BCU and Rutroh - a study of ineptitude | Page 4 | The Boneyard

BCU and Rutroh - a study of ineptitude

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UCONN Grad class of 1970, living in Brookings OR
Aug 26, 2011
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I hear the food is good at BC though, so they've got that going for them...which is nice
Do they serve Mac and cheese with jalapeno & bacon?
Aug 27, 2011
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JonRothstein12:44pm via TweetDeck
BREAKING: Rutgers has fired Eddie Jordan, sources told @CBSSports.
I'll give RU props for trying to do something to make a change. I look at BC and see nothing but a school with their hand out...only caring abut hockey now. Things won't change there athletically until they get a new president. It's enjoyable to watch them wither on the vine...you reap what you sow!
Oct 11, 2011
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Aug 27, 2011
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Aug 27, 2011
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@Woof 101 put this up in the Ultimate Double thread on the football board..it definitely fits here too:
This may be of interest to this thread..... http://bceagles.com/watch/?Archive=1436
Very long but very insightful of the BC situation. Steve openly states that BC is not a school that can get 4 or 5 star players! This while addressing the booster club. The BC Gridiorn Club and introducing the new players on board along with the coaching staff.
Former HC Paul P is introduced with fanfare to only look disheveled and not prepared. His chum / peeper keeper, nothing he knows how to out smart. :D
The MC carries on about having Paul on board and not having to play him up at Syracuse again. Never mentions what a failure he was here.
Sad state of affaires for BC as they never show the crowed and from the sound it was very small. Again very long but don't miss Paul at -16.34 . Inspirational to say the least. ;)


Mr. Positive
Aug 24, 2011
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BCU says they are all about academics. So go ahead and join the Patriot League already. It would be perfect for them with the natural rivals that will come with.
Dec 25, 2011
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In general, college sports are cyclical and any team can have several bad years. What is unique about BC right now is that 2 of their marquee sports are in that downward cycle at the same time. In addition, the university leadership has been appeared to be reluctant to spend that ACC cash to seek out higher level coaches and improve their facilities, which have been an issue for over a decade now. Until there are shovels in the ground and bank-account with money in it set-up for such, the recent announcement to build an indoor football practice facility and other improvements looks more like damage control PR than anything.

I was also surprised to see in the other Globe article on BC is the lack of diversity in BC sports and university leadership. The Boston area has a strong, negative reputation in the area of diversity and while as prevalent as it was back in the '60's, its still there, especially among some of the old Boston institutions. I have a friend who moved to Boston several years back to work for a large family owned company and she has a very diverse background. She left after 2 years unable to deal with it anymore and went to Atlanta. College recruiting, both athletic and academic, is a diverse game nowadays as reflected in the US's changing demographics. Concerns over diversity in and around BC will only make it a harder road for their primary sport programs to do well, especially when tied to all of their other issues.


All posts from this user are AI-generated
Aug 25, 2011
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I was also surprised to see in the other Globe article on BC is the lack of diversity in BC sports and university leadership. The Boston area has a strong, negative reputation in the area of diversity and while as prevalent as it was back in the '60's, its still there, especially among some of the old Boston institutions. I have a friend who moved to Boston several years back to work for a large family owned company and she has a very diverse background. She left after 2 years unable to deal with it anymore and went to Atlanta. College recruiting, both athletic and academic, is a diverse game nowadays as reflected in the US's changing demographics. Concerns over diversity in and around BC will only make it a harder road for their primary sport programs to do well, especially when tied to all of their other issues.
Having lived in CT, Philly and Boston, I find the general diversity comments kind of interesting. I was not in Boston at the height of racial tensions. Philly is so different from Boston - my impression of Philly was that pretty much everyone was black or white. I worked in a black community in north philly and about 85% of the workforce was black. I didn't really think of that as diverse. Boston today has hugely diverse neighborhoods/communities - lawrence is dominican/puerto rican, lowell is cambodian, quincy is chinese, west rox/southie is irish, mattapan is haitian, dorchester is vietnamese, framingham is brazilian, sharon is orthodox jewish and tons of portuguese communities on the south shore. I definitely see the lack of diversity in executive circles, but there is a ton of diversity in Boston proper.

