I'm 55+, and on Tues, I managed to get an appointment directly with Yale-NH (
www.ynhhs.org) for next Wed for the J&J vaccine. If I could pick, I have a slight preference for the Moderna or Pfizer because I feel like they are further along in creating boosters for the new strains. So, I've been continuing to look for other appointments. But if I don't find something soon, I'll take the J&J vaccine.
VAMS has been largely useless. I've only seen a couple of slots on there in five days of looking so far, and those were in late April or early May. I've been checking everywhere on the west side of the state. There have been lots of cases where the software falsely shows appointments available at different clinics only to click through and have nothing actually be available. In most cases, it does tell you which vaccine is being administered at the sites.
I've also been trying online with CVS and Walgreens, but I have yet to see any openings. And I'm looking on Stamford Health. Today they had one appointment open in early April, but there was no indication of which vaccine, so I skipped it.
Friends have had success by calling the state/VAMS hotline to get appointments and through our town's Health Dept who will call you to set an appointment based on the order of registration with them. They've placed people in a clinic run here in our town or in surrounding towns. I haven't heard back from them yet myself.
Good luck to all that are eligible. I'll report back on any side effects of whatever I get.