It's clear that Alterique is playing with more confidence and less pressure, and his play has been much better as a result. Does that mean he's definitively turned a corner? Hard to say. But there's two things that seem to have been the key to his new mindset, both of which came out in Hurley's post-game comments:
1. AG benefits from not being the only capable ball handler out there, and playing with Gaffney in particular. Vital never really developed that skillset, which put a lot of pressure on Gilbert to initiate and create offense.
2. The time away seems to have been the right decision for everyone, and I'm impressed with his attitude about it coming back:
David Borges on Twitter
It's obviously an evolving situation, but given what we've gone through this year things at least seem to be set up for optimal development and team performance. Kudos to Danny and Al for sticking together through a trying situation.