Concerning BC's BOT, I'm not surprised at the lack of diversity. Ironically, my company's CEO (a cuban american) was a BOT member until BC showed a lack of business loyalty to us. He left soon after that. No big surprise but they'd be touting his presence if he was still there.
Dec 25, 2011
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Having lived in CT, Philly and Boston, I find the general diversity comments kind of interesting. I was not in Boston at the height of racial tensions. Philly is so different from Boston - my impression of Philly was that pretty much everyone was black or white. I worked in a black community in north philly and about 85% of the workforce was black. I didn't really think of that as diverse. Boston today has hugely diverse neighborhoods/communities - lawrence is dominican/puerto rican, lowell is cambodian, quincy is chinese, west rox/southie is irish, mattapan is haitian, dorchester is vietnamese, framingham is brazilian, sharon is orthodox jewish and tons of portuguese communities on the south shore. I definitely see the lack of diversity in executive circles, but there is a ton of diversity in Boston proper.

Concerning BC's BOT, I'm not surprised at the lack of diversity. Ironically, my company's CEO (a cuban american) was a BOT member until BC showed a lack of business loyalty to us. He left soon after that. No big surprise but they'd be touting his presence if he was still there.

Fair point; but, it is also telling. Boston metro is very neighborhood centric and it is clear which demographic dominates a specific neighborhood whether it be Mattapan, Lawrence, or Southie as you mention. When I lived in the city, I did not notice it myself until I started to travel for work. In the burbs of Detroit for example, I noticed how many mixed racial groups would go to a movie, a game, a bar together. Very rarely saw that in Boston. When I went from a corporate job in Boston to a corporate job in New York City, I immediately noticed the difference in the number and the level of different races in the office. Circling back to BC's issues, Boston itself has a bad history with race. In many instances, a university is on the forefront of trying to change such an environment whether it be real or imagined. Looking at their boardroom, BC is clearly not one of those institutions and that will only hurt BC in the future with respect to attracting athletic and academic talent.
Jan 15, 2014
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. Boston today has hugely diverse neighborhoods/communities - lawrence is dominican/puerto rican, lowell is cambodian, quincy is chinese, west rox/southie is irish, mattapan is haitian, dorchester is vietnamese, framingham is brazilian, sharon is orthodox jewish and tons of portuguese communities on the south shore. I definitely see the lack of diversity in executive circles, but there is a ton of diversity in Boston proper.


The forced busing days of the early 70's by the Ruling Elites that lived in the tony suburbs of Boston did cause the residents in the City of Boston to have their lives made worse by having the children exchange one bad school for another bad school miles across town. The Democrat Party social experiment is today regarded by most Academics and regular people as a complete failure in every measurable respect. The good news is that today the city of Boston has far less racial strife than ( for example ) large cities such as Baltimore, NYC, Los Angeles, Chicago... or if we are honest about it.... even New Haven, Connecticut. . However, it is true, that BC needs to do more in the post Skinner era to bring in more players of color to its basketball team. BC made a mistake in firing Skinner in my opinion. BC is at its lowest level of combined Basketball, Football right now that I can ever recall. For Uconn football fans however, this is a great opportunity to take advantage of this and to beat BC in their matchup with BC in football this coming November. The only true way for a school to legitimately claim that its at least the equal of BC in football in New England is to finally win a football game against them. Otherwise, all the ongoing talk about how really, REALLY, bad BC is in football these days could say something very unflattering about a football program that just could lose to BC once again ' Just a thought, anyway.
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Jun 17, 2013
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The forced busing days of the early 70's by the Ruling Elites that lived in the tony suburbs of Boston did cause the residents in the City of Boston to have their lives made worse by having the children exchange one bad school for another bad school miles across town. The Democrat Party social experiment is today regarded by most Academics and regular people as a complete failure in every measurable respect. The good news is that today the city of Boston has far less racial strife than ( for example ) large cities such as Baltimore, NYC, Los Angeles, Chicago... or if we are honest about it.... even New Haven, Connecticut. . However, it is true, that BC needs to do more in the post Skinner era to bring in more players of color to its basketball team. BC made a mistake in firing Skinner in my opinion. BC is at its lowest level of combined Basketball, Football right now that I can ever recall. For Uconn football fans however, this is a great opportunity to take advantage of this and to beat BC in their matchup with BC in football this coming November. The only true way for a school to legitimately claim that its at least the equal of BC in football in New England is to finally win a football game against them. Otherwise, all the ongoing talk about how really, REALLY, bad BC is in football these days could say something very unflattering about a football program that just could lose to BC once again ' Just a thought, anyway.

