Duke launches investigation into possible player mistreatment | Page 5 | The Boneyard

Duke launches investigation into possible player mistreatment

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La verdad no peca pero incomoda
Feb 22, 2016
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I would venture that anyone who is Pop's assistant will have their pick of jobs in the future. I'm hoping that means gender blind, but I'm more realistic than that. Still, she has a shot at being a real trailblazer, and I think that would be amazing for the women's game in general.

I agree. This is a big deal. All of the complaining about the declining number of female head coaches in WBB are always tied to a perceived lack of access for women to HC positions for men's teams. The sooner that barrier falls, the better.


Embracing the New Look!!!
Apr 12, 2013
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I know this discussion is peripheral to this thread, but the above and a few other posts bother me enough that I need to reply.

Duke had no hand in putting those three innocents in peril of prison - that was a criminal investigation by police and a prosecutors office, and any interference in that investigation by anyone associated with Duke would have been very wrong. That the prosecutor mishandled the investigation and grandstanded for the press was clearly professional 'malpractice', but those kids had a huge advantage over many people who find themselves falsely accused in that they had the resources to hire very good legal representation, and they were never 'very close' to prison - if the case had gone forward against them it was unlikely to be finally resolved for at least a year and probably a lot longer. (Police and prosecutorial malfeasance as we are learning is not as uncommon in this country as we perhaps believed even five years ago.)

I am sure that the 30 for 30 piece was very strong (have not been able to watch it yet) with the clarity of 20/20 hind sight, but it was produced by a company that in real time was running with the hounds of public outcry against Duke and the lacrosse team. That the Duke administration was caught up in a scandal of epic proportion and responded to the accusations of criminal activity by legal authorities as they did is not surprising - they did not know that those accusations were the result of a prosecutor who had gone off the rails. That the rest of the Duke athletic community did not leap to the defense of players or coaches is also not too surprising. Those were reprehensible accusations made by legal authorities, and of which none of them had first hand knowledge.

And within the larger Duke community as within most university communities there are significant divides between those who see athletic departments as seriously corrupting influences to the whole purpose of the institution's existence - the pursuit of higher learning. Resentments run deep, both within staff and student body, and they are exacerbated by perceived and real preferential treatment of student athletes. That some athletes flaunt that preferential treatment does not help. That the lacrosse scandal brought those divides to the forefront is not surprising, nor that the athletic department was placed in a defensive position with little to say.

And while the players were innocent of the specific charges, they were not 'innocent'. There had been documented complaints of unruly behavior and underage drinking, both within the Duke community and the surrounding town. That these existed already is not unique to the lacrosse team or to Duke University - athletes and teams are fairly notorious nationwide, but most athletes and teams and universities are not thrust under the glare of a media firestorm. In that glare it is hard to completely ignore the behavioral issues that can and are brushed aside quietly in other instances.

I really like and respect Jay Bilas and that he comes out of this as a voice of reason is great - but I suspect there were other 'voices of reason' at PSU and at UNC who are thankful that their utterances are lost to the wind, when what seemed to them wild accusation without proof, were over time proven to be true.
UC- a young mentally unstable woman made an accusation, and Duke University saw fit to end the Lacrosse season, force the coach out & 100-200 professors signed documents to basically exclude them from there classes and kick them out of the university. So Duke had no part in their bad behavior? The 40+ lawsuits they paid, including the 3 that were eventually "identified", and the coach and the sums of money that they all received, in my mind disprove your defense of Duke University.
White rich kids are automatically guilty just like all police officers are as well. It used to be you were innocent until proven guilty. Those rich white kids were guilty of the same crap that goes on in every dorm at every college. I love your BB posts a lot UC. Excusing and condoning how they/Duke ruined the lives of 40 kids and their families is inexcusable. We blame the prosecutor for Dukes actions. Everything Duke did and the ability that you have shown to rationalize shows us how bad political correctness has run a muck. And how afraid we are of certain groups of people. It's a sad sad commentary. My last post on the matter. Watch the documentary and private message me in the future! :)


Embracing the New Look!!!
Apr 12, 2013
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UC this part of this thread may eventually end up in the cesspool but like you I had to respond.

