Battle for 9 | Page 5 | The Boneyard

Battle for 9

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How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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Long thread that parallels other previous threads.
Reno - while this thread makes it seem that you are alone on the board, in previous iterations there have been other boneyard regulars that have taken a position in favor of a renewal, or simple ambivalence. While I was around during the meltdown, I was not personally involved but respect the opinions of those that were.
Boo - excellent historical perspective, but I would replace the 'rumors' lead-in to your bullet points with the more direct 'accusations'. I think that is more accurate for most, if not all of the points.
What I found incredible about the complaint filing was that it included simply verified false statements - the whole thing with the ride being given to Maya by two former Uconn players who were actively playing in Russia at the time was incredible. That an institution of higher learning would put its name on something that included such shoddy research reflects very poorly on UofTn. As for 99% of the rest of the complaint - petty is not a strong enough adjective.
On the sequence with the HOF - it seemed to me that Holly was sincere originally, Geno and Uconn said 'Sure, after you apologize'. And then Tennessee dumped Holly under the bus and said 'not interested, and never have been.' And everything Holly has said since is trying to save her face in TN.


Stats Geek
Aug 25, 2011
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Careful, if my recollection is correction (major assumption) the Maya ride accusation did not originate with TN. I believe that the allegations were formally sent to the NCAA from the SEC, whether this is because individual schools are not allowed to send directly to the NCAA or if it is just a protocol, I do not recall, but I recall that the TN allegations were sent to the SEC, who then filed with the NCAA. The ride allegation was around the same time; I don't recall whether a different school also sent it to the SEC, who included it in the same package, or if the route was a little different, but I think many have mistakenly assumed it originated with TN.
Nov 20, 2011
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What's the gain under the current conditions in the south lands? Nada. Warlick is a puppet in the whole manipulative Vol communication system, and anyone who thinks UConn should wade into the Vol morass has a pile of disconnected neurons.

Scientists say the universe is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons. They forgot to mention morons.:)

I agree, we don't need that game without an apology. If we do meet in the NCAA's, the starters should play the entire game regardless of how far ahead. With the ball and 8 seconds remaining in the game and up by 50, take a timeout and draw up a play for the last shot. Who's bitter?


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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Careful, if my recollection is correction (major assumption) the Maya ride accusation did not originate with TN. I believe that the allegations were formally sent to the NCAA from the SEC, whether this is because individual schools are not allowed to send directly to the NCAA or if it is just a protocol, I do not recall, but I recall that the TN allegations were sent to the SEC, who then filed with the NCAA. The ride allegation was around the same time; I don't recall whether a different school also sent it to the SEC, who included it in the same package, or if the route was a little different, but I think many have mistakenly assumed it originated with TN.

The rumors at the time were that it originated with Georgia. The Tennessee board pushed that


Stats Geek
Aug 25, 2011
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The rumors at the time were that it originated with Georgia. The Tennessee board pushed that

Yeah, I recall Georgia being mentioned, but I don't recall if it was confirmed. I assume it goes without saying that a TN message board claim isn't exactly confirmation.


Sky Soldier
Aug 24, 2011
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About the time Holly was appointed Head Coach of the LadyVols, I posted my opinion that she now had the worst coaching job in the country (due to Pat's continued presence and involvement). Frankly, I think she's a good coach and seems to be a good person, but I stand on my original opinion because more recent events have done much to verify it.
Dec 23, 2011
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Seems to be a lot of debate still on resuming the series and getting the rivalry back hopefully to the level it was..... I have always thought that rivalries are much of the reason people are drawn to any sport, WCBB included, and the 2 top should play each other each year..... giving the national fan base the excitement they want..... and that the sport needs..... Hail to the top 2 programs who have stood the test of time over the last quarter century, consistant winners, frequent trips to the final 4, unquestioned premium coaching.....let's hope UConn and Stanford keep their series a long time!