I'll give you a "like". Should be a well attended, fiercely fought game this fall. Let's hope so. The problem is that it should be happening every fall (and winter in BB). Nice easy road trip for both schools. When BC opted for the greener (only in money) pastures of the ACC, the opportunity went bye-bye. Can't blame you for that even though AH Blumenthal did. In 2011, you should have encouraged, not blocked, our membership in the ACC though. It would taken a bigger man to do so, but that was the right way to go. I don't think you guys had much to do with the Louisville decision because you have some academic integrity. But in 2011, we should have been asked to join. BC had the chance to rise above the fray and it didn't.
Jan 15, 2014
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Things are beginning to thaw out a bit between the leadership at BC and Uconn, The fan narrative that BC is " too scared to play Uconn in football, and so won't " has fallen apart. BC football is at its lowest point in awhile, but BC scheduled the Uconn- BC game anyway. So if a school was " scared " of a game, its logical to assume that school would not schedule one. While a football game with BC does more for Uconn than it does for BC, I'd much rather watch BC play Uconn, than BC play Duke, Wake Forest, and the like. I would imagine Uconn football fans would even prefer watching Uconn play BC, than Uconn play any of the AAC teams.... or even more than half the B12 teams, should Uconn eventually wind up in the B12 to play the schools most of whom are predominently based in the Southwest corner of the US.
Nov 10, 2014
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Things are beginning to thaw out a bit between the leadership at BC and Uconn, The fan narrative that BC is " too scared to play Uconn in football, and so won't " has fallen apart. BC football is at its lowest point in awhile, but BC scheduled the Uconn- BC game anyway. So if a school was " scared " of a game, its logical to assume that school would not schedule one. While a football game with BC does more for Uconn than it does for BC, I'd much rather watch BC play Uconn, than BC play Duke, Wake Forest, and the like. I would imagine Uconn football fans would even prefer watching Uconn play BC, than Uconn play any of the AAC teams.... or even more than half the B12 teams, should Uconn eventually wind up in the B12 to play the schools most of whom are predominently based in the Southwest corner of the US.

I agree with you that both the fan bases of BC and UConn want to see them play. I disagree that BC has more to lose than UConn. As you mention BC is at its lowest point ever. Most independent fans and media sources universally recognize UConn is currently a better athletic program. BC may be in a P5 conference but their play the last couple of years has indicated they are P5 in name only. UConn may be relegated in the G5 but their athletic performance is at the P5 level.

UConn is trying to show it can build a P5 level football program...losing to a BC team that did not win a conference game last year does not send the right message. UConn is still auditioning for a P5 spot....BC is will keep cashing their ACC checks regardless of the outcome.

Previously BC ducked UConn since they had more to lose. Now BC wants to play UConn because they have more to gain. If BC can beat UConn that will help silence the critics who claim UConn would be a better addition for the ACC.

BC needs to reenergize its program and that means scheduling some games fans want to see. Neither UConn nor BC will likely be ranked when they play but the teams and fan bases will be circling the game on the calendar. The biggest mistake BC ever made was thinking that regional competition was a negative. BC and UConn are better when they play each other...when BC eliminated its rivalries, it eliminated its relevance. BC and UConn should be in the same conference even if they hate each other.


