I was right behind the UConn bench and Hurley was absolutely being a jerk and trying to show up the refs. He wasn’t trying to get the crowd to cheer. He was trying to get them to boo and abuse the refs. Kind of a punk childish thing to do. Might not have been T worthy, but it was borderline. Also, I’ve been to lots of basketball games in my life. I can’t say I have seen a coach do quite what he did. I’ve seen coaches stamp and break clip boards and all manner of thing, but Turing to the crowd and encouraging them to get more abusive? Nope.
Hurley has earned himself a reputation as a hothead and a jerk. Refs in major conferences aren’t putting up with that. When you get that rep, the tendency is going to be to call the T, because refs don’t want to have to deal with childish crap for 40 minutes.