now gets into some. When he's had enough he will go play the xbox. He knows tomorrow I'll be watching both games and we will squeeze a nice dinner in between.
So I say be honest with her up front, as others mentioned if she can't deal with it then dump her.

PS: valentines is a scam anyway as long as your spending time together that's all that should matter!
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