AP: University of Louisville facing accreditation issues | Page 4 | The Boneyard

AP: University of Louisville facing accreditation issues

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A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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You can make fun of them if you don't realize how stupid it makes you look.

It's like watching a bunch of losers sit in a computer lab playing dungeons and dragons claiming that the cheerleaders would be better off if they just got it.

Does anyone over the age of 28 have a job where anyone gives a crap where anyone went to school for any reason other than sports?

If you get past an entry level job has anyone ever asked where you went to school?

I think you need a Xanax and some time away from this board and breath while your at it


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I usually try to pray daily at my temple here in Pyin. There is a mantra for souls so tortured they cannot find the door to go forward. Whaler, you are truly a tortured soul; right often enough but little seems to comfort you and you delight in poking virtually everyone else. I know this is only a sports board but wow, you're really unhappy here and I wonder why you stay? Not suggesting you go away but I honestly feel sad for you despite not knowing you and being 10,000 miles away.

You feel sad for me because I think UConn's conference affiliation is more important than Louisville's accredition?

You don't have to worry about ol Whaler. If you were attending football and basketball games you might be more prone to an emotional response about where the programs are.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I think you need a Xanax and some time away from this board and breath while your at it

Thanks Billy - you aren't here either right? I apologize for being passionate I guess.

Maybe we'll all be better off when the rest of the college sports landscape has moved on without UConn and we lock horns with Rhode Island.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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Thanks Billy - you aren't here either right? I apologize for being passionate I guess.

Maybe we'll all be better off when the rest of the college sports landscape has moved on without UConn and we lock horns with Rhode Island.

No UConn needs to be in a real conference playing big time schools whether it is the Big 12, Big 10 or the damn ACC. No more Yankee conference teams, please.

Just an FYI I am frustrated as well and think UConn and it's fanbase has been screwed over enough and it is about time something good happens for the school and its fanbase.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Yeah Louisville is totally going to lose their accrediation. Done deal. They will be kicked out of the ACC by Monday.

The ACC is totally going to regret invinting them. Wait, what's that? They have a TV deal through the 2030's?

They are totally kicking themselves. The checks will totally bounce.
Nah I totally agree. I mean ever college wants to have their accredidation questioned. That's what they all are shooting for.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Nah I totally agree. I mean ever college wants to have their accredidation questioned. That's what they all are shooting for.

How exactly is Louisville's accredidation a matter of conference realignment?

How does it impact UConn?

Did you read the article?
Mar 29, 2014
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Nah I totally agree. I mean ever college wants to have their accredidation questioned. That's what they all are shooting for.

The problem appears to be that a school ought to have the right to screw itself. Can't have outsiders stepping in to fix it.

We determined that there is evidence of significant accreditation-related issues," Belle Wheelan wrote in a letter to acting university President Neville Pinto this month, adding: "The potential for undue political influence in institutional governance appears to be present."
Feb 10, 2012
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Let's all cry in our cereal because the B12 picked BYU and Cincinnati instead of UConn. When you grow up you'll realize there are a lot more important things in life than what conference UConn is in.
You know this to be true because...?
Aug 26, 2011
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I can't wait for the pre-season ''mathlete" rankings to come out... UConn will crush the
explicit formula for the Fibonacci Sequence.

UL is not losing their accreditation, UL is not getting booted from the ACC, and UL's academic profile is no better or worse before the article was written...and nor will it be better or worse because of or after.... and anyone who thinks the ACC really gives a damn about this.... you're kidding yourself. They don't. They got exactly what they wanted by inviting UL... solid sports with commitment to invest in athletics and win at all costs, southern roots appeased FSU, Clemson, UM, and GT, and ultimately got their TV deal. There's not a group of professors at Duke, UVa, BC, or UNC that are going to leave their current positions because they don't want to be associated with UL. The truth is none of the academia at ACC schools really consider UL to be a peer institution, and UL is fine with that.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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I'm talking about the output not the input. And like I said if it makes you feel better than curl up with your degree - but why anyone who is an actual adult with a resume would care about that is lost on me. Enjoy though.
"When I'm dead and buried in the ground, you know what's going to keep me warm??? My degrees, that's what! "

(that's a really old Kanye reference for the kids out there)


Kings of New England!
Jan 28, 2012
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"When I'm dead and buried in the ground, you know what's going to keep me warm??? My degrees, that's what! "

(that's a really old Kanye reference for the kids out there)
That's considered really old?? Wow...I guess I didn't realize how long it's been since that album came out....Getting old sucks
Aug 30, 2011
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I'm sure we all would be on these forums and holding season tickets if Maine and the like remained on the conference schedule for all sports.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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How exactly is Louisville's accredidation a matter of conference realignment?

How does it impact UConn?

Did you read the article?
Ah so is your new point is OP shouldn't have posted a thread about Louisville on the CR board or that we shouldn't post about other colleges at all?

Here's a thought, if you don't think it is relevant or interesting, maybe don't click on the clearly labeled thread? For that matter if you don't think the tweets in the non-key tweet thread are worth discussing, perhaps you can just avoid that thread as well?

Really Whaler, now that I think about it, it seems you feel the need to criticize or correct or advise on pretty much every post. If the notion that people on the board think about things in a different way than you do is so troubling to you, why don't you just set up your own board? Heck you could do it in Word, you wouldn't even have to be connected to the internet. While it would be tough for us to get by without your key insights (such as the tweets in the "non-key tweet" thread might be from credible sources) but I'm sure the rest of us just might muddle through... somehow.
Nov 10, 2014
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At the risk of ruining the "Whaler versus the entire BY" thread this has become perhaps the Louisville story could positively effect UConn in future P5 expansion.

