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Girlfriend help from the boneyard

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Aug 28, 2011
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I am so lucky. My gf who just gave birth to our first about 3 weeks ago reminded me that the game was on at 9 and asked if we could go out to dinner early so i can be home in plenty of time to catch the game. :D

She's got you all figured out. She gave birth 3 weeks ago? She wants to go to bed at 9 because that baby will be up eating every 2-3 hours, and 3 weeks post-birth there's probably not much else going on in that bedroom anyway. :D;):)

Really, if she had to remind you what time the game was, she's a keeper. Congrats on the baby.
Aug 26, 2011
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I am so lucky. My gf who just gave birth to our first about 3 weeks ago reminded me that the game was on at 9 and asked if we could go out to dinner early so i can be home in plenty of time to catch the game. :D

Congrats on the baby and for also picking a keeper to have the baby!
Aug 27, 2011
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I am so lucky. My gf who just gave birth to our first about 3 weeks ago reminded me that the game was on at 9 and asked if we could go out to dinner early so i can be home in plenty of time to catch the game. :D

Now that's a good woman. Put a ring on it


Probably returning some video tapes...
Aug 25, 2011
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Explain to her how important the game is and that you'd like to watch it. Then make the rest of the day all about her. If that's not good enough, she's not worth keeping around.

Best case, you have crazy seks during most of the game, pausing so she'll let you really focus on the last 5 minutes if it's close. Worst case? She gets mad and you guys break up....for like 3 days. Then you get back together and have crazy makeup seks. Win win.
I'm pretty sure you spelled "seks" wrong. There's a c in there.

Jun 11, 2013
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Get a good workout in with her like a snowshoe or Xcountry ski, or indoor treadmill, etc. Start the wine around 4:00pm and a turkey dinner around 6:000, ala Sienfeld. She'll be out by 8:00 so you can play video games, watch , whatever your closet you does for an hour before the game starts. Trick is for you to manage this and stay awake - wine over the shoulder or whatever it takes. It's imperative the BY does their job tomorrow night or we will fail.
Oct 31, 2014
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We all know SMU is a huge game tomorrow.
Can't possibly give advice without knowing her better, but I met my wife on Valentine's day in 1986 and we fell in love pretty much right then and there. We've been together since, and some of you remember the story I posted a bit back.

One of the reasons we made it 30 years and counting is because we mutually recognize that some things are very important to the other person. We don't judge whether the importance is justified or profound or silly. We simply recognize that, for whatever reason by our creation and life, these few things here ------> XXXXXX <--------- are very important to the other person.

And so we defer, virtually always, on those things.

Example. My wife is a dog lover. So we have dogs. About 5 more than I'd have if it was just me. They wreck crap, pee on crap, puke on crap, crap on crap, wake us up, get old and put us through hell as they die, and otherwise bring a lot of negative crap along with the positive soul massage that they offer when they aren't doing the crappy crap.

But I endure, because that's part of the deal.

My wife recognized a long time ago the UConn BBall was a passion of mine. It is my dogs. And it's going to crap on the carpet tomorrow night when I sit and watch the game tomorrow and don't go out on what is our 30th anniversary, really, and you know what she'll do? She'll watch my dog crap on the carpet, she'll help me clean it up, and she won't say one negative thing to me about it.

If a woman ever tries to get you to temper what you're passionate about so that she can have more for herself, I'd say keep looking, and provide the same respect in return.

If she supports your Husky addiction and loves making crappy looking pots and spending too much money on glycerine to make soap that smell like old lady no-shower cover perfume, my God man, buy that woman all the clay she can mold and all the glycerine she can soap, and you'll be watching UConn play Duke in 2047 on your 25th wedding anniversary with a good woman on your arm and rolling rock in your hand.


Mar 30, 2012
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Just tell her that in Venezuela Valentine's Day may be for the woman, but in the US, it's for the man. It's conventional on a US Valentine's Day for the girl to serve the man beer and chips while he watches basketball.
Aug 5, 2013
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Guys here have made every mistake imaginable, me included, but that doesn't mean we can be any help. If you take Mau's 50 Shades advice, just remember it is probably NOT a good idea to tie her to the bed while you watch the game.
Aug 24, 2011
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Can't possibly give advice without knowing her better, but I met my wife on Valentine's day in 1986 and we fell in love pretty much right then and there. We've been together since, and some of you remember the story I posted a bit back.