Providence-Newark-San Antonio
Aug 26, 2011
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BC and UConn are better when they play each other...when BC eliminated its rivalries, it eliminated its relevance. BC and UConn should be in the same conference even if they hate each other.

Not even if they hate each other but because they hate each other. That's what conferences used to be all about.
Jan 15, 2014
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I agree with you that both the fan bases of BC and UConn want to see them play. I disagree that BC has more to lose than UConn. As you mention BC is at its lowest point ever.

Not to split hairs, but to clarify my remarks above, I did not state that " BC is is at its lowest point " ever ". ( I said " in awhile ). I was in the stands in '78 for example when BC under Coach Ed Cheblek was winless at 0-11 in football that season, and was shut out that season by Umass 27-0. Later that season the BB was found losing to Holy Cross, Stonehill and the like. Things do go in cycles however. BC has won regular season Atlantic Division football and basketball titles since joining the ACC, and they have been in the cellar in both basketball and football too. I know some in the media think that BC will not bounce back from their current last place positions in ACC Basketball and football, but many of them tend to be unfamiliar with the history of BC football and Basketball that since WW2 has had both its ups and its downs, but BC has rarely gone more than a few years without bouncing back again. The suggesion we read in some quarters that BC will never become competitive again in either football of basketball could prove prophetic.. who knows,... but it would have to overcome 60 years of historical data from the past that shows otherwise for this to become true in the future.
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Feb 22, 2014
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If BC would rather watch its teams play UCONN than probably half of the schools currently in The ACC, why have they fought so damn hard to see to it that it never happened? It smells like fear to me, but I'll be nice and say it was likely arrogance. Glad to see someone over there has smartened up and realized that regional rivals put as*** in the stands.
Jan 15, 2014
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If BC would rather watch its teams play UCONN than probably half of the schools currently in The ACC, why have they fought so damn hard to see to it that it never happened? It smells like fear to me, but I'll be nice and say it was likely arrogance. Glad to see someone over there has smartened up and realized that regional rivals put as*** in the stands.
Syracuse will be BC 's annual football rival game, imo. In order to have a football rivalry, both school's and its fanbases have to recognize it as such ( Uconn knows this from Central Florida's position re. Diaco's quest to make Central Florida, Uconn's football rival.). BC voted for Uconn's admittance to the Big East, when Uconn made its quest to join. BC also voted " yes " for Uconn's quest to join Hockey East. BC does not want Uconn in the ACC, but if Commish Swofford and the other ACC school Presidents wanted Uconn in the ACC, they could have acted on it at any time, and BC could not have stopped it on their own. That said, BC, under their new AD Bates, did agree to play Uconn in football again ( and against the wishes of Uconn's Jim Calhoun, and quite a few BC older alums ). The vast majority of younger students at BC now come from outside of N.E however., so for most of them, putting Uconn football back on BC's schedule draws no more than a shrug from them at seeing Bates add Uconn to its football schedule for a game every few years or so.
Jan 15, 2014
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Not even if they hate each other but because they hate each other. That's what conferences used to be all about.
More of the current students at BC " hate " for just one example... Rutgers... far more than they " hate " Uconn. For the simple reason that BC currently has far more of its students from the combined states of NY- NJ, than it does from the state of Connecticut. BC also has far more students ( and alums ) that " hate " ND than they do Uconn. For the simple reason that lots of their Alums and current students applied to ND but did not get in. Its been that way for 50 years between BC and ND. Same with the BC football players. Most of them get really up for the ND football game because many of them were not recruited nor believed good enough to play football for Notre Dame. To this extent, BC feels the arrogance of ND as much as Uconn feels the arrogance of BC. For history buffs here, ND resisted playing BC in football for a lot longer than BC resisted returning to playing Uconn in football again. So the older BC fans such as myself, know full well how you people feel about being slighted by a school and fanbase such as BC that disrespects you and your football program and doesn't think of you much at all these days.
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Aug 26, 2011
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