Several teams are marketing themselves to the Big12 using the Louisville model (yes, I am talking about you Houston and Memphis.) These are basically lower academic schools who parlay a couple successful seasons of football with a huge investment in athletic infrastructure and then plead their athletics will eventually bring up the academics. The Louisville story shows it is more likely the house of cards will collapse and a school will revert to its former status as a community college.

Personally I hope every Big12 President sees this story. There are only 3 legitimate academics brands available to the Big 12...UConn, BYU and Cincy. But BYU has issues due to its religious affiliation and Cincy academics are below UConn. The more the Big12 President weigh academics the more it helps UConn. Having a current potential loss of accreditation story in the back of the Big12 President's thoughts as they decide is not a bad thing.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Ah so is your new point is OP shouldn't have posted a thread about Louisville on the CR board or that we shouldn't post about other colleges at all?

Here's a thought, if you don't think it is relevant or interesting, maybe don't click on the clearly labeled thread? For that matter if you don't think the tweets in the non-key tweet thread are worth discussing, perhaps you can just avoid that thread as well?

Really Whaler, now that I think about it, it seems you feel the need to criticize or correct or advise on pretty much every post. If the notion that people on the board think about things in a different way than you do is so troubling to you, why don't you just set up your own board? Heck you could do it in Word, you wouldn't even have to be connected to the internet. While it would be tough for us to get by without your key insights (such as the tweets in the "non-key tweet" thread might be from credible sources) but I'm sure the rest of us just might muddle through... somehow.

Is it really that upsetting to you that someone doesn't agree with everything that is posted?

Are you really that much of a b!tch that you are still crying about non-key tweets? I'm starting to wonder if you are just flat stupid you are so wrong on that topic but won't let go.

No one forces you to read my posts so why don't you take your own advice mr internet police.


Making the board a little less insufferable
Sep 1, 2011
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This thread is a dumpster fire
Sep 14, 2011
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If you get past an entry level job has anyone ever asked where you went to school?
I honestly can't remember if anyone ever asked me where I went to college in a job interview but I have hired people and on every resume I ever read the applicant listed where s/he went to college. And I looked at that information. Every time.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Is it really that upsetting to you that someone doesn't agree with everything that is posted?

Are you really that much of a b!tch that you are still crying about non-key tweets? I'm starting to wonder if you are just flat stupid you are so wrong on that topic but won't let go.

No one forces you to read my posts so why don't you take your own advice mr internet police.

Ironic. The guy who tells everybody on the board what to do and think starts crying when someone calls him out on it. Kind of sad, really.

You spend your 90% of your increasingly toxic existence on the board droning on about how the non-key tweet aren't real or in the case how the OP post doesn't effect UConn. Take your own advice chief and don't open those threads.

FWIW, your posts droning on about kind of inanity, dozens upon dozens, are unavoidable, absent using ignore, which I hesitate to do because, as you know, I actually think your posts are interesting when they are about substance.

Tell you what, how about you stop critiquing the rest of the board and I won't critique you? Seems like a a win/win to me.

I'm off for a while, so feel free to chirp in with some more sniffles. I'll take a look at it when I get back on later in the day.


It's what I do. I drink and I know things.
Aug 16, 2013
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Good lord! As much as I enjoy these boards, some of these threads turn to absolute pieces of . Childish stuff...

Nah, it's more like a Real Housewives of whatever. Maybe call it Real Posters of The Boneyard. Drama at its finest.
May 27, 2014
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So we can make fun on Memphis for having shitt academics because they're G5 like us but not Louisville because they schemed into an ACC that preferred a southern football school after the additions of two northeast predominantly basketball schools? So if Memphis gets the B12 nod over us, then that changes everything and Memphis is now a destination school? The BY really messes with my head.
Oct 2, 2013
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Let's all cry in our cereal because the B12 picked BYU and Cincinnati instead of UConn. When you grow up you'll realize there are a lot more important things in life than what conference UConn is in.
.....please, the starving children in the world need your support, so perhaps you should stop posting here. <-- tongue and cheek :) -Whaler does have a point, this is about sports. Now conference affiliation is supposed to be bigger than that. When universities together are in a conference, don't you think that you want to be in a conference with your peers? OK so UofLosers, to your point is not really losing when they get to laugh to the bank? Miami, Clemson, and USF are content because they get to rack in millions for their schools and their athletic budgets and in turn create an environment where kids want to go to the winning school. But what if UofL wins the ACC and kids simply need to send their application to get in? They graduate and find out that they are limited with their choices of where to work. Afterall, its those first 3 years that Whaler points out - where it "really" matters, and so what if you go to a school that never really gave you an opportunity. What happens to the star football players from Alabama who were great but unable to make it in the NFL? Where is their story? Does that degree help them, is their a booster club for the unwanted athlete? How many of us here make fun of BC for not investing in sports and yet that school as far as academics is concerned is certainly right on par with UConn. I do hate saying that but we can't be like the conferences - full of hypocrisy, so in the classroom and on the field is what UConn needs to do - so the administrators can address all the arguments as to why we belong! And as alumni or UConn fans or CT fans rooting for their home team - we just need to go to the games!
May 29, 2015
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Yeah the ACC and their TV network and deal until the mid 2030's is a joke. Having two of the five best teams in the country is a joke.

They have a real problem with putting teams in the national championship game.

Lol you're the most miserable poster I've ever seen in literally any board.

And before you respond with, "sorry my posting truthful realities offends your sensibilities," I assure you I don't care.
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