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Battle for 9

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Mega Monster Moderator
Aug 15, 2011
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"Holly" is very close with Summitt and I don't think she would have taken the step she did without Summitt's okay. The power-that-is in Tenn athletics is Dave Hart and I'm sure he has no problem with playing UConn.

I agree on the closeness but am not ready to agree that she did not feel that it was her program to make this kind of decision, then was forced (by that closeness to Pat) to backpedal after she found out the feelings of the powers-that-be. And I was not referring to Dave Hart as the PTB. ;)


Wise Woman
Aug 23, 2011
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I agree on the closeness but am not ready to agree that she did not feel that it was her program to make this kind of decision, then was forced (by that closeness to Pat) to backpedal after she found out the feelings of the powers-that-be. And I was not referring to Dave Hart as the PTB. ;)

One final thought on this. The whole evening at the WBHOF seemed so orchestrated, the Holly speech praising Geno and his program, the gifts, etc. It's just difficult for me to believe that Holly got out over her skis on this one. BTW, I do think the teams will agree to play again while Holly and Geno are still coaching.


Mega Monster Moderator
Aug 15, 2011
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One final thought on this. The whole evening at the WBHOF seemed so orchestrated, the Holly speech praising Geno and his program, the gifts, etc. It's just difficult for me to believe that Holly got out over her skis on this one. BTW, I do think the teams will agree to play again while Holly and Geno are still coaching.
And I'll agree to that belief...when the PTB influence is gone.
Dec 23, 2011
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This thing with Holly - I just think back to 06-07 when all this stuff was happening vis a vis NCAA..... Pat was the driver, but Holly was all buy-in I am sure..... I e complicit. There is no way she did not put her 2 cents in if she is the upstanding leader and all around good person everyone says she is..... I don't see the whole NCAA accusations as a Pat thing but as a UT thing..... If she wants now to resume something, then something in the form of explanation/apology has to come from her as well as UT.....

And as for having plenty of rivals..... I don't see the riveting rivalries like UT-Kentucky, and UT-LSU stirring a national fan base that once coveted the UT UC matchup....

Maybe Holly can bring UT back to glory..... there is a ways to travel yet though


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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People please don't read into anything. Tenn the Summitt mod(s ) the Tenn fans and Pat tried to dismantle UConn to save their butts. At the time there were only 2 teams in WCBB that fought for the top recruits. Tenn and UConn. Geno was challenging Pat. He eventually won by getting commitments from Maya Caroline and EDD. Pat was left grasping for straws and offered everybody left a scholly and she got most of them. The empire in Tenn was crumbling and when Geno got commitments from Maya Caroline and EDD Pat knew her empire was vanishing. Tenn was going to bring UConn down with their the petty, immature, idiotic 37 page report where they tried to bring down everyone associated with UConn and it backfired. Tenn tried to use their pull with Pat, to destroy what we know as UConn WCBB. They were relentless and they failed. Look where they are today. A bunch of fans living in the past with no hope. Read the other threads if you think Im kidding. Yes they hurt me and other friends who are UConn fans by having the compliance officer calling those fans at home. Come on this is WCBB. If UConns record against Tenn was 0-15 this wouldn't have happened. But UConn is undefeated against Tenn in NC games and holds a winning record against Tenn in the regular season. Uconn and Geno have replaced Tenn and Pat a top of WCBB When UConn got verbal's from the 3 elite players in that class reality hit Tenn and Pat. Thus the 37 page report was the last straw to take down UConn. It didn't work.

Don't kid yourselves Geno CD and the UConn administration hates Tenn for what they tried to do to the dynasty Geno built. This is JUST MY OPINION. I have no facts. After what Tenn Pat the rest of the Tenn loyalty tried to do to UConn Geno Chris Diana Sue Maya Caroline EDD, etc etc UConn will never ever commit to play Tenn in the regular season again even with an apology and explanation.
Sep 12, 2011
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The major X-Factor for UConn IMO....

