You left out the part about him telling Paterno. Pretty big omission on your part. And the police knew in 1998, are you angry with them?
Ok, for you, after he runs and calls daddy, he:
does not call police, or go back to see if boy alive, or does not go to Sandusky house to see if boy ok; but he does take his daddy (a best friend and buddy of Sandusky) to see JoePa the next day and give him some version of what he saw. Told by JoePa that he would bring it forward, believe MM eventually got to give his story (not sure how he portrayed it) to the higher ups. MM stopped there. Next 9 years was well taken care of by PSU football, had contact and fundraising events with Sandusky and saw 1st hand that no criminal action was being taken against Sandusky - and did nothing. Did I cover his actions enough for you going forward 2002 to today?
Don't act like this is a zero sum game, if you are too angry (your word not mine) at MM you can't be "angry" at others like the police? I'll make it very clear for you, I'm "angry" at every freakn' lame who could have stepped in and helped stopped this anywhere during the last however many years its gone on. I don't care if its MM, his ol' man a Sandusky buddy, Sandusky's wife, Sandusky's adopted boys, the campus keystone cops, the real police, DA, PSU empolyees, 2nd mile people, coaches, coaches wives, players, residents of Happey Valley, corporate executives, hotel employees, donors - you name 'em and if they could/should have stepped up and helped stopped this I'm "angry" with them.