Duke vs UConn an Important Game for Both Teams | The Boneyard

Duke vs UConn an Important Game for Both Teams

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And That’s The Way It Is
Aug 26, 2011
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Duke already has three losses and obviously doesn't want to enter conference play with four losses and wants to be considered one of the elite teams in the country. Coaches and Players also want to get the monkey off their back that they can't beat any of the elite teams, especially UConn.

This years UConn players want to prove that Stanford was an aberration and they want to beat Duke a team usually considered one of the elites in WBB. This game is also important for NCAA seeding possibilities since UConn won't get any bump if they go undefeated in Conference Play. Teams from the Power Conferences will see their Strength of Schedules increase, while in UConn's case it will most likely decrease. Prior to the SMU game, UConn's SOS was #3. What will it be at the end of the year? IF there are multiple teams from the Power Conferences that only lose one or two games, they could conceivably jump ahead of UConn for a #1 seed if UConn loses to Duke and South Carolina.

Game is important for both teams psyche, more so for Duke then UConn as they have a rougher road ahead.

I do expect UConn to win this game, but don't think it will be a blow out like most of the recent ones have been.


Aug 24, 2011
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Define blowout... I don't see Duke as strong as ND, and we beat them handily. Sure they were missing Turner but her net difference is probably 5-7 points (I say this because maybe Loyd doesn't take 30 or so shots and Turner takes some of those. Also Turner helps on the boards). I know it's a 40 minute game but ND outscored UCONN by 10 in the first 10 minutes. Once UCONN got their bearing, they outscored ND by 30 the remaining 30 minutes. If the game were 50 or 60 minutes long, I believe UCONN would have continued to extend it's lead. If the teams played again, I doubt UCONN comes out so flat and sports the Irish a 10 point lead.

I would be surprised to see Duke lose by less than 15 points. Honestly I think we win by about 20 or so. I think there are some interesting matchups, and just like ND, Depaul, and UCLA, I would not be surprised to see Duke hang with UCONN for a while. But there will be a 4 minute stretch where UCONN will put in 8 quick points with no Duke answer and BAM... game over (metaphorically speaking)...

Also of interest, Duke's #2,3 and 4 scorers are all freshmen! Williams leads the team, Greenwell, Stevens and Calhoun are all freshmen... Next comes Chidom, Johnson and Hensen. Chodom is only a sophomore (the other 2 seniors). The future looks VERY bright for Duke...

They have 2 top 10 kids coming in for 2015 (Lambert and Salvadores, but I always worry about eligibility for foreign players), and a top 25 kid in Suggs. However they don't have anyone yet for 2016... UCONN, Baylor, Texas and ND sure do though!!
Aug 4, 2014
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Diego- Geno says he doesn't game plan for the other team, that he prefers to focus on HIS team and how he wants them to play, how they need to play, every game. That said, matchups do concern me, and it will be interesting to see if Duke's great size will be problematic, and if Kiah will get significantly more playing time than usual as a result. I feel good that KNurse can neutralize Greenwell and Moriah can do more of the same to Johnson- it's how well we rebound and defend against their frontcourt that will determine the outcome. And though South Carolina has better guard play ( Mitchell) than Duke, their strengths are kinda similar, so I think Monday's game will be a good indicator for Feb 9.


Aug 27, 2011
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The hairs on the back of my neck are tingling with regard this game.

Our offense still is not completely right.
And Duke has a whole lot of talented kids that would relish the opportunity to beat our brains out.
As would their coach who needs this win big time

I would be delighted if the optimism displayed above (with more to come) plays out

But as I said…the hairs on the back of my neck are tingling …much as they did a few years ago with St. Johns
Jul 19, 2013
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The hairs on the back of my neck are tingling with regard this game.

Our offense still is not completely right.
And Duke has a whole lot of talented kids that would relish the opportunity to beat our brains out.
As would their coach who needs this win big time

I would be delighted if the optimism displayed above (with more to come) plays out

But as I said…the hairs on the back of my neck are tingling …much as they did a few years ago with St. Johns
Our offense is what it is. I really don't see anything wrong with it. Can you please elaborate as to what you feel is still not right about it?