Whether or NOT Moriah Jefferson can become a scoring threat. If she can hit open shots and get into the lane at a higher and more effective rate then this team (if completely healthy) is UNTOUCHABLE. She is the team's only true PG and if she can become a reliable threat then Geno can keep in the games longer and make us that much more deadly.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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X factor? Yeah, because MoJeff was so terrible during the tournaments run last year. Not. MoJeff simply needs to give Geno whatever he asks her just like in the tournaments. Doing that she and the team will be fine. If she scores 6-8 per game the team's golden. Anything more is simply gravy or piling on.

For me the x-factor this season is who or how will we replace Kelly's defensive shut down intensity.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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And I had another possibility floating in my mind on what transpired....I think Holly got her legs cut out from under her.

My theory was that Holly was reasonably honest about wanting the series to renew. She sees it as good for the Vols. I have no opinion if she thinks it's good for WCBB or for UConn but I don't think those were her motivations. I think that her motives were to better her program and that playing the most visible program in WCBB would be beneficial overall to hers. So she sees Geno, has an amiable chat with him and floats the idea. Then, when she gets back to the lair, the real powers-that-be let her know that it's not her program and that there will be no resumption of the series in the foreseeable future. She then proceeds to do the public back-pedal, saying nothing that upsets the existing Vol program stance on the matter. ..

Maybe I'm wrong but that's how I interpreted it as it unraveled real-time.
Sound pretty reasonable to me.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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It is certainly nice to know I have someone who is capable and willing to correct my opinions for me.
Well somebody has to do it. Just be thankful there are those willing to step up to the challenge. You can pretty much always count on it here on the BY.
Nov 20, 2011
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And I had another possibility floating in my mind on what transpired....I think Holly got her legs cut out from under her.

My theory was that Holly was reasonably honest about wanting the series to renew. She sees it as good for the Vols. I have no opinion if she thinks it's good for WCBB or for UConn but I don't think those were her motivations. I think that her motives were to better her program and that playing the most visible program in WCBB would be beneficial overall to hers. So she sees Geno, has an amiable chat with him and floats the idea. Then, when she gets back to the lair, the real powers-that-be let her know that it's not her program and that there will be no resumption of the series in the foreseeable future. She then proceeds to do the public back-pedal, saying nothing that upsets the existing Vol program stance on the matter. ..

Maybe I'm wrong but that's how I interpreted it as it unraveled real-time.
I have to agree with Biff. As John Altavilla reported: ",,,Sources have since told the Courant that Warlick will not reschedule UConn out of respect to Summitt’s wishes and that while Summitt’s relationship with Auriemma has apparently mended, Warlick apparently is not ready to forgive and forget."

It appears Pat is still in charge and Holly is still her lackey. Summitt is playing both ends against the middle. She'll publicize a renewed friendship with Geno, but continue the vendetta against UConn at the same time.


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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I read the article and I don't believe that Maya was the problem. I was told by a very close to the cuff, loyal Tenn fan that Tenn knew Maya was not going to Tenn but to UConn. Yes it was a big deal at the time because Maya was right in Tenns backyard, the SEC and Pat and Tenn were used to getting all the top players from the SEC area. To have Pats arch rival Geno take one of the most convetted players in WCBB right out of her back yard must have hurt.

This is the same Tenn fan who called me on a Sunday night at 8:25 pm to tell me EDD would verbal the next day to UConn. I knew EDD was not going to Tenn through a very reliable source and I don't give the names of my sources so please don't ask. When I got off the phone with that Tenn fan I called a couple of Yarders and my phone rang off the hook that night and next morning til the Tenn Newpapers made it official with an article. Makes you wonder how Tenn fans knew in advance doesn't it??????