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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The Tenn program publicly insulted UConn, then publicly accused the Husky coach of cheating, suggesting that a cheater should be fired. If this had been the NFL, the league would have suspended and fined the offender. But how does wcbb sanction a saint? It would have done a great deal of harm to the image wcbb likes to project. To suggest that UConn simply forget the matter would require, IMO an admission from the source that the comment was uncalled for and untrue would go a long way to mending the wounds. I'm not holding my breath.
As a wcbb fan the two teams need to play. It would be the wcbb media event of the year, something wcbb needs desperately. Fan dislike for each draws interest from the general public. There is a reason Mr. Springer's TV show has lasted.
What you say makes sense but I cant forget. I cant forgive Tenn Pat the Mods the Fans or MMC for what they tried to do and until they admit what they did was wrong and tell the truth about their intentions were and come clean then Geno and UConn can not agree to play Tenn. I don't think some of the new UConn fans understand what was involved and what UConn had to go through. The intent was to destroy UConn and Geno. The intent was to not cripple UConn but to take them out. Tenn can no longer compete with UConn. This about this now. This season the NC is in Nashville Tenn and I would think TV and the media would like nothing more then a UConn Tenn final. If Tenn is put in UConns bracket or gets an easy bracket or some technicality happens like a call with .0002 seconds left or if the clock stops or Tenns opponent has all their top players in foul trouble or they foul out or Tenn goes to the line 45 times to their opponent's 10 then you have to wonder if somebodies behind the scenes are looking for a rematch. Then UConn will blow them out by 35+ and the hatred will start all over again. For the good of WCBB keep it as a memory and don't resurrect the devil. It can never be the same as it once was. The scars on UConn Geno the coaches and former players will never go away and will be a reminder of what Tenn tried to do to UConn. Pat and Tenn should've been disciplined and the Mods banned. JMO.


You Know Who
Aug 15, 2011
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You know, that word has been kicking around with me too in reading this and many a prior thread. IMO, only one Boneyarder was even inconvenienced by the Tennessee "onslaught." Because this narrative of people being subjected to personal agony seems to be hardening into accepted Boneyard lore, it might be well to set the record straight.
I beg to differ, my friend. Kibitzer, a 75+ year old in a wheelchair, got called on the carpet for having the temerity to give a $2 sign to Ernie DelleDonne that said something like, "Elena, we love you". It was a no-no, of course, but certainly not meant to influence EDD's recruitment. It was simply a gesture from an older fan that gets a great deal of enjoyment watching Our Girls, especially now that he's not able to get about much. What a ration of you-know-what that elderly gentleman had to endure! I believe Kib still kicks himself to this day for his action. And, of course, the Tin Foil Hat Brigade extrapolated Kib's kind gesture into "proof" that Geno was buying houses for recruits' parents. Oh, brother.

And I personally got invited up to UConn Compliance for a genial chat about what fans & boosters are allowed to do and not allowed to do . While everyone was very nice and very polite I don't particularly wish to speak to Compliance under those particular circumstances again, thank you very much.

Now, I have no beef with the average Tennessee fan. Like any fan base, probably 95% are perfectly nice, perfectly reasonable folks that just want to enjoy watching their team. It's the Tin Foil Hatters that can take a hike, as far as I'm concerned.
Nov 20, 2011
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Seems to be a lot of debate still on resuming the series and getting the rivalry back hopefully to the level it was..... I have always thought that rivalries are much of the reason people are drawn to any sport, WCBB included, and the 2 top should play each other each year..... giving the national fan base the excitement they want..... and that the sport needs..... Hail to the top 2 programs who have stood the test of time over the last quarter century, consistant winners, frequent trips to the final 4, unquestioned premium coaching.....let's hope UConn and Stanford keep their series a long time!

You sure surprised me with that last line. I thought you were talking about Rutgers, Notre Dame, Texas A&M, Duke, or NC.:D


Tobacco Road Gastronomer
Aug 26, 2011
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Sometimes its interesting to see how these preseason threads with predictions turn out...... some posts were highly prophetic... others... not so much :oops:

I guarantee Tenn wont be in the championship game. I'll drive to Knoxville and buy a Lady Vols Tshirt if they do.