I’m most jarred by your statement: “While the players were innocent of the specific charges, they were not 'innocent' because it so closely resembles the statement of the Duke University President Richard H. Brodhead: “ If they didn’t do it, whatever they did is bad enough.”

The crime these players were accused of is rape, rowdy behavior and underage drinking cannot be equated to rape.

The Duke administration did plenty of things wrong to put these players in peril of prison. Among the most perilous besides the above statement by Brodhead:
  1. Dean Sue Wasiolek advised the players to cooperate with police and tell the truth, not tell anybody about the charges, nor hire attorneys because she thought nothing would come of it.
    Source:Presumed Guilty". Reader's Digest February 17, 2009.
  2. Duke athletic director Joe Alleva lied when he announced that the team's players “wished to suspend competitive play until the DNA results come back.” Source:Presumed Guilty". Reader's Digest February 17, 2009.
  3. The players invoked their right to due process & remain silent the administration attempted to pressure Coach Mike Pressler into threatening the players scholarships and expulsion. When Pressler refused he was fired. Source:It's Not About the Truth: The Untold Story of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case and the Lives it shattered” by Mike Pressler
  4. 88 Duke Professors -Gang of 88 including some department heads placed an ad in The Chronicle detailing the allegations as a social disaster, racist & sexist there by forever polluting any potential jury pool. If 88 of your professors think you did “something” wrong what is a jury supposed to think? Source: Duke Chronicle April 2007
This was a sad tale full of missteps and many villains, Nifong chief among them & the players being the least. Somewhere in the middle is the Duke Administration. If Duke is analogous to a family then that administration should have done more to make sure the legal rights of the players were upheld. The same administration should also have publically criticized the faculty for its lynch mob mentality.
Coco- brilliant post w many facts chronicled. Does anyone on this board think the Duke Lacrosse rich white kids are doing anything different than most everyone else on all college campuses? The drinking, drugs & depravity or free unadulterated sex parties are epidemic. Usually strippers are not hired or needed- there are many volunteers every wknd, in every dorm or apt on every floor. That's the truth- Duke is no different than the rest of these universities that claim to be liberal and proponents of the bill of rights and the first amendment.
Aug 27, 2011
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UC this part of this thread may eventually end up in the cesspool but like you I had to respond.

I’m most jarred by your statement: “While the players were innocent of the specific charges, they were not 'innocent' because it so closely resembles the statement of the Duke University President Richard H. Brodhead: “ If they didn’t do it, whatever they did is bad enough.”

The crime these players were accused of is rape, rowdy behavior and underage drinking cannot be equated to rape.

The Duke administration did plenty of things wrong to put these players in peril of prison. Among the most perilous besides the above statement by Brodhead:
  1. Dean Sue Wasiolek advised the players to cooperate with police and tell the truth, not tell anybody about the charges, nor hire attorneys because she thought nothing would come of it.
    Source:Presumed Guilty". Reader's Digest February 17, 2009.
  2. Duke athletic director Joe Alleva lied when he announced that the team's players “wished to suspend competitive play until the DNA results come back.” Source:Presumed Guilty". Reader's Digest February 17, 2009.
  3. The players invoked their right to due process & remain silent the administration attempted to pressure Coach Mike Pressler into threatening the players scholarships and expulsion. When Pressler refused he was fired. Source:It's Not About the Truth: The Untold Story of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Case and the Lives it shattered” by Mike Pressler
  4. 88 Duke Professors -Gang of 88 including some department heads placed an ad in The Chronicle detailing the allegations as a social disaster, racist & sexist there by forever polluting any potential jury pool. If 88 of your professors think you did “something” wrong what is a jury supposed to think? Source: Duke Chronicle April 2007
This was a sad tale full of missteps and many villains, Nifong chief among them & the players being the least. Somewhere in the middle is the Duke Administration. If Duke is analogous to a family then that administration should have done more to make sure the legal rights of the players were upheld. The same administration should also have publically criticized the faculty for its lynch mob mentality.

Correct on all counts. The actions of much of Duke's administration and faculty was disgraceful.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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