I think if it is true that Fudd is down to UConn and UCLA, I can't see her choosing UConn.
I don't understand this. I definitely can understand if on a visit - a school or coach - things click. However, a few months ago when I think there were posts regarding Maryland and some posters thought she would go there-- I couldn't see it unless if things clicked. But overall I thought UCONN had the advantage looking at basketball vs clicking.. It's this type of choice of UCLA that I could see. because this would be something new-- Maryland isn't new. But still - I still think the choice is UCONN though by no means a lock / near lock. / close to near lock etc. I have no idea.
But when you say "you can't see her choosing UConn?"
You mean you can't see her choosing to play with arguably the greatest WCBB coach ever, while playing with her best friend (what's better than sharing 4 years of your college life with your best friend while always being among top 2 teams competing for championships?), while playing in an uptempo style that favors her, game (i.e no matter who the opponent - the style of play of running upemtpo is her style no matter the opponent UCONN will play this favorable style), which I'm implying that right now her teammates at UCLA might force her to more slowdown games unless she is confident she can "recruit, as a result she can show off her game more, while the great coach has an incredible track record of improving great players like her, all the while winning championships in addition to she can't be singled out to get "beat up" at least in years 1-3, while the school has shown to be an excellent medical staff - but yet "you can't see her choosing UCONN?"
I say this in fun- this post is meant to be fun-- I mean overall who knows. But what I'm going to ask is fun only-- "Are you scared of the dark?" You made me partially blind with your comment because I can't see to the degree you are viewing this that you can't see her choosing UCONN. UCON has near-no shot? IS that what you're saying? We're in the top 2-- but it's really not even close to 50-50??????