Honestly, the reaction by many people about Barnes’ actions is down right disappointing. Those who oppose fall into one of two camps:
1) Barnes is a woman. Male athletes swear all the time and no one bats an eye. But when females do it, all hell breaks loose and she becomes classless. Give me a break. If you are condemning Barnes, then get ready to also call Kobe Bryant, Brady Quinn, Peyton Manning, Tom Brady and many others as classless. The fact is, Barnes is a woman and this is why it’s getting so much attention.
2) Barnes isn’t affiliated with UConn. If you have a problem with swearing, then where were you during the Taurasi days? She dropped f-bombs like no other on and off the court.
Either way, Barnes as nothing to apologize for. She wasn’t being disrespectful to UConn, but to all those who doubted her team (ESPN and the NCAA def deserve it). Remember folks - you can swear AND still be a role model. SMH.