I can only speak for myself, but I think the consolidation of powers, the portal and multi-transfer players are having a negative impact on my interest. I "root for the laundry" in that I back the uniform regardless of the specific players on the roster or even the win-loss record (although I do very much want my teams to win). But I do expect the players to share some allegiance to the school and, however tenuous it may have been in the past, some connection to education. If the rosters are experiencing mass turnover from year to year and players are essentially annual free agents being sold to the highest bidder, it's a professional sport. It may be a minor league, but then I'll give it the same level of interest I give to minor league sports - go to an occasional game as entertainment, but I'm not buying season tickets or watching them on TV when I can watch much better play in the major league version. I don't have the same emotional attachment to the minor league teams and players because I know their sole function is as a pass through for a handful of the best players, not to represent me, my community, my school or any other slice of life with which I'm associated. I've never seen a minor league player cry when they lose a championship.