Aug 27, 2011
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Our offense is what it is. I really don't see anything wrong with it. Can you please elaborate as to what you feel is still not right about it?

Take yesterday for example:
Stewie had an off night
Geno was really disturbed by the play of his first wave of subs.
Moriah had a wonderful bounce back game but Saniya regressed (last year redux?).
K is not getting enough shots (close yesterday).

Geno spoke after the game of how Stef took a lot of pressure off guard play
When a play wasn't developing, a pass into Stef at the high post often created a multitude of possibilities.

Sure there are lots of good things; Gabby and Kia's nose for the basket.
Morgan's revival.

But if they are really tested, will the half court sets hold up?


But I'm still a tad concerned.
Nov 26, 2013
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I told myself I would change my profile picture to whichever player plays the best all around game against Uconn. For the sake of the win I hope its Amber Henson.


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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UConn will win this game big. Duke against top teams has not scored a lot of points. Although they are the number 1 rebounding team a lot of their rebounds come from their own missed shots. Duke did play well against Kentucky and Kentucky did not shoot the ball well against Duke or rebound well. Lack of height had a lot to do with that. IMO right now Duke is a top 4 team. Can they play with UConn. No and I don't think there is a team in WCBB who can. I expect Stokes to see quite a bit of time and that will be to shut down Williams. With out Williams being effective Duke will have problems. I also don't see Duke scoring 60 pts against UConns defense. Duke turnovers will be a problem against UConn. Many fans think KML and Stewie need a good game for UConn to win this big. Well if Duke pays to much attention to Stewie and KML they will get burnt by everybody else, because UConn plays as a team.

I expect a lot of fast break points off turnovers, I also expect UConn guards to put a lot of pressure on Duke and Duke to force passes inside causing turnovers. It will be interesting to see Tuck and Gabby take Duke defenders one on one. It will also be interesting to see how the Duke guards handle UConns pressure. Don't forget Sierra Calhoun will play for Duke and she and Saniya had some pretty good battles in high school. Saniya won out on those.

Last point I consider ND a better team then Duke. We beat ND by 18 on the road when we weren't playing like we are now. With that said I like UConn by 20+ and it could get out of hand if UConn comes out on fire. Uconns defense and speed will win out.

UConn 81 Duke 54


Embracing the New Look!!!
Apr 12, 2013
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I'm thinking close to the above score- UC 74 duke 59.
20 wouldn't surprise me. We are becoming a juggernaut. Don't think Duke has shown gd enough guard play yet.
Sep 11, 2013
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I am looking forward to the Stokes/E. Williams match up, and how Duke deals
with Gabby. I think Gabby might really present some quickness problems inside
for the Dukies. If Kiah Stokes does well against Duke and then South Carolina
it could really improve her stock in the WNBA draft.


Aug 24, 2011
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The thing is Stokes does not start so for all the Stokes vs. Williams matchup excitement, it will be Tuck or Stewie guarding Williams to start the game. I hope Kiah gets a lot of PT and this seems like a game custom made for her skill set...
Sep 9, 2011
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Define blowout... I don't see Duke as strong as ND, and we beat them handily. Sure they were missing Turner but her net difference is probably 5-7 points (I say this because maybe Loyd doesn't take 30 or so shots and Turner takes some of those. Also Turner helps on the boards). I know it's a 40 minute game but ND outscored UCONN by 10 in the first 10 minutes. Once UCONN got their bearing, they outscored ND by 30 the remaining 30 minutes. If the game were 50 or 60 minutes long, I believe UCONN would have continued to extend it's lead. If the teams played again, I doubt UCONN comes out so flat and sports the Irish a 10 point lead.

I would be surprised to see Duke lose by less than 15 points. Honestly I think we win by about 20 or so. I think there are some interesting matchups, and just like ND, Depaul, and UCLA, I would not be surprised to see Duke hang with UCONN for a while. But there will be a 4 minute stretch where UCONN will put in 8 quick points with no Duke answer and BAM... game over (metaphorically speaking)...

