Bouknight charged with evading responsibility, interfering with police and more | Page 19 | The Boneyard

Bouknight charged with evading responsibility, interfering with police and more

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quotes from the Courant article:

"Some details of the arrest were released Tuesday, but the warrant showed that the officer who stopped the 19-year-old freshman at Royce Circle and Wilbur Cross Way, said he “detected an odor of alcoholic beverage emitting from Bouknight.” No tests were administered, as Bouknight ran from the scene shortly after being asked for identification. A series of charges filed against Bouknight earlier this week did not include driving under the influence."

"The owner of the car told police she had not given anyone permission to use her car, and the keys had been left in the kitchen of her apartment. She and her friends, after an evening at Ted’s Bar and Restaurant and another unnamed bar near campus, invited “15 to 20 people” back to the apartment. She said, at that time, she wanted the person who drove her car to be arrested."
What Chief got out of this report is that the “unnamed bar” gives free food/coffee to cops and Ted’s doesn’t but should.
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2 weeks + later she amended her initial statement.
Here’s an informed theory. She threw James under the bus because she knew her parents would be upset if she let him use the car. But when “ did not give him permission” turned into a potential auto thief charge - and a potential disposition under oath - she changed her mind. Friends may have also subsequently reminded her what happened.
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I don’t care what he did, he’s going to be a huge part of our program moving forward and Hurley said he’s a good kid. Whatever Hurley decides to do will definitely be harsh enough and everyone can move past this and win some damn basketball games. College athletes think they’re invincible when they get on campus and now he knows he’s not. As long as there’s smooth sailing moving forward who cares.
Words of wisdom.
Aug 26, 2011
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Just rewording what was in the Courant, drawing conclusions, repeating a question, making a strong suggestion, voicing ctiticism, and providing a link so that others can decide for themselves whether the word "just" (at the beginning of this sentence) really applies.

Aug 26, 2011
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Next people are going to say he kidnapped the girl who car it was. He didn't steal the car. I've never heard of someone stealing a car by taking the keys off the counter and taking the time to track down the owner to go on a joy ride in the stolen car

Girl clearly was intoxicated and let someone (Bouknight) drive her car

Her original story plays a lot better with her parents, though.


In Hurley We Trust
Sep 24, 2017
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A member of my team was involved in a somewhat similar incident during our freshman year. He got in a car with a girl after drinking at the same establishment mentioned in the article and, as it turned out, the car was not hers. They were both drunk and were stopped not far down Eagleville. He got chewed out pretty good and was put on an internal zero tolerance probation with the coaches, but he wasn’t sent to a public square and shamed. This was in a “non-revenue” sport as well, so it’s not like tossing the kid would’ve caused any major waves either.

I understand that isn’t a direct parallel to James’ incident, but these things happen and, if there is trust between the athlete/staff/school, it will all work itself out. If you’re getting caught up in the speculation as to what did/didnt happen, you’re just wasting your time. I remember the AJ/Marcus incident vividly and, eventually, things settled down. The same will be true of this situation too. Relax.
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Aug 29, 2011
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Here’s an informed theory. She threw James under the bus because she knew her parents would be upset if she let him use the car. But when “ did not give him permission” turned into a potential auto thief charge - and a potential disposition under oath - she changed her mind. Friends may have also subsequently reminded her what happened.
Here’s another equally plausible theory. Someone told her to drop the auto theft charge and things would be taken care of and she would benefit financially. Is she doesn’t her life will be made miserable. Absolutely no evidence that it happened but hey Chief’s theory isn’t backed by any either.
Oct 19, 2016
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There is what you know and there is what you can legally prove. He was out drinking late at night, smashed up a car, and then fled the scene when confronted by police. What unites all those facts into a coherent story? Alcohol. Oh, yes, the cop said he smelled alcohol. Can DUI be proven in court? No. Was he driving under the influence? Well, I didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday.

Hurley better act on what he knows and not what can be proven, or this kid will learn that he can get away with things because he is good at basketball.

Of course, legally he isn't a kid. He's legally considered an adult. He is presumed old enough to know better. And he could have killed someone.
Aug 29, 2011
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What I really like about all this is how some posters take the undisputed facts that Bouknight drove without a license.crashed into something then ran away from the cop who showed up and basically hid for five days and blame...the cop! You can’t make this stuff up.

The other troubling thing is apparently Hurley knew about the incident the next day but didn’t tell his player to step up and go to the cops. They waited a week. Of course it’s possible the hotshot lawyer they use was on vacation. OBut I would want to know why the wait. Trying to strong arm the woman to withdraw the car theft charge?
Aug 29, 2011
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Maybe I’m alone here. But I’m just not willing to throw this season away to prove a point. I admire those who feel differently

You get the award for honesty. The rest of these folks feel the same but won’t admit it.


Who wouldn't want to be me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Here’s an informed theory. She threw James under the bus because she knew her parents would be upset if she let him use the car. But when “ did not give him permission” turned into a potential auto thief charge - and a potential disposition under oath - she changed her mind. Friends may have also subsequently reminded her what happened.

