If we have someone on the staff who has recruited Texas in the past, Texas makes too much sense to ignore. The "don't waste time with Texas" argument could have been applied to Florida when RE first took over if he didn't add Richardson to the staff then.
There was an old Sam Adams commercial that said (speaking of Bud and Coors) was "they spill more than we make". There are a number of states that "spill more than we make" when it comes to college football prospects. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, Florida and Texas all qualify (Maryland and Georgia also produce a lot more than we do but not to the level of the six mentioned). RE 1.0 hit NJ, PA and FL well from the start and during the last few years of his first run added Va and dipped his toes in Oh and Tx.
It shouldn't be unreasonable to believe that a quality recruiting staff can do a little better than we had at our best in NJ, Pa, Va & Fl and recruit Tx and Oh considerably better than we ever had in the past.