I dont see the #4 team in the ACC making it to the final 4. I could definitely seeing the top 3 ACC teams in the final 4 along with UCONN.

If UNC makes the final 4.... I'll walk drive to Chapel Hell and purchase a Carolina Hat, shirt, and a sweatshirt

oh no dog.jpg

Lets go Stanford :oops:


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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Triad - you will not complete the vow you took unless you also post a picture of your self in said hat, shirt and sweatshirt! So you really do need to do all your voodoo magic for a Stanford victory!


Don't Look Up!
Aug 26, 2011
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This season with the Nashville venue and the preseason predictions of a possible final 4 tilt between UConn and Tenn I decided to become a regular lurker on Tenn game days on VolNation. In part this was spurred by the lack of objective information from news reporters who follow the Vols as well as no insights offered by the Coach W in post-game pressers. People may remember that in December and into January HW was lamely saying they had not really worked on offense yet this year (or maybe it was defense) no matter, it was nonsensical. There is a small % of posters there who do offer some reasonable analysis and debate about the Vols strengths and weaknesses.

There was a cost to doing this. With no predictability the slander of Geno and UConn would flare. If a poster would point to Geno's coaching, that would pretty much guarantee a rant or two about the "undeniable facts" that Maya was seduced to UConn with a house for her mother and a shop space for her inside the UConn student store. Also surfacing are vile personal attacks on Geno's character. It is all crap of course, but it has become dogma in Vollyville.

There are signs of change. There have been frequent discussions about wanting a coach other than HW. Nikki, Jeff, GG, Mitchell and a couple of others regularly come up. Geno sometimes comes up in their replacement coach discussions, usually with the qualifier that he would never leave UConn unless for a men's job (that one cropped up just yesterday - they are apparently unaware he has been solicited and declined a number of times). The poster of a Geno suggestion is not banned for life, nor are they and their mothers subjected to ridicule. That's progress of a sort, huh?:confused:

You can count me among those who would just as soon see no UConn Tenn game for the foreseeable future. It is an act of mercy for Tenn and its followers, since the beat down (and it would be a beat down) would cause huge emotional damage (not to mention recruiting injury to Tenn). However, I am motivated by what motivates tonyc and the other right thinking membeers of our little community. ;)


Aug 24, 2011
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Sometimes its interesting to see how these preseason threads with predictions turn out. some posts were highly prophetic... others... not so much :oops:


View attachment 5480

Lets go Stanford :oops:
Triad - you are one of my favorite non-UCONN Posters on the board. Between you and Cam, I think both of you have helped a lot of UCONN fans set aside their dislike of the Duke men's program, and appreciate (if not actively root for) the Duke women. I was won over years ago but I really enjoy your posts. I hope you continue to visit with us for a long time!


Aug 24, 2011
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Does anyone else think UT will become the new LA TECH?
I don't think Texas will, no. With regards to Tennessee, honestly, as much as I hate them, no way not ever.

Having said that, I do believe if Russell were deciding this year, she's choose L'ville over Tennessee. I think she thought Tennessee would be the superior team, but it's terrific seeing them flounder with a team filled with HS AA's while L'ville is still dancing with a team filled with blue collar players.

Now, as long as Tennessee remains in the SEC, and I think it's obvious they will be there forever, and as long as they continue to land top 20 kids, they will always be "relevant". However...while you need top kids, it's NOT all about recruits. Tennessee has shown it can't even beat teams like Maryland who have MUCH less talent on paper, never mind teams like UCONN, ND, or even Stanford, Louisville, and now Maryland. These teams all have at least 1 player who is very close to the best player in their class (Ogwumike, Schimmel, Thomas). In their class of 2014, they haven't even gotten a kid who is in the top 15 composite (Nared is about 21 composite and their highest recruit). For 2015, the only top kid I see them with a chance of landing is T'ea Cooper. (and btw 8 out of the top 20 kids in that class h ave already verbaled to schools - Texas leading the way with 2...)

