So Gerritt Cole just essentially admitted to cheating. Where is the outrage from all the Yankee fans who crucified the Astros and the Red Sox for stealing signs?? (Which by the way the Yankees were doing too). Same group that love hopping on Manny and Big Papi but are silent about Giambi, Clemens and AFraud. They are all cheating. Some get caught some don’t. Some are more obvious than others. I actually give Cole credit for not blatantly lying like all the rest.
I overstand your concerns....The difference you're drawing is well said but not understood. First, Cole just arrived in NY. I don't think that most Yankee fans have come to fully accept him as a Yankee yet. So, that maybe one reason the outrage has been virtually 'non-existent'. Secondly, it's understandable that people tend to defend their turf even it's as dirty or dirtier than someone else's. Now, getting to the steroids....steroids were in the league at least back to the late '70's, and when Jose Conseco tried to tell everyone no one wanted to hear it. Baseball, the Multi-billion dollar enterprise most certainly didn't want to their cash cow destroyed, so it seems that they went after the messenger instead investigating the people he pointed out and the problem. Now, cheating is cheating....but there are differences in WHY someone cheats. I'm told that Barry Bonds never used any of that stuff, but seeing the kind of media frenzy McGuire and Sosa created and the money they made, it made it easy for him to try to enhance his already solidified Hall of Fame Numbers by trying the stuff. Notice, no one criticizes these fact McGuire is still in the league as a coach. If Baseball was TRULY A SPORT....and NOT ENTERTAINMENT EVERY VIOLATOR would have been banned for life from the league and all of their records (or records from the point of use) would be expunged. Any awards rewarded would be rescinded. All teams wins would be forfeited, including playoffs and World Series.....Now, Roger used it late in his career, as did Big Papi and Manny. A-Rod was fighting it and would have won, but it seems that he made a deal with the league and he was allowed to retire with his money and promises of post retirement jobs. Remember, the person who extracted A-Rod's name from the lists of names said that there were MANY names, but he only made A-Rod's public.
Lastly, Sports as we grew up believing it to no longer. Today, Sports is BIG BUSINESS and therefore it seems that those in power will do all they can to protect the images of their sport. This may be the reason that the NFL Commissioner said that he could not find any evidence of the New Patriots spying on other teams when it was clear that they had. Then, instead of making all the video tapes available to the media to be scrutinized he said he had them destroyed....well, if there was nothing incriminating on them, why destroy them? Also, notice: He didn't say that there was no incriminating evidence. He said "HE" didn't see any....which could mean that he had his staff only show him the tapes that were clean....or to fast forward past the incriminating parts. We can't infer from what he said that he meant what we think he meant.