One of the reasons we made it 30 years and counting is because we mutually recognize that some things are very important to the other person. We don't judge whether the importance is justified or profound or silly. We simply recognize that, for whatever reason by our creation and life, these few things here ------> XXXXXX <--------- are very important to the other person.

And so we defer, virtually always, on those things.

Example. My wife is a dog lover. So we have dogs. About 5 more than I'd have if it was just me. They wreck crap, pee on crap, puke on crap, crap on crap, wake us up, get old and put us through hell as they die, and otherwise bring a lot of negative crap along with the positive soul massage that they offer when they aren't doing the crappy crap.

But I endure, because that's part of the deal.

My wife recognized a long time ago the UConn BBall was a passion of mine. It is my dogs. And it's going to crap on the carpet tomorrow night when I sit and watch the game tomorrow and don't go out on what is our 30th anniversary, really, and you know what she'll do? She'll watch my dog crap on the carpet, she'll help me clean it up, and she won't say one negative thing to me about it.

If a woman ever tries to get you to temper what you're passionate about so that she can have more for herself, I'd say keep looking, and provide the same respect in return.

If she supports your Husky addiction and loves making crappy looking pots and spending too much money on glycerine to make soap that smell like old lady no-shower cover perfume, my God man, buy that woman all the clay she can mold and all the glycerine she can soap, and you'll be watching UConn play Duke in 2047 on your 25th wedding anniversary with a good woman on your arm and rolling rock in your hand.

Yeah. This is all well and great. We're not trying to get this kid to a 25th anniversary party. We're trying to get him laid by a hot Venezuelan chick AND watching the UConn/SMU game.


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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I am so lucky. My gf who just gave birth to our first about 3 weeks ago reminded me that the game was on at 9 and asked if we could go out to dinner early so i can be home in plenty of time to catch the game. :D
Whait until your baby turns 2 or 3. Your GF (wife by then?) will fall asleep with your child and you have the rest of the night to yourself. ;)
Jan 10, 2014
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I got a lot of laughs reading everyone's replies and some helpful advice.

I offered to cook her dinner and make a sangria that she likes. After she agreed to that I mentioned there was a game to watch. She knows I'm irrational about UConn and didn't have a problem with it. So Valentine's Day will be spent with good food (assuming the food I cook will be good), good wine, good girl, and hopefully a good UConn win.
Oct 31, 2014
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Yeah. This is all well and great. We're not trying to get this kid to a 25th anniversary party. We're trying to get him laid by a hot Venezuelan chick AND watching the UConn/SMU game.
This is awesome. I totally got carried away. Thanks for the heads up!
Aug 27, 2011
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We all know SMU is a huge game tomorrow. It also happens to be played at 8:00 p.m. on Valentine's Day. Any ideas on how I can convince my Venezuelan girlfriend, who knows nothing about college basketball, to stay in and watch the game on Valentine's day?


Its a post, about nothing!
Jun 19, 2013
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this thread is absolutely ridiculous


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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this thread is absolutely ridiculous
Patience, Grasshopper. Eventually life after classes evolves away from one-night-stands and fraternity parties.:eek:


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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I can't believe I'm saying this but Prankster is right. (is that a first?)

Tell her the games are important to you and that you want to share them with her - she'll love that part. Have whatever she likes to eat/drink available ("I bought them just for you"), maybe a rose in honor of Valentine's Day, then watch the game together. Your enjoyment of it should draw her into it and, hopefully, make her a fan.

It would be really helpful if you offered to do something you've been meh about in the past. Not 50 Shades of Grey but but maybe a restaurant you weren't crazy to try before, something like that.

We know guys can be clueless in figuring out how to deal with us (cough, CAHUSKY) but if you at least try, even if it's awkwardly done, we find it endearing.
Aug 26, 2011
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On the other side of the world, my wife will happily cook Sunday morning breakfast so I can try to find the game online. On balance, I did go along with her to some sappy chick flick tonight. Trade offs, and priorities. Enjoy the game and other activities Gringo. Go Huskies!
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