Point is, after landing Russell, it's possible the next 2 Tennessee classes could end up without a single top 10 player. Talent like that would allow a coach like Walz, McGuff, Staley and a whole host of other up and coming young coaches to get their teams to the elite 8 and possibly final 4. But Tennessee has shown that even with the following top 5 HS kids on their roster (Burdick, Massengale, Graves and Russell), they still can't get out of the elite 8 - 6 years and counting.

In 2016 they should land top 5 guard Crystal Dangerfield - she's from Tennessee and I believe has been to a ton of Tennessee games already. But they way that team is developed and coached, it won't be enough. Now that's just my opinion based on what they have and what it seems they could potentially be getting going forward. Next season they will have one of the most talented teams in their history on their roster on paper. They lose Simmons but get back Tucker, Massengale, and everyone else will be a year older and presumable better. BUT they will have to get past SC in their own league, never mind UCONN, ND and Duke. Don't discount UCLA next year either. I think they could overtake Stanford as the best team in the west.

It remains to be seen what the future holds for them. But La Tech? We can wish for it, but I think it will never come to pass...
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How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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Does anyone else think UT will become the new LA TECH?
It is a different world today and with TN having facilities and money and the SEC I just don't see it. Will they become an LSU, or KY, or other similarly up and down mid-level team - I think they already have. Pat led them to an 8-5 championship record and an additional 5 final fours between 1982 and 2008 - 18 in 26 years, a just phenomenal record - and since 2008 ...none. Holly can say the FF is in TN's DNA, but in recent years it looks like that gene has mutated. Six years in the wilderness is the definition of 'down' and while they have been a decent team for that stretch ...


Wise Woman
Aug 23, 2011
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I like Holly. She seems genuine, works hard and cares about her players. She'll win a lot more games at Tenn because she'll continue to recruit good talent and coach them well enough to compete for SEC championships and Final Fours. Still, there's a lot missing. Against better competition in the post-season, her teams have been easy to defend and easy to score on. She had no answer when asked why her gameplan against Alyssa Thomas didn't work:

“Well, when we game planned, we wanted to limit her touches. We wanted to force her right. We wanted to keep her off the boards,” said Tennessee coach Holly Warlick. “She did just about everything she wanted to do. I thought she came up with big rebounds when they needed them. We just didn’t have an answer for her tonight, and I don’t know why.

When asked why her team played nervous and scared in consecutive NCAA tournaments, she couldn't explain that either.

Holly is going to have some lineup decisions to make next year that won't be easy.


How it is
Aug 26, 2011
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I like Holly. She seems genuine, works hard and cares about her players. She'll win a lot more games at Tenn because she'll continue to recruit good talent and coach them well enough to compete for SEC championships and Final Fours. Still, there's a lot missing. Against better competition in the post-season, her teams have been easy to defend and easy to score on. She had no answer when asked why her gameplan against Alyssa Thomas didn't work:

“Well, when we game planned, we wanted to limit her touches. We wanted to force her right. We wanted to keep her off the boards,” said Tennessee coach Holly Warlick. “She did just about everything she wanted to do. I thought she came up with big rebounds when they needed them. We just didn’t have an answer for her tonight, and I don’t know why.

When asked why her team played nervous and scared in consecutive NCAA tournaments, she couldn't explain that either.

Holly is going to have some lineup decisions to make next year that won't be easy.
I agree that she will continue to win more games than she loses at TN as long as they keep her around and she will get some good recruits, but ... I think it doesn't take many more years of lackluster NCAA runs and less than exciting basketball to dim the luster of TN as a destination for top recruits. And while I don't think players will transfer away from the program, I wonder just how 'enthusiastically' they will come across on recruiting visits. I do think she is a good person but I am not sure how dynamic she is personally one-on-one with recruits - I certainly don't think she is very dynamic in press conferences.
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