This is more applicable and relevant to the team Hurley creates, not inherits. He isn't looking to replace guys he brought in but more so guys he identified as part of the problem from the previous regime. Big difference.
Don’t you already know? Any HS kid with more than 3 stars after his name.I am just curious. Who is this big upgrade that will be way better than what we have?
In any type of reorganization, the dead weight is the first to go. That, in essence, is the start of this new culture. Go back to your initial analogy. No top performer would be upset if the guy who wasnt holding his weight was let go and the top performer would now earn more as a result.
This idea that the addition of two scholarships, no matter how attained, is anything but a positive is simply silly and deaf to the current landscape.
You are viewing these players are robots, not human beings. This isn't a video game where you just try to assemble a team of players with the highest rating. The pieces have to fit together off the court as much as they do on the court.
All of the kids on this team are friends and have a special bond. They have been teammates for 2+ years, gone through a coaching change and multiple losing seasons. They have been through a lot of crap together, which has definitely strengthened that bond.
We have had winning teams with serious deficiencies on the roster. The 2012-2013 team is a perfect example. They had great season, not because of their talent, but because of the bond they had off the court. They played with and for each other each and every game.
Forcing a kid out, regardless of his talent level, will have a negative impact on the rest of the team and the culture Hurley is trying to build. The players you are speaking about kicking out are not standing in the way of any "top performer" getting minutes, Hurley has made that clear. I don't think a single player on the team would be happy if Hurley kicked someone out purely because of their talent between the lines.
Edit: BTW, I'm not arguing that 2 scholarships would be bad by any means. I'd love if we had more scholarships open-up. I'm just saying if we open another scholarship it needs to come about organically and from the players choice, not by throwing "dead wight" to the wolves.
We lose our best player in Jalen Adams. We get three unproven freshmen. Exactly how are we going to get better? I applaud the optimism but with things currently as they are, explain how we are going to have this big jump. This is based on a ton of "ifs" and not all that realistic.This is my point.
Also - it's extremely likely we take a pretty good jump next year as-is. That's all i'm looking for at least. Destabilizing your culture to win a few extra games in a year where you're at-best a tournament team is really short-sighted, I think.
I wish I had what you are smoking. This hypothetical sounds so nice I wish it were true.You are viewing these players are robots, not human beings. This isn't a video game where you just try to assemble a team of players with the highest rating. The pieces have to fit together off the court as much as they do on the court.
All of the kids on this team are friends and have a special bond. They have been teammates for 2+ years, gone through a coaching change and multiple losing seasons. They have been through a lot of crap together, which has definitely strengthened that bond.
We have had winning teams with serious deficiencies on the roster. The 2012-2013 team is a perfect example. They had great season, not because of their talent, but because of the bond they had off the court. They played with and for each other each and every game.
Forcing a kid out, regardless of his talent level, will have a negative impact on the rest of the team and the culture Hurley is trying to build. The players you are speaking about kicking out are not standing in the way of any "top performer" getting minutes, Hurley has made that clear. I don't think a single player on the team would be happy if Hurley kicked someone out purely because of their talent between the lines.
Edit: BTW, I'm not arguing that 2 scholarships would be bad by any means. I'd love if we had more scholarships open-up. I'm just saying if we open another scholarship it needs to come about organically and from the players choice, not by throwing "dead wight" to the wolves.
"That doesn’t mean UConn will end up with just one scholarship to fill, however. One more could open up. The Huskies are still beating down the recruiting path, looking to fill two spots."So the article is headlined ‘Uconn looking to fill 2 spots’ yet offers no explanation of how they are planning on opening up a second scholarship. It even implies that no spots will be opening up because no one wants to leave, something that we’ve been speculating.
I think it is fine if he sits with kids and tells them they may not end up with playing time, etc. And it might be better for them to move on. I just have a problem with yanking a scholarship from a kid who got recruited and is working his ass off. But if a kid says he wants to stay and fight for a spot/PT, I say you have to let him.
I disagree. Money is a finite thing. Scholarship or other. We cannot and should not give away a scholarship just bc the kid wants to be here and is trying. Real life doesn’t give anything away. Coach and AD have a responsibility to maximize the return of our tax dollars on all levels. Participation scholarships should not be allowed as a matter of policy. My kids don’t get scholorships just bc they try hard. All our players need to earn their returns.
So the article is headlined ‘Uconn looking to fill 2 spots’ yet offers no explanation of how they are planning on opening up a second scholarship. It even implies that no spots will be opening up because no one wants to leave, something that we’ve been speculating.
These are kids we're talking about. I think it's extremely messed up to tell someone hit the road if they were recruited and committed to the University and are working their ass off.I think it is fine if he sits with kids and tells them they may not end up with playing time, etc. And it might be better for them to move on. I just have a problem with yanking a scholarship from a kid who got recruited and is working his ass off. But if a kid says he wants to stay and fight for a spot/PT, I say you have to let him.
I don't know how to even address Putnam Science. We don't owe them any favors. If you recall, HD spurned us to sit out a semester at Kentucky, That showed me that Putnam Science is in it for themselves.
We lose our best player in Jalen Adams. We get three unproven freshmen. Exactly how are we going to get better? I applaud the optimism but with things currently as they are, explain how we are going to have this big jump. This is based on a ton of "ifs" and not all that realistic.
It really depends on what you mean by jump. I expect at least a 20-12 type season next yrOK I was trying to be optimistic, but I'm fine with this. And i shouldn't have said 'big step.'
And I'm the unpopular opinion around here on this, but I'm really fine with next year (and people really need to understand this) being a wash, too. They just need to keep getting talent in the door. I think we'll see incremental improvements in most across the board.
Rebuilds take time. Getting talent in the door is one thing, developing it is another - and so is getting your lack of talent out the door. I'm looking at 2020-2021 as the year I want to see a jump. Not next year.
It really depends on what you mean by jump. I expect at least a 20-12 type season next yr
Since UConn self-imposed the scholarship reduction can they just say "eph it, we're taking it back"?
I believe the perceived impact of ridding the program of dead wood on future recruits is being vastly overstated.
To be consistent, I hated the rule in Little League that every kid had to play too.
We have Carlton. Isn’t he frontcourt? I quite agree that he is not near enough and 2 players are needed. Good players.Any available scholarship should go to a big. We can always find a serviceable backcourt. Currently, we have no frontcourt.
It really depends on what you mean by jump. I expect at least a 20-12 type season next yr