Also of interest, Duke's #2,3 and 4 scorers are all freshmen! Williams leads the team, Greenwell, Stevens and Calhoun are all freshmen... Next comes Chidom, Johnson and Hensen. Chodom is only a sophomore (the other 2 seniors). The future looks VERY bright for Duke...

They have 2 top 10 kids coming in for 2015 (Lambert and Salvadores, but I always worry about eligibility for foreign players), and a top 25 kid in Suggs. However they don't have anyone yet for 2016... UCONN, Baylor, Texas and ND sure do though!!
I tend to question that "their future looks bright" because Duke has continually had SUPERB recruiting classes than ended up not achieving a whole lot come late March. They've continually underperformed based on their supposed talent level. They seemed to always do pretty well in their conference but the ACC is going to be a little tougher now that Notre Dame and Louisville are there so maybe they'll have faded before the NCAA tournament. This could all change but that seems to be the pattern that I've seen in recent years.


Aug 27, 2011
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This could all change but that seems to be the pattern that I've seen in recent years.

I think that's my issue.
We're fixated on the past.
In the past Duke folds.
Maybe this year they don't.
Then what?
Perhaps a competitive game.
Aug 28, 2011
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UConn by maybe 10. I just don't think this one can be as easy as some on the board believe. The team has the potential to be great, but it is still sorting things out. Against SMU -- not a juggernaut, by any means -- they had their share of problems. What's certain is that Stewart and KML need to play up to potential. If they do, things should fall into place, with Kiah getting her fair share of time against Williams (can't wait to watch those two) and Gabby being the wild card. It wouldn't hurt for Moriah to continue the positive trend in this game. If she provides a three-point alternative, it makes UConn that much more difficult to defend against.
Aug 4, 2014
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Confidence in the Huskies (which I share) to get the job done is one thing. An almost dismissive lack of respect for a quality opponent (reflected in all the predicted blowouts) is mindful of the Palo Alto pre-game hubris and subsequent disaster. The team has learned a lot from that game. We should ,too.
Oct 20, 2014
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We will win big for the fact we have better guards the best player in the country who will have a better game from the SMU game.......
hold on its more the best 3pt shooter who just might tie or break DT record against Duke. We been beating Duke by 25-35 points per game the last 4 years better coaching and oh yeah we're playing at home.

The key is UConn execution. Duke rattles under pressure like the game against USC they was up 6 with 40 seconds left and end up losing and before some of you say we was up 10 with 4 minutes left I'm sure y'all know we let that one slip away and Stanford played the game of there life
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Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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Confidence in the Huskies (which I share) to get the job done is one thing. An almost dismissive lack of respect for a quality opponent (reflected in all the predicted blowouts) is mindful of the Palo Alto pre-game hubris and subsequent disaster. The team has learned a lot from that game. We should ,too.
No disrespect to Duke or any other team. Stanford was a fluke and yes it might happen again but we have a different lineup, we are a different team, and we are not playing like we did early in the year. UConn has consistently beat opponents badly/blowouts, and I don't see this game any different. When you beating teams by 20+ consistently its not disrespect when you predict another blowout, it fact...based on past experience.


Et In Hoc Signo Vinces
Nov 13, 2013
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Irrational perhaps, but I can't see the Duke team that lost to SC (playing just plain dreadfully) beating the team that lost to Stanford (by the margin of one defensive mistake in the last half-minute of overtime on the road).

But it might be close. I was worried about Stanford, and I am somewhat concerned about Duke.
Sep 21, 2014
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I really think Duke will not match up well against UConn. UConn has way too much speed and talent. With that said I really think in previous games that KML and Stewie don't get enough touches. I just think they need to set up the offense more and if teams double up on Stewie she is passing the ball much better and someone should be wide open or Tuck or Stokes should have a field day inside. Just my thought that KML and Stewie should be touching the ball more than they are.
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