IMO based on that reason the series between UConn and Tenn ended because Geno and UConn got the 2 most sort after game changing players at the time. Also Caroline who was considered by many the top point guard and she had played with EDD on the same AAU team at one point. It was also posted that Caroline attended one of Pats BB camps. That had to hurt too.

So what followed? Tenn fans were posting UConn and Geno are going to be sorry they did something wrong. No one would reveal what it was. Then at the final game in Hartford in January on a very warm 70 degree day a group of us were having lunch at City Steam when a group of Tenn fans came up to our table and introduced themselves. One said UConn and Geno were in big trouble and there would be an announcement coming shortly. Well there were 2 announcements. One the cancellation of the UConn Tenn Series and the 37 page NCAA alleged violation which for the most part the NCAA threw out making Tenn look like crybabys .

So why the cancellation of the UConn Tenn games? What is the real reason for the false accusations? We still don't know. There are many thoughts and many people with opinions about why but we really don't have the truth. So with that said, it was fun while it lasted, it was great for WCBB, but to go back to the snake that bit you, just can not happen. To much damage was done to to many people and a lot of work was created for the UConn administration. Even with an apology its not worth it. UConn has nothing to gain.

So to pass blame on to recruits, former players, coaches, UConn, and UConn fans without any evidence was petty and it hurt. Someday down the road we may know why it was done but I doubt it. I really doubt it. Those of you who have been on this board before this travesty started know you cant get anything out of Knocksville when it involves Pat. So for the betterment of UConn and everybody associated with UConn I say GO Lady Vols and keep on going.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I remember the reading the 'checker board' at the time. It was all about this supposed horrible thing that Geno did and the repercussions that it would have when it came out. Once the 37 age report came out, I wondered where was this damning revelation? French fries and phantom rides hardly seemed to foot the bill. When UConn got only a secondary, for calling ESPN for a tour that was available to the public... (To this day, I still think that this wasn't even worth a secondary. I just think that was mollification to Pat and the SEC.)... All we heard on that board was just wait, there's more and it's horrible, blah, blah, blah. In retrospect, coupled with Pat's non-specific "Geno knows refrain, it certainly seems like a concerted smear campaign with a short term goal of putting a stigma on our program in the desperate hope of gaining a recruiting advantage. Karma being what it is, it just led to the death spiral UTenn is in now. Slowly but surely they are dropping out of the top tier of woman's basketball. Ironically a principal beneficiary of that demise was their intended target. Kind of life lesson, don't you think?


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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I remember the reading the 'checker board' at the time. It was all about this supposed horrible thing that Geno did and the repercussions that it would have when it came out. One the 37 age report came out, I wondered where was this damning revelation? French fries and phantom rides hardly seemed to foot the bill. When UConn got only a secondary, for calling ESPN for a tour that was available to the public... (To this day, I still think that this wasn't even worth a secondary. I just think that was mollification to Pat and the SEC.)... All we heard on that board was just wait, there's more and it's horrible, blah, blah, blah. In retrospect, coupled with Pat's non-specific "Geno knows refrain, it certainly seems like a concerted smear campaign with a short term goal of putting a stigma on our program in the desperate hope of gaining a recruiting advantage. Karma being what it is, it just led to the death spiral UTenn is in now. Slowly but surely they are dropping out of the top tier of woman's basketball. Ironically a principal beneficiary of that demise was their intended target. Kind of life lesson, don't you think?
Yeah, the ESPN thing certainly did seem like Vol mollification, especially when you consider how many associations there must have been over the years with UTenn recruits getting nice little tours of the WBHOF. Just crazy.

And although obviously things are very muddled and disorganized in a quasi-Paterno type Knoxville (the old fading powerbroker part, not the sex scandal part, unless the raccoon rumors are true), it is clear that a too-insulated and paranoid Vol village has no self-awareness. I mean, how do you heat up the news lines with stories of inviting a UConn-UTenn series renewal and then immediately flat-out say that such a thing is not something that the school would consider? It just shows a total lack of bowel control and that Warlick is in the position of being a pathetic gagged puppet.

