Boneyard Airing of Grievances | Page 4 | The Boneyard

Boneyard Airing of Grievances

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Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Auto corretc.
College grads who write "should of" and "would of"
People who write idiotic posts on the BY calling someone else's post idiotic.
Pizza with bad crust, sweet sauce and bland cheese.
Any airline.
Duck Dynasty


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I was thinking about this today - my wife is non-practicing buddhist. Her family and a large number of her friends who are not christian celebrate the holiday as an event, not a religious affair. You don't have to be a gentile to help fuel the retail sector this time of year. :D
For the record this has become basically a social holiday for most Christians as well.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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Providence Dbags who post garbage that suggests that their program and coach are somehow relevant.
Yeah but the enablers we have on this board (giving them the excuses to come running here) bother me almost as much.
Sep 13, 2011
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  1. People who say they are waiting "on line" when they are standing IN a line. It's not "on line" unless there's a line painted on the floor beneath your feet, you morons.
  2. Sportscasters who talk like Yoda (seemingly every single one not named Jay Bilas) Learn English if you're going to use it to make a living.
  3. People who call every service member a "hero." A hero does something heroic and calling someone a hero for volunteering for military service cheapens the word. I'm a veteran, not a hero.
Merry Christmas!


Aug 24, 2011
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People talking on cell phones at 6 am in the morning.
People who park in the middle of the line, taking up 2 spaces
People who hold up the check out line with a million questions and price checks
Loud talking people on planes and trains
People who talk during movies at the theater
Dogs that bark overnight

This brought one up for me. It seems like nearly every time I have gone to as show or performance at a theater in the last few years, I have a person or people who sit near me who talk through the show, pretty much ruining it for me. I will eventually ask them to be quiet and this has not stopped it either, followed by an insistent "request," which also did not stop this one "trophy wife-type" who maybe was very high or an idiot, not sure.
Aug 26, 2011
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People who park at a gas pump only to go in and buy cigarettes…….

People who are line already when I'm just picking up milk at a convenience store and are buying zillions of lottery tickets……..

People in the "fast lane' who drive real slow but seem to think they own that lane………

Truck drivers who feel they can switch lanes when ever they want and even when you're half way down their trailer……..just because they have a big truck!

The people who hacked into my company credit card this week and stayed at a hotel after eating dinner and shopping at Dick's the same day in California……….

Any customer who dares to buy from anyone but me…….

Any Grinch acting person at this time of year……..

Merry Christmas to All
Aug 27, 2011
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People who say "supposibly"
People who make themselves plaural as in "we'll see ya"
People who throw cigarette butts on the ground;
People who don't understand that Gampel provides a much better home court advantage than the XL center;


Dink & Dunk beat the Greatest Show on Turf.
Sep 10, 2012
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People who piss on toilet seats
Asking for a small/med/lg coffee at starbucks is politically incorrect

Wait. Do you think that it is wrong to order a sm./med./lg. coffee from Starbucks or that the coffee server shouldn't snicker at the gall of the customer? I believe the latter is the grievance.

I've avoided Starbucks like the plague since 2005 so whatever, but I believe a person should keep their trap shut when they have so much metal in their face to disrupt satellite signals. Also, spare me the art house retort when the reason you can't get a non-minimum wage job is because the hole in your earlobe makes the skin touch your shoulder.


Connecticut UConn Husky
Aug 26, 2011
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The new format for CT license plates : 0ABPR5 Criminals rejoice - no one will be able to read let alone remember that cluster.

Chin Diesel

The timing could not possibly be worse
Aug 24, 2011
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People who have posted more than once on this thread. If you can't spew your grievances off the top of your head, it's not really a grievance.

People who think only fast drivers paid taxes to build the left lane. We all pay taxes for the road and all have the same right to travel in each of the lanes.

Conference realignment breaking up Bilas, Rafferty and McDonald.

People who get upset over regional colloquialisms. I've learned to love "might could" and "fixin' to".

People who just up and leave their home and let it go in to foreclosure and stick it to the rest of the neighborhood to upkeep their yard or be forced to live in a neighborhood that sucks. And the same people who don't think there should be any consequences down the road for the decision to let it happen.

People parking their Ford F-250 in compact car spots in parking lots/garages.

People who watch dook games on ESPN and then come on message boards acting all surprised that Patrick and Vitale are sucking off K during the telecast.

The person in charge of the athletic department when UConn hired PP.

People who get upset at what other people listed as grievances.

People who take literally any thing written in this thread.