This is turning into quite the story and in the end it appears James will learn quite a lesson. What a series of crazy events for this kid. In Hurley I trust.
Dec 14, 2015
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Anyone adding him “stealing a car” or “being drunk” into what his punishment should be is way off base here. He wasn’t even charged with those things and yet the boneyard is dang near convicting him of it. He’s charged with evading police. That’s the only thing he’s is and should be judged on in this thread
Jan 31, 2018
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Enough....if we really want to take a stand, we should suspend every athlete from UConn. Let's send a message.
Aug 31, 2011
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The other troubling thing is apparently Hurley knew about the incident the next day but didn’t tell his player to step up and go to the cops. They waited a week. Of course it’s possible the hotshot lawyer they use was on vacation. OBut I would want to know why the wait. Trying to strong arm the woman to withdraw the car theft charge?

Completely false, but don't let that stop you Javert. From the Courant article:

"At 5 a.m., police knocked on the door of Bouknight’s apartment, getting no response, and called his cell phone, which went right to voicemail. At 3 p.m., UConn police were informed by state’s attorney Matthew Gedansky that attorney Robert Britt had contacted the state’s attorney and said he represented Bouknight, who was willing to cooperate in the investigation “and fully admit to his involvement in the incident.”
Aug 26, 2011
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I don’t care what he did, he’s going to be a huge part of our program moving forward and Hurley said he’s a good kid. Whatever Hurley decides to do will definitely be harsh enough and everyone can move past this and win some damn basketball games. College athletes think they’re invincible when they get on campus and now he knows he’s not. As long as there’s smooth sailing moving forward who cares.
This is some bizarre logic. I really hope this is not the majority view within the fanbase.
Aug 24, 2011
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What I really like about all this is how some posters take the undisputed facts that Bouknight drove without a license.crashed into something then ran away from the cop who showed up and basically hid for five days and blame...the cop! You can’t make this stuff up.

The other troubling thing is apparently Hurley knew about the incident the next day but didn’t tell his player to step up and go to the cops. They waited a week. Of course it’s possible the hotshot lawyer they use was on vacation. OBut I would want to know why the wait. Trying to strong arm the woman to withdraw the car theft charge?

Talks about "undisputed facts", then lies . . .

I love the boneyard.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Completely false, but don't let that stop you Javert. From the Courant article:

"At 5 a.m., police knocked on the door of Bouknight’s apartment, getting no response, and called his cell phone, which went right to voicemail. At 3 p.m., UConn police were informed by state’s attorney Matthew Gedansky that attorney Robert Britt had contacted the state’s attorney and said he represented Bouknight, who was willing to cooperate in the investigation “and fully admit to his involvement in the incident.”

freescooter doesn't care about facts he just wants to soapbox. and he wants to root for California Baptist, not big time MCBB.
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Mar 7, 2016
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I swear some of the morons on here want James to get in big trouble and suspended for a long period. Are the same people still in love with Ollie? Any true fan wants a winning team and knows it will take help from James to do that. Everyone has made bad decisions in there life.
Aug 25, 2011
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Don't C'mon. Dave freaking Pasco is going to put his serious voice on, and when Bouk comes on the court its going to be "troubling" arrest, smelled alcohol, 130 am, fled scene, initial reports were that he didn't have permission to have the car, no license. If you think that isn't the case, you are naive.

I mean in the grand scheme of things does it matter? Not really, but its annoying and I can already see the dramatic ESPN graphic laying out the timeline of events.

You sound absurd. What happened to this place.
Jan 22, 2012
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We all know what happened and his charges are probably much less than they could have been. Suspend him for a few games and move on. Doesn't help our image amongst the competition for those that love calling us UConnVict. I trust Hurley has and will send his message to the team.
Aug 27, 2011
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Please crawl back under the rock, he didn't steal a car and you don't have any idea if he was drunk. Just stop.
Umm, the whole premise started with, if true. The fact that people are desperate to win again is not a free pass to excuse behavior that is determined to be dangerous. What is known is he is alleged to have stolen a car. We know this because the girl whose car was taken said her property was taken without her permission. That is textbook car theft, absent innocent mistake or some other not yet understood exculpatory facts. The officer smelled alcohol on his breath. We don’t Know if there was legal intoxication, so we can’t assume he was impaired. Again, if true, the question is what should be done. I don’t see the same level of consternation expressed for those looking for a 1 or 2 game suspension, which must presuppose facts not otherwise known. Maybe he doesn’t deserve any punishment. If he did steal a car and he did drive on campus under the influence or recklessly and he did attempt to evade police, as a responsible adult you should know the correct answer. Again, as a parent with a kid on campus, don’t put your need to win a child’s game above my kid’s safety. There are other responsible athletes doing the right thing. End of story.
Aug 26, 2011
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How does the highest profile freshman on campus, a kid who’s 6’5, get away with drinking late night at Ted’s without someone noticing/saying something? A 5 second google search will tell you he’s 19.

Where does it say anywhere that Bouknight specifically was drinking in Ted’s?
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