Fortunately for the Vols, very few recruits are aware of any of this stuff. Unfortunately for the Vols, they still need a coach.


Life is short, ride hard
Sep 3, 2011
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ctfjr you have no idea what I/we had to go through because of what Tenn did.

Indeed, ctfjr: the Tennessee complaint - which ended up going, not only to the NCAA, but eventually involved the FBI, as I understand it - named specific BY posters, and excerpted specific posts they had made (mostly in jest or hyperbole) on this board. To put it bluntly, Tennessee went after UConn players, coaches, and specific fans on this board: so, yes, it is personal, and, no, to my knowledge, the Tennessee program, administrators, fans, nor those who filed the spurious complaint, have never apologized or explained their actions. So, it isn't bupkis, nor fandom run amok on Tony's part.

Sorry to intrude on your martyrdom :)

I may be a casual poster here, more of a lurker, but I do claim to be a fan - after all I've been a season's tix holder for wbb since 1985. There is no one more vocal at games than I - sometimes maybe a little over the top :)

But let's face it - it is just a game after all.


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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:rolleyes: That's easy to say if you weren't personally affected in the process.
Absolutely. Hard to believe that 37 pages of boneyard posts and not one by me. But they made up for it by calling the FBI about my posting a link.

So, I can appreciate the vitriol. I might forgive them after enough time passes with an apology. Without it? Ain't happening.

I will apologize to many of the Tennessee posters that now visit this site. It's hard for me to give you the benefit of the doubt. I'll try to do better.
Aug 26, 2011
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Absolutely. Hard to believe that 37 pages of boneyard posts and not one by me. But they made up for it by calling the FBI about my posting a link.

So, I can appreciate the vitriol. I might forgive them after enough time passes with an apology. Without it? Ain't happening.

I will apologize to many of the Tennessee posters that now visit this site. It's hard for me to give you the benefit of the doubt. I'll try to do better.
I am far from being a Tennessee fan but, if I were, I would thank you for this last phrase. I do sense a certain “defensiveness/attack mode” on your part when it comes to Tenn fans as I don’t think many deserve your reaction to their posts, but I also certainly understand where you’re coming from. Had I gone through what you went through because of some of them, I would probably react the same way – if not worse.

My hope is that the decent Tenn fans who post here do not get discouraged by our defensiveness and continue to contribute to a healthy discussion on this board.
Aug 26, 2011
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There are many UConn and Tennessee fans that believe that or a variation thereof
But the rest of the country would love to see that game
and a game between us and ND as well.

I don't mind ND and I don't care what the rest of the country wants. I never,ever want to play Tenn again. I'm with Tony on this one. If you could have read what disgusting things that were posted about Geno, you wouldn't want to play them again either. I am sure there are some nice Tenn fans, but they are few and far between.
Aug 26, 2011
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Heck I am still angry that they have never apologized. I can even remember the names of the most disgusting posters. Maybe someday I'll post them. As for the Vol fans that are posting now I hold no ill will , I'm sure if you were around at that time and read the Vol board you would be disgusted also. Although you can pay $10. and read it now.


Aug 15, 2011
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Sorry to intrude on your martyrdom :)
You know, that word has been kicking around with me too in reading this and many a prior thread. IMO, only one Boneyarder was even inconvenienced by the Tennessee "onslaught." Because this narrative of people being subjected to personal agony seems to be hardening into accepted Boneyard lore, it might be well to set the record straight.

The NCAA complaint was born on The Summitt, its experimental charges adopted by Ms. Summitt & Co. against what should have been their better judgment, and let fly "anonymously." (Snicker, snicker.)

The motives for the whole pile of crap were basically low-down but clothed in smarmy good-of-the-game trappings. "Let's get the rules clarified." Bull. Why not clarify them with the Dayton Flyers?