Really Popular Poster
Aug 28, 2011
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  • The general service at the chipotle near west farms mall.
    • You've got one responsibility and 9 ingredients, move the damn line
    • You don't need to sweep, you don't need to move the bags of chips from the bottom shelf to the top shelf
    • You don't need to stand and talk in the back
    • Keep 4 people on the assembly line and the rest of the crew preventing stock out on the fajita veggies
    • It ain't rocket science.
Aug 26, 2011
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A couple more……

People at the bar calling the bartender "Hey" or "Buddy" or "Sweetie" when they don't know them…….or pounding on the bar with their empty glass or bottle……..

People who call you "big guy", "big man", "pal", "Partner" or "buddy" when they don't know you that well at all…...

People who sit outside in their car while they scratch their lottery tickets only to go back in and take more time from us!

And also anyone who thinks that Gampel is that much better of a home court advantage than Hartford could be…..(back at ya bass - lol)


Sitting on this Barstool talking like a damn fool
Nov 16, 2012
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Cigarrette smokers. I hate how they smell and the fact that none of their cars contain ash trays. The world is not your garbage pail.
Slow drivers in the passing lane.
Cell phone talkers while driving.
s that think their vehicle can drive at any speed in any weather.
People that talk in the middle of aisles instead of moving to the side.
Texting instead of talking. Sometimes a call just makes sense.
The difference between what I pay in interest on my home and what I receive in my savings account.
Anyone that seems to live their life with their head up their arse. Either pull it out and act like a normal person or move to the side and stay out of my way.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Jeff Hathaway. STILL.

The stupid, stupid profanity filter on this site.

CNN - whenever I went to the gym this week, they were rehashing the Duck Dynasty "controversy". Now, I happen to think the guy should get fired, or whatever, but I don't think CNN should be spending 20 minute chunks on this, there's clearly more important issues that actually impact people's lives. But they are trying to prop up their ratings just by getting channel surfers to spend 40, 50 seconds...

Christmas music at the mall. Not the Bing Crosby type stuff, but the Christina Aguilera type modern versions. Holiday music is annoying enough but do we really need to hear the version by some person who came in 5th place in American Idol 4 years ago? No, we don't.


UCONN Grad class of 1970, living in Brookings OR
Aug 26, 2011
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People who use the word "Irregardless". I love the Urban Dictionary's definition that states "Used by people who ignorantly mean to say regardless."
Aug 27, 2011
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Sales people who call me "buddy"
Anyone calling me "buddy"
People doing 50 mph in the left lane....get the hell out of the way!! You can do 50 in the middle or the right lane
"Media" outlets that create news instead of reporting news (I'm looking at you Bristol)
People who argue about Constitutional Rights they do not know or understand
People who defend "real Americans"
Parents who complain about the quality of thier children's education while being the main barrier to a good education
Parents who think their bad acting children are cute...they aren't they are annoying (and i love children)
Idiots watching a show about a family of quirky rednecks who are now offended one of them said something off color.....this was a surprise to you?
Participation awards.....only winners deserve trophies. Losers get the chance to get better so they can one day stop losing. It is called growth
The new rules "protecting" QB's and WR's.....I thought this was football
People who think Twitter is a good thing
David Ortiz
Aug 25, 2011
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People who have posted more than once on this thread. If you can't spew your grievances off the top of your head, it's not really a grievance.

Wow..... No you didn't!!
Nov 29, 2012
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Every single person on the rush hour D Train in NYC/Brooklyn.
I lived in Borough Park for about a year and the D Train was easily my biggest grievance. It came about once a week, was delayed at almost every stop, the trains were old and the conductors annoying as hell. And now, of course, I live along the 4/5/6 line and have a whole new list of things to complain about.
Aug 26, 2011
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Hipster bags from Brooklyn who want to shout at everyone how great Brooklyn is. Hey, f*#kstick congratulations you have restaurants and bars....guess what we have that in Manhattan, and so does Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island as well as any place else. Take your "vibe" and stick it up your a@#.
People that dress up their dogs
The c#$ktoast that built our house.....figure out how to use a level a&*face, We bought a used house I had no oversight of the build, unfortunately.
The guys that widen my driveway everytime they plow snow. I don't need you reclaiming my lawn a foot at a time. It's not that hard to plow Cletus, figure it out.
People that insert their religious beliefs into any narrative be it face to face or social media.
The MTA for not having a bus come down the street for 25 minutes, then having 4 in a row show up. Come on man, really.
Bike lanes and pedestrian malls in Manhattan....F&%k you Bloomberg
People that look sideways at others for drinking X or eating Y. I drink and eat what I want, you eat and drink what you want. If you want to drink toasted dingleberry and fumunda cheese lager good on ya, but don't assume that anyone else that isn't drinking it has an inferior palate.

Ah, that was cleansing. Thank you.

Merry Christmas
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