But no one was harmed by having his or her posts included in the complaint. The objective was to show that Boneyarders were engaged in out-of-control recruiting efforts. The complaint failed. Hey, you always wanted to be published. Next case.

If your posts were quoted (more accurately, just reproduced en masse) so what? We always counsel 'Yarders to stay the hell away from recruits. Some listen, some don't, some listen but don't seem to get it, some act miffed at the bloody NCAA trying to tell them what to do.

In this instance, a few could've stood to be more circumspect in their posts, whether what they were doing was OK or not. We're a glass house here, aside from our ability to throw stones, and lots of noses are pressed to the window. Er, wall.

But no large men in trench coats came to 'Yarders' houses in the dead of night and removed family members for enhanced interrogation. Tony was and probably still is raked over the coals and mocked on The Summitt just for being Tony. If I were they (a hideous, practically unthinkable thought, rather like the first sentence of Kafka's The Metamorphosis), I wouldn't like him either. But he wasn't harmed by the NCAA complaint.

One of us had to put up with a half-hour telephone grilling by UConn compliance counsel over his cardboard signs with the neat limericks incorporating recruits' names. Unpleasant, perhaps, but the gentleman used to jump out of airplanes with people shooting at him. He can endure half an hour with a lawyer, even if he might sensibly find the company of Viet Cong snipers preferable.

The FBI thing had nothing to do with the NCAA complaint and happened years later. It sounds awful, but it was just a huffy online report of an unauthorized quote from a pay site that should've been, but wasn't, password or otherwise protected.

The huffiness may have been inspired by Doggydaddy's ongoing diplomatic efforts as regards the Summitteers. He kills them with kindness, but the vile creatures die hard.

The revelation of the existence of the complaint appeared you-know-where. Doggydaddy was never contacted and never in the slightest danger of indictment, believe me. At least not for this; I'll refrain from generalizing.

We've always been cooperative and indeed proactive about respecting copyrights and the like. People who are compensated to write can't have subscribers, for example, disseminating their stuff for free. A little direct communication and this rather impulsive invocation of Elliott Ness disappeared into the ether.

Yes, the whole effort by the Lady Vols management in that period of time to knock down UConn was ill-conceived, patently invidious and in the end demeaning only to its authors.

And yes, the efforts of the online LV contingent to perpetuate a shadow campaign of malicious innuendo and baseless, often ludicrous slanders of every sort are offensive. May they drown in their own bile, slowly.

That said, the rumors of truncheons and hot pliers being applied to Boneyarders' sensitive skin are greatly exaggerated. It's possible to get just a bit overly emotional about these things. The "victims" are, of course, free to detail their tribulations. But I'm not expecting it, and please don't. You have my sympathy in advance.


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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I posted a link to an unlocked public site (YouTube) containing a video of a public press conference after a Tennessee game.

The only issue that the Tennessee mod had with my post was her mistaken idea that she had made that video private. I did see the link in their site but at one time I had access as a scout member.

Earlier, I had posted a link to the paid part and was asked not to do it. The TN mod was quite upset. It explains her over reaction to my posting the video link.

Oh, one more thing. I suppose I was a little harsh in my assessment of Warlick in the video. I doubt that had anything to do with their reaction.

I certainly don't feel like a victim. An apology directly from Maria accusing me as she did would have been the right thing to do. But it was a long time ago. Do I enjoy bantering with the lady vol fans? Sure. It's easier from the top. Especially when they still believe everything is equal.

I can see how my jabs at them have bothered some, and as I said in another thread, I'll try to tone it down.
Aug 27, 2011
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I wasn't a poster here at the time of the 37 page complaint. I was a poster on the Summitt when Maria reported DD to the FBI. She publically accused him of committing a felony and said she was pressing charges and had contacted the FBI after getting legal advise. There were no ifs &s or buts about it. Her post was nasty, abusive and, as it turned out, dead wrong. In a matter of hours she learned that the link was not private and that there was no wrong-doing. Did she post an apology? No, in fact she continued to berate DD. Meanwhile, her cadres on their board laid into DD with the enthusiasm of rabid dogs. Maria was clever enough to delete her original, slanderous accusation and later, the entire thread. I actually posted a rather curt request for her to actually say she was wrong and apologize, for which I was attacked and vilified.
My problem with the whole UConn-Tenn BS isn't with the posters but with those mods on the Summitt and the Tenn athletic office. They both played a large role in inciting the troops, and when shown to be wrong, have yet to say sorry or even admit a mistake. In fact, the Summitt mods still to this day continue to allow some of the vilest posters to continue to tell lies and engage in name-calling.


Grampysorus Rex
Aug 26, 2011
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I wasn't a poster here at the time of the 37 page complaint. I was a poster on the Summitt when Maria reported DD to the FBI. She publically accused him of committing a felony and said she was pressing charges and had contacted the FBI after getting legal advise. There were no ifs &s or buts about it. Her post was nasty, abusive and, as it turned out, dead wrong. In a matter of hours she learned that the link was not private and that there was no wrong-doing. Did she post an apology? No, in fact she continued to berate DD. Meanwhile, her cadres on their board laid into DD with the enthusiasm of rabid dogs. Maria was clever enough to delete her original, slanderous accusation and later, the entire thread. I actually posted a rather curt request for her to actually say she was wrong and apologize, for which I was attacked and vilified.
My problem with the whole UConn-Tenn BS isn't with the posters but with those mods on the Summitt and the Tenn athletic office. They both played a large role in inciting the troops, and when shown to be wrong, have yet to say sorry or even admit a mistake. In fact, the Summitt mods still to this day continue to allow some of the vilest posters to continue to tell lies and engage in name-calling.

Thanks for reminding me how bad it was. I am scarred for life.

I cry when I drink orange juice.


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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Thanks for reminding me how bad it was. I am scarred for life.

I cry when I drink orange juice.
Things got way out of hand a few years back, even in terms of what Summitt-view veterans had taken to be normal (but crazy) conditions. I think the main thought that can be taken from it all is that UConn and UTenn are best when they're far apart these days, and there really is no reason to wish otherwise than some airy-fairy, can't-we-all-be-friends feeling among the self-appointed reasonable types. What's the gain under the current conditions in the south lands? Nada. Warlick is a puppet in the whole manipulative Vol communication system, and anyone who thinks UConn should wade into the Vol morass has a pile of disconnected neurons.

And DD, switch to blueberry juice. It's a better color, and according to the latest studies it's the healthiest of the fruit juices.
Aug 27, 2011
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Things got way out of hand a few years back, even in terms of what Summitt-view veterans had taken to be normal (but crazy) conditions. I think the main thought that can be taken from it all is that UConn and UTenn are best when they're far apart these days, and there really is no reason to wish otherwise than some airy-fairy, can't-we-all-be-friends feeling among the self-appointed reasonable types. What's the gain under the current conditions in the south lands? Nada. Warlick is a puppet in the whole manipulative Vol communication system, and anyone who thinks UConn should wade into the Vol morass has a pile of disconnected neurons.

And DD, switch to blueberry juice. It's a better color, and according to the latest studies it's the healthiest of the fruit juices.

The Tenn program publicly insulted UConn, then publicly accused the Husky coach of cheating, suggesting that a cheater should be fired. If this had been the NFL, the league would have suspended and fined the offender. But how does wcbb sanction a saint? It would have done a great deal of harm to the image wcbb likes to project. To suggest that UConn simply forget the matter would require, IMO an admission from the source that the comment was uncalled for and untrue would go a long way to mending the wounds. I'm not holding my breath.
As a wcbb fan the two teams need to play. It would be the wcbb media event of the year, something wcbb needs desperately. Fan dislike for each draws interest from the general public. There is a reason Mr. Springer's